*Official LOST Season 4/5 Discussion Thread*

Very good episode. I cant wait to see how the Michael/Sayid conflict plays out.

I thought it was pretty clear that Sun had a flashforward and Jin had a flashback by the end of the episode. The date of death on his gravestone is interestingthough along with Hurley showing up.
Originally Posted by aRog27

Jin had a flashback! prolly pennys dad staged all that to make jin go to the island
I think it was Sun's dad who "sent" Sun and Jin to the island. Remember that he's the one who sent Jin to deliver those watches in L.A.

I want to see Mr. Paik play a bigger role, and I think he will.
Couldn't the 324 bodies be those of the people that Ben gassed on the Island a while back.
It's been a long time and decomposition should have set in but hat's assuming Ben didn't preserve them for some reason.

Ben could def. get to the outside world quite easily and not only through that dinky submarine that Locke blew up.
well, the 'year of the dragon' comment by the shop keeper makes it obvious that its a flashback (5 February 2000 - 23 January 2001)... but still tryingto figure out the significance of the panda bear, if any... and the date on Jin's tombstone pretty much indicates that he died from the 'planecrash'? hmmm...

interesting theory on the 324 bodies from the gassed folks on the island, but were there that many on there?
Originally Posted by SinnerP

well, the 'year of the dragon' comment by the shop keeper makes it obvious that its a flashback (5 February 2000 - 23 January 2001)... but still trying to figure out the significance of the panda bear, if any... and the date on Jin's tombstone pretty much indicates that he died from the 'plane crash'? hmmm...

Jin didn't actually die from the plane crash. Remember Jack said only 8 survived the crash, and only 6 made it off the island. Claire obviously has tobe one of the two who "died" on the island. Jin falls into the category of not surviving the plane crash.
^ hmmm... good point... pullin my hair out tryin to make sense of all this...

This is the only show thats forcing me to try to notice every little detail (I had to freeze-frame the TV show on Sun's TV)... chances are, if the writersput it in there, its probably some clue... drivin me nuts...
didnt watch season 1 and 2 so can some1 help me out, whats goin on between Sayid/ Michael, it seems like they went through some stuff

And i really enjoyed this episode, I think Hurley doesnt want to see the others/ or doesnt like them because it seems as though some lie has been told thatHurley doesnt neccessarily agreee with but i guess it has to be told for whatever the reason the oceanic 6 see fit.
how can you not watch season 1 and 2??? homie, get to it. Season 1 and 2 were probably the most thrilling (and confusing) season of lost..
^ exactly... how can any of season 4 make sense to you? its not a show where you can just pick-up and understand... get to it son!
Question about the note on the boat? The note said "Dont trust the captain." But the stuff the cpt. was saying seemed pretty true, did Michael lie onthe note so Ben could keep his plan together?
I thought about that too. I'm pretty sure Michael wrote the note. I think we'll just have to wait and see what else the captain says.... If lastepisode was the only time the captain says stuff, then we can assume he was lying. But maybe next episode he'll say something like, "Kobe isn't aballhog," so then we'll know that that's the lie. It seems like everything he said Thursday was pretty accurate though as far as I can tell.
Originally Posted by SinnerP

^ exactly... how can any of season 4 make sense to you? its not a show where you can just pick-up and understand... get to it son!


i mean i didnt watch every episode i seen some like i seen when Micheal and jin took the boat and went out and then the others took his son thats all ireally remember
Anybody think the reason why Sun was calling for Jin when she was giving birth is because her conscience is traveling back and forth in time likeDesmond?
Anybody think the reason why Sun was calling for Jin when she was giving birth is because her conscience is traveling back and forth in time like Desmond?
That seems pretty far fetched. I think they put that in there to play with our heads with the conceptof Jin still being alive.

I wonder who dies next week though... Just thinking about individual storylines Claire hasn't really been important at all this season and we already knowAaron is in Kate's possession in the future so I think it will be her.
Just watched the Jin/Sun Episode again.
All I can say is that it was very touching like I was just watching a Korean Drama on American Network.

Sun=Wife Material

^ You can be banned for flaming ("nut hugger"). Edit that, please.

Don't get so arrogant that you make it a pissing contest to see who's theories/sources/ observations are more right... like we get points or something.

We don't get points, bud. This thread... this show... our observations/theories/sources/etc: entertainment. Let's keep it that way.

I've been getting a lot of emails and seeing a lot of debate in the comments section about exactly who the Oceanic 6 are.

