*Official LOST Season 4/5 Discussion Thread*

If Michael's name wasn't changed the people on the boat would know that he was from the Oceanic Flight. As for the date of death, are you sure aboutthat? I didn't notice it, but if that's true, then maybe Jin is either alive, still on the island, or both. I'm sure everyone from the flight hadgraves as they revealed in the episode that they (Ben?) tricked all the families of the people from the crash.
Originally Posted by Purple Face

Wait a minute, if it was a flashforward and Jin is dead... then why did Sun wanted Jin with her?
Sun was being medicated, so it's possible that it just slipped because of that. Also, it was an intense time for her so she may have been obliviousto the fact that Jin was dead. Otherwise, it's possible that she knew that he was alive or that he died at some point between the birth and when Hurleyvisited her. This is unlikely though, because she didn't seem like she was that torn up visiting his grave. She seemed content that he had been dead for awhile, or perhaps is still alive.
She seemed content that he had been dead for a while, or perhaps is still alive.
I think she was content because she knows he's alive. Just somewhere else in Korea. Where's nycknicks at? We need his input!!!!!
Ok guys so, now that i've managed to have all my fellow cast members leave my apartment, and cleaned up the mess we made. I will fill you guys in. Mindyou, I'm very high and slightly drunk.

1. Mexican Soul you SUCK!!! And you need to stop posting...someone post screen caps of him saying he wont post.
2. The part about the karma, with Bernard and Jin....very important.
3. Someone is up to something
Spoiler [+]
(theory, maybe not really a theory?)
.......a few post's back.
4. The TV show.....and was that really a flashforward??? Polar bear??? DUM DUM DUM
4. The guy who bumped Jin...another factor

Next weeks highlights....again im very high, and it seems like i wont be able to type any longer so i'll leave with this.....
Spoiler [+]
Anyone have the trailer for next week? I Dl'd this eps due to the warrior game. But, Im very confused.

Looks like Jin had a flashback, and Sun had a flashfoward, however, what the hell was the doctor talking about when he says, we are calling Jin? Was he justsaying that to have her relax?

For some reason, when Sun opened the door, and I saw Hurley, I was like aw HELL NAW, baby CANT be Hurley's! That would be an insane twist to an alreadycrazy season.

Michael, better have a good explanation, I hate that dude with passion right now.
Originally Posted by Sriracha Hot Sauce

Anyone have the trailer for next week? I Dl'd this eps due to the warrior game. But, Im very confused.

Looks like Jin had a flashback, and Sun had a flashfoward, however, what the hell was the doctor talking about when he says, we are calling Jin? Was he just saying that to have her relax?

For some reason, when Sun opened the door, and I saw Hurley, I was like aw HELL NAW, baby CANT be Hurley's! That would be an insane twist to an already crazy season.

Michael, better have a good explanation, I hate that dude with passion right now.
trailers are all at: http://abc.go.com/primetime/lost/index?pn=index
My thought process in the final 5 minutes....

Oh, so Jin is not the baby's father. So it turns out that Sun is having some other guy's kid and now she divorced Jin and they're no longer happy.Is it Michael's?

Wait, now we see Sun. There's a knock at the door. It must be the father of her child.... It's........

Hurley? Wait, Hurley is the father of her baby? They got married? Especially when Hurley goes, "Is anyone else coming?" Sun says, "No." AndHurley smiles and seductively says, "Good."

Anyway, I figured it out now and it's pretty simple. Jin had a flashback. Sun had a flashforward. The Oceanic 6 are the only reported survivors of Flight815, so the rest of the Losties are simply assumed to have died on the date of the plane crash. This is why Jin's grave says he died 9-22-04.

Overall, this was a very emotional episode.... Sun telling Jin that it's his baby when they are in the tent got me.... And the moment where Bernard says,"We must be the good guys, huh?" is, in my opinion, going to be one of the main themes of the show. You have these crazy people (Ben, Widmore, Hanso,etc.) who claim to be the good guys, but in reality it is people like Jin who are the good guys. Somehow the island recognizes this and wants to reward thesepeople.... /rambling

As for the captain, LOL @ him pretty much using word-for-word the explanation that NT and Lost boards have come up with.... i.e. "Why would someone fake aplane crash? Only someone really powerful could do this."

"Where exactly does one come across 324 dead bodies?"

I can't figure that one out. He links it to Ben. But how?

And given the note saying, "Don't trust the captain," can we trust what the captain said today?

at the sickness and
at people recognizing this 2 weeks ago.

@ Jin speaking perfect English after only a couple months on the island. He doesn't even have an accent.
Originally Posted by davegfunk12

The entire thing can't be a flash forward, I'm sure that the whole Jin thing in this episode is just to throw everyone off. The cell phone gives it away along with him saying he's only been married 2 months.

Originally Posted by whywesteppin

"Where exactly does one come across 324 dead bodies?"

I can't figure that one out. He links it to Ben. But how?
word. i don't see the connection either.
unless somehow they turn out to be the bodies of the dharma initiative people? i don't think so, though.
The phone call Jin was receiving when dude bumped him wasn't even from Sun. We don't know the matter of the phone call. That whole scene makes it looklike Jin is being "set-up" to miss something.......but what ? He made it to the hospital with the giant Panda anyway.

remember that the spy is micheal, who is working for ben, so of course he doesnt want them to trust the captain. I think ben is holding walt from micheal yetagain, thats why he is doing this.

its looks like we're put back into the same situation of trying to figure out who the bad guys are.

btw Ben is the devil. The devil i tell you.
I'm thinking that Michael is the saboteur Ben sent to the boat. Then again, it seems like too obvious of a choice, and they might have just found him atsea.
Ben is a lier he knows how to leave the island or knows people on the outside that send him stuff (how can someone get that many bodys and another airplane?!?

Ben got ''the spy'''s kid and made him work in that boat (got him a job with his resources) why else chang his name?

jin stayed on the island in exchange for suns life and the child... thats why when sun had the baby she said ''get jin'' hurley said''good'' when no one else came cuz he hates everyone just like when micheal visited him he made him go

jin had a flashback! prolly pennys dad staged all that to make jin go to the island
just watched it...what the pho....

dayum,....i remember reading a spoiler on there that someone dies...but then i thought jin was a con...lol...
but hes really dead??? booooooooooo
Jin had a flashback! prolly pennys dad staged all that to make jin go to the island
I think it was Sun's dad who "sent" Sun and Jin to the island. Remember that he's the one who sent Jin to deliver those watchesin L.A.
Why does Ben have sugery on the island when he can access almost any country to get medical assistance? Would Widmore be able to find him if this happened?

Why is Hurly happy that "no body else showed up" at Sun's place? Who else would have shown up? What's going on between Hurly and Sun?

Donde Esta NYCNICKS?

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