*Official LOST Season 4/5 Discussion Thread*

i was looking for Ethan
, but i guess harper was in his place
Here are some of my reactions to your points. I'm not digging to deep here, just giving myself something to do instead of my paper. Initialreactions:

- Ben's reference of the children

What did he say about the children again?
- Goodwin's burn

He was "experimenting" with the chemicals on Ben's behalf. Charlotte also says this isn't the first time he's used it (presumably thePurge). I'm guessing what we're supposed to take from this is that Ben is actually the one with the power to use the chemicals to kill (not thenewbies) and hasn't used it yet.
- Harper showing up out of nowhere, and disappearing out of no where.

By the creepiness and the general camerawork a la all of the halucinations and ghosts, I'm guessing that this was the Monster or Jacob (either have beentheories for the halucinations in the past; or they may be one in the same). If this is true, then by Harper delivering Ben's message, we get that Ben isin control of the Monster or Jacob's powers, even in Locke's basement.
- The title of the tape..."red sox"
Don't know... has somebody been wearing red socks?
- Ben saying, "your mine"
A foundation for a future conflict?
- Goodwin's burn
this is the only one ill put my money on seein as this has come up in some from be for.
its not a chemical burn(i think she even said it) i think it is a radiation burn why that one?
cuz i think that radiation is a huge part to this whole thing, we have seen a few people get exposureand we seen one have problems when he left the island. (NYC i want to kno wat you think about this)
I guess the Red Sox thing could either hint a connection with Boston or some kind of curse

The children thing, I dunno... I thought it just meant they would fully become Others... anybody have a more interesting take? Something to do with theirgrowth? Dead parents?

And was that the Orchid or was the "tempest" completely different?
^^ thanks for that, I never would have guessed.

So if Penny can communicate with the freighter, why not send a search party looking Desmond?

At the end of season 2, they showed the guys in some sort of Arctic location, they called Penny after they "found it", I wish we could learn moreabout that.
Spoiler [+]
No ethan sighting over here
and i was looking for him the whole time.

Pretty decent episode to say the least.
NYC, i dont see how red sox is related to "_____." Unless the time where Ben showed Jack the game. But only based on that, i would've neverguess that meaning.
- Goodwin's burn
this is the only one ill put my money on seein as this has come up in some from be for.
its not a chemical burn(i think she even said it) i think it is a radiation burn why that one?
cuz i think that radiation is a huge part to this whole thing, we have seen a few people get exposure and we seen one have problems when he left the island.even the line "the light dont break down right on this island" backs this up(NYC i want to kno wat you think about this)
Pretty kool episode for a filler but something else Ben said caught my ear. Why did he ask if the rabbit had a number? Could it be the Others used rabbits forvarious experiments? And is that important?
It was an OK episode which I'm guessing is due to the fact that it followed arguably one of the best ever.

The burn and the tape stuck out to me. I'm wondering though, does Ben know about Desmond and his connection to Penny?? I can't recall an instancewhere Ben & Des even interact... maybe I'm forgetting.
Why did he ask if the rabbit had a number? Could it be the Others used rabbits for various experiments? And is that important?

Yeah, a video was posted a couple pages back about those rabbits. It was, I guess, supposed to be another Orientation tape but they make it seem like it was a"cut"...or something. Also, when Ben takes out Sawyer to show him that they're in the "Alcatraz" part (Kate, Sawyer, and Jack beingheld captive, Season 3) he also shows him a rabbit for the "heart monitor" although I don't recall it having a number.
Originally Posted by ghost43t

- Goodwin's burn
this is the only one ill put my money on seein as this has come up in some from be for.
its not a chemical burn(i think she even said it) i think it is a radiation burn why that one?
cuz i think that radiation is a huge part to this whole thing, we have seen a few people get exposure and we seen one have problems when he left the island. even the line "the light dont break down right on this island" backs this up(NYC i want to kno wat you think about this)

Radiation has something to do about it, but Goodwin didn't have a radiation burn..he had a chemical burn. Radiation is important, but nothingsignificant.
Originally Posted by jrdnkiks213

Why did he ask if the rabbit had a number? Could it be the Others used rabbits for various experiments? And is that important?

Yeah, a video was posted a couple pages back about those rabbits. It was, I guess, supposed to be another Orientation tape but they make it seem like it was a "cut"...or something. Also, when Ben takes out Sawyer to show him that they're in the "Alcatraz" part (Kate, Sawyer, and Jack being held captive, Season 3) he also shows him a rabbit for the "heart monitor" although I don't recall it having a number.

Ok, I just saw the video while looking for the "big spoiler" and I must say the theory makes a lot of sense. It makes me more excited to see therest of the series
Originally Posted by craxyaznguy

NYC, i dont see how red sox is related to "_____." Unless the time where Ben showed Jack the game. But only based on that, i would've never guess that meaning.

I think this is the point that nyknicks is getting at when he put emphasis on Red Sox.
Spoiler [+]
The World Series is always in October. So the video with Widmore was filmed after the World Series in 2004. Am I right?
I don't understand why people keep thinking Sun and Jin are getting off.

The coming attractions next week said last person of the 6 so I dont see how it can be them.

Plus its way too obvious in my opinion. Or one gets off but not the other
this new spolier[+] thing is dumb.

i have to copy the sentence and open it
somewhere else because nothing it doesn't show up.
In regards to Goodwin's burn, Juliet said that she knows a chemical burn when she sees one. So it wasn't a radiation burn...NYC's right.
Originally Posted by gottagitdemjs

Originally Posted by craxyaznguy

NYC, i dont see how red sox is related to "_____." Unless the time where Ben showed Jack the game. But only based on that, i would've never guess that meaning.

I think this is the point that nyknicks is getting at when he put emphasis on Red Sox.
Spoiler [+]
The World Series is always in October. So the video with Widmore was filmed after the World Series in 2004. Am I right?

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