They are Jack, Kate, Sayid, Hurley, Sun and Aaron.

That's exactly what I did last night; recount who we know is back on the mainland, and those were 6 of the 7 names I remembered.

Which begs the question: what about the 7th? We know Ben is back on the mainland, because we know Sayid is back on the mainland and he meets up with Ben.

And Michael's got some 'splaining to do.

And I just skimmed through the last 3 pages of this thread, and I didn't see one person mention the chained up girl that plunged to her death. The heck wasthat? It's funny, because at first I though 'Enh, probably just something thrown into the show to add to the 'scary' sentiment we'resupposed to be feeling about the boat.' But then I remembered a few weeks ago, nyknicks had said somethinglike 'Nothing on the show is an accident', and that's got me wondering now. Who was she? Why did she jump? Why was she chained?

Is there some station underneath the boat? Remember, the boat isn't moving (as Desmond pointed out to the doctor when the doctor was showing their room).SO it's entirely possible that the boat could be positioned over some station, and she was taking the quickest way to the station: being dropped with heavyweight.


MexicanSoul soul FTW?
Yup! I told you this nyc character was nothing but a self glorified insider that googles LOST to provide us "spoilers". He has to watchthe episode first to "spoil" us?
I'm a lostie just like the rest of you. I dont pop off just to pop off. When I reply I'm pretty certain in the words that I type. I'm prettyeducated and the only time I've been proven wrong was by mere pettiness because I spelled a name wrong

Fake "insider" self.

Can he be banned along with his main girl JBugg for their ignorance.
now i want to see a flashfoward of someone whose on the island, like locke, whose trying to survive against widmores goons.
^ It was Regina. She was the woman who answered the phone when Minkowski (sp?) stopped answering. She had the "sickness" which I'm guessingrelates to Danielle's crew who got sick too.
Originally Posted by Barack 0drama

I honestly think she just lost her mind and drowned herself using the chains as weight...

They kind of hinted at her losing her mind earlier in the episode...Notice her reading a book upside down.

Someone from another forum said that the boats proximity to the island is causing a lot of the crew to experience symptoms like Desmond did.
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

^ You can be banned for flaming ("nut hugger").

Don't get so arrogant that you make it a pissing contest to see who's theories/sources/ observations are more right... like we get points or something.

We don't get points, bud. This thread... this show... our observations/theories/sources/etc: entertainment. Let's keep it that way.

I've been getting a lot of emails and seeing a lot of debate in the comments section about exactly who the Oceanic 6 are.

They are Jack, Kate, Sayid, Hurley, Sun and Aaron.
That's exactly what I did last night; recount who we know is back on the mainland, and those were 6 of the 7 names I remembered.

Which begs the question: what about the 7th? We know Ben is back on the mainland, because we know Sayid is back on the mainland and he meets up with Ben.

And Michael's got some 'splaining to do.

And I just skimmed through the last 3 pages of this thread, and I didn't see one person mention the chained up girl that plunged to her death. The heck was that? It's funny, because at first I though 'Enh, probably just something thrown into the show to add to the 'scary' sentiment we're supposed to be feeling about the boat.' But then I remembered a few weeks ago, nyknicks had said something like 'Nothing on the show is an accident', and that's got me wondering now. Who was she? Why did she jump? Why was she chained?

Is there some station underneath the boat? Remember, the boat isn't moving (as Desmond pointed out to the doctor when the doctor was showing their room). SO it's entirely possible that the boat could be positioned over some station, and she was taking the quickest way to the station: being dropped with heavy weight.


Good point Ska. She didn't seem panicked either. She looked back and calmly jumped in.

I thought he put all the bodies in that pit...And they were all skeletons.
You're prob. right.

Then the other plane crash wasn't staged. It was real.

I'm starting to believe more and more that it all ahs to do with parallel universes. They prob. found a wormhole where they could move in and out andsome are trying to influence the future. Little do they know that is not possible. 2 separate universes are on 2 separate tracks.
Barack 0drama:
I honestly think she just lost her mind and drowned herself using the chains as weight...

They kind of hinted at her losing her mind earlier in the episode...Notice her reading a book upside down.
I took that as her hiding something, and when she heard someone coming, she grabbed a book and flipped it open, unaware that she grabbed it upsidedown. Like maybe she was doing something covert, heard someone coming, grabbed the book and flipped it open, and sat down like she was supposed to be doing.
mexicansoul, chill out my dude.

nyknicks has been wrong on some of the minor details, but overall he's contributed more to this thread than most people.
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