*Official LOST Season 4/5 Discussion Thread*

Obviously Jin made it of the Island.
I don't think that's a twin or a double.

I also think that Sun is in on it and knows he's alive but for some reason they needed to fake his death.

For some reason I have a feeling that he's working for the people that are working against Ben.

Therefore, Sayid vs. Jin sometime in the future.
Originally Posted by Purple Face


that was jin but that was a flash BACK he said that he was only marriage for 2 months and he was still workin for her dad.
Originally Posted by truestt


I googled it and found this...click if you want an explanation. It might not be right though

Ahh, that makes a lot more sense now
Originally Posted by Purple Face

Originally Posted by truestt


I googled it and found this...click if you want an explanation. It might not be right though

Ahh, that makes a lot more sense now

Yeh. That does.

My theory is

So now the Oceanic six are being killed off? Is Ben right after all? Sayid's not doing work.
hmm that was some awesome thinking but still confusing. after the desmond episode it is kind of hard to meet those expectations.
The only thing I don't get is what was the significance of the flashback..I mean I guess it was a good was to show Jin had pasted when their baby was born.
K my theory
Jin never made it off the island, yet is still alive on the island

When they found the bodies the captain of the boat was talking about, they buried all 324 in their hometowns, hence why there is a grave for Jin that has 2dates on the left side of the tombstone (for jin and suns bdays) and one date on the right side, which is 9/22/04, or the day that both of them"died" in the plane crash.

Sun just goes to the grave because it is the only thing that means something to her then just a picture or something. For some reason or another, i still thinkthat Jin is alive, on the island, while sun wanted to get off the island and had the baby.

I mean, why else would the captain BLATANTLY talk about the bodies being found and have it not correlate with that?
OK so it's obvious that Jin had a flashback or when he was still working for Sun's father and was running an errand for him. As seen in Sun'sflasfoward, Jin's dead. SOOO.. was Jin the one in the casket when Jack went to the funeral/wake and no one was there.
Wasn't it Dec 24th 2004 in the Desmond episode? And someone said in this episode that they were gone for 3 days. I think as Sun is part of the Oceanic 6,they made another cover up story that Jin died when the plane crashed. So in reality he died on the island sometime later on? I dunno that he'd still be onthe island without Sun..
For some reason I think Michael was in the casket because I think it said NY Man on the newspaper cut out.
I just thought about how it is 100% a flashback for Jin. The store owner when he's buying a panda says its the year of the dragon. That was back in 00-01if i remember correctly
I found this picture from lostpedia... I though I recognized the TV show with Nikki on in the background of Sun's room.


I can't believe there hasn't been an NYC post yet...
whos the dood that bumps into jin and makes him drop his cell phone?
whos the dood in the hospitAL hallway that she thinks is jin when shes in labor?
why does she ask the doctor to call jin? was he still alive?when she was in labor?
Where for art thou nyknicks????
Probably thinking of some story to tell us about how he was WRONG about the oceanic six

Jbug...you should ban yourself on purpose...this is the second time I've proved you wrong.
Sorry you guys...i totally missed the episode tonight, because i just stated to act in a play....I started to pick up acting part time, so i wont be able tocatch LOST on Thursday most likely. I just got in, so i will come and give my input later.
Great episode....my jaw dropped when Jin didn't give the Panda to his own kid.

I didn't figure out it was a flashback until after said incident. The old school phone should've been a giveaway, sameway it was when Jack had a nicephone in his flash forward.

I knew Michael was the spy, but it was cool to see that confirmed. He's got a lot of explainin' to do.
I think it's simple the whole thing is a flashforward. Jin is faking his death in order to protect Jin and the baby. He is still working for Sun's dadand he forced Jin to fake his death to protect them possibly from Widmore.

Or I can be completely wrong.
The entire thing can't be a flash forward, I'm sure that the whole Jin thing in this episode is just to throw everyone off. The cell phone gives itaway along with him saying he's only been married 2 months.
I thought it was pretty obvious that Jin is not dead. The date on the tombstone was the date of the crash. Of course, he did get a DUI and we all know whathappens to your character on the show when you get a DUI.
I don't see why Jin and Sun would be faking his death to everyone (Hurley, assuming the rest of the Survivors, and the world) but he would remain workingfor Mr. Paik and running errands for him. It doesn't make sense, but then again a lot of things on Lost don't.

I agree that it was a Flashback/Flashforward which helped lead to the cliffhanger (Jin's death). I knew it was Michael as the spy but why the name change,the help for Sayid & Des (assuming he opened the door, note), and where's Walt?

As for the break, I also thought they'd be taking one but they said "Next week on Lost..." is it after that episode or what?
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