*Official LOST Season 4/5 Discussion Thread*

Originally Posted by HUSTLIN ON YOU

Just watched the Jin/Sun Episode again.
All I can say is that it was very touching like I was just watching a Korean Drama on American Network.

Sun=Wife Material


wifey's don't cheat son

do they?
Images dont work... but was that the book that Regina was reading upside down? If not what is the significance of it?
I hinted at the girl drowning herself when I mentioned the sickness.... ska, you could be right, but I don't think she was hiding anything. I think she wasjust losing her mind.

Note: I know back in December when we had the Oceanic 6 revealed and we had Jin instead of Aaron. This was due to the fact that my source who watch an early cut of Ji Yeon, like a lot of us, assumed the Jin part of the story was a Flash-forward and not a FB (The end scene was not on their cut of the episode). I hope this clears things up.
This doesn't disprove everyone. It just means everyone was right.... nycknicks gets the episodes early, just like all these other people(Kristen from E!, etc.). He probably saw the episode without the last scene. We shouldn't be surprised that the producers may try to throw off people whoget the episodes early...

  • A detailed synopsis of this episode, including the climactic "snake in the mailbox," was leaked onto the Internet several weeks before airing by Lostfan108. This created such a controversy that ABC, Disney, and producers Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse are currently investigating how the leak occurred.
I love how nyc can be the arrogant one with his "spoilers" yet the moment that Barack pointed out that I was right and HE WAS WRONG...my joy isviewed as arrogant and having people come to his rescue. Straight Hypocrites....yes, directed towards ska.

I've been in a LOST thread every season...and every season...without fail....nyc has been outted for faking his "insider info" and"spoilers" with just posting stuff that is readily available online.

Call it hate or whatever but I come at him with reason. People come in here for info on the episodes, not to be spoiled. He challenged me and I posted that ifhe was right I would never post and bless you guys with porn on my way out. I'm not the leading authority on LOST but I'm researching names and booksand rewatching episodes in my free time where I was confident in making that statement.

Nyc might be viable source to some of you and may have some of you on as cheerleaders but he is far from an asset to this thread. If you want me or anyone elseto spoil you, just wait for me to watch the episode, like he does, then tell you the jist of the episode then come back with my rhetorical theories disguisedas "insider info".
Originally Posted by jblackcat13

Alright dude. Calm down it's like you got a vendetta against him.

No vendetta. I politely called him on the oceanic six list and he came back with all his cheerleaders confidently spoiling that Sun and Jin were part of thesix...In order to push his chest out he made the wrong assumption and ended up spoiling this past episode which led to many NTers wanting to start a new threadwithout him.
I love how nyc can be the arrogant one with his "spoilers" yet the moment that Barack pointed out that I was right and HE WAS WRONG...my joy is viewed as arrogant and having people come to his rescue. Straight Hypocrites....yes, directed towards ska.

I've been in a LOST thread every season...and every season...without fail....nyc has been outted for faking his "insider info" and "spoilers" with just posting stuff that is readily available online.

Call it hate or whatever but I come at him with reason. People come in here for info on the episodes, not to be spoiled. He challenged me and I posted that if he was right I would never post and bless you guys with porn on my way out. I'm not the leading authority on LOST but I'm researching names and books and rewatching episodes in my free time where I was confident in making that statement.

Nyc might be viable source to some of you and may have some of you on as cheerleaders but he is far from an asset to this thread. If you want me or anyone else to spoil you, just wait for me to watch the episode, like he does, then tell you the jist of the episode then come back with my rhetorical theories disguised as "insider info".

Some people just don't get it (yes directed at you).

I hate tearing ignorant rants apart, but [dmx] here we go agaaaain [/dmx].

First off, I never said you were arrogant. I never labeled you arrogant. I never said you were being arrogant. I said, "Don't get so arrogant that youmake it a pissing contest." If you go to the store and I tell you 'Hey, don't steal anything,' does that mean I just called you a thief? No,it doesn't.

Second, people are allowed to be wrong; that's not against the rules. Show me in the rules where it says we don't allow people to be wrong.
You can't. So what if nyknickshas been wrong? You're talking about him being banned like his wrong-ness is against the rules. It's not, so there's no reason he should be bannedfor being wrong. It doesn't matter how confident he is before being wrong; the fact of the matter is still that he was wrong and you want him banned forit. And that's half-******ed.

Third, it doesn't matter how many threads you've been in; you still don't get to walk over the rules like you run anything. You could be thefreaking producer of LOST and you still would have to abide by our rules, and one of our rules is 'no flaming'. And 'nut huggers' is flaming.You could be freaking John Locke... not the actor that plays him, but the real John Locke, like he exists in real life or something... and you would still haveto abide by the rules if you were here. I would ask to see the bullet wound in your torso for proof, but... you'd still have to abide by the rules.

Fourth, you said yourself 'He challenged me'; the problem is that you've apparently taken offense to that, and now you hate anyone that listens tohim, calling them nut-huggers. Guess what? It STILL doesn't matter. That is STILL against the rules.

So lastly... how exactly am I being hypocritical? It's not against the rules to be wrong, so why should I tell nyknicks to watch the rules and only tell you? And... I didn't call you arrogant, just like I didn't call nyknicks arrogant. So where's the hypocrisy there? And if the hypocrisy is in some other form other than those two,then... where is it?

*hint* It would be awful mature of you to just realize you're wrong on all 5 accounts.
I'm sure you would expect I didn't get it... but it's good to see that (FOR ONCE!) I'm not alone.
*runs through a gamut of correlations*

Tom, John, Eli

Brady, Locke, Manning

One loss, miracle, champion

Loser favorite, clueless leader, champion underdog

I got nothing, dude.
didn't get the comparison, still....

Anyway, who cares who's right about what and when and how. I just want answers from the show.
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

*runs through a gamut of correlations*

Tom, John, Eli

Brady, Locke, Manning

One loss, miracle, champion

Loser favorite, clueless leader, champion underdog

I got nothing, dude.

I'd call him more of a confused leader than a clueless leader.
^ True. Funny thing is I almost went with confused.

Ben intervened and told me 'No, you're right; he's clueless. Go with that.'


P.S. I... still didn't get it, jblack. Good to see whywesteppin did, though.
Freaking guy gets everything.


Just kidding.

You are pretty intuitive, though.
Originally Posted by whywesteppin

Originally Posted by jblackcat13

John Locke will f*** up your s***

I wonder if you guys get the joke.

Good thing you didn't post the Terry Schiavo one.

its funny cuz tell i got this i didnt even think about how manythings/people he %*!%+% up

with that said im gone say i wouldnt want to be apart of his camp, waitin on the island to tell him to bring me out in the woods with him........
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

P.S. I... still didn't get it, jblack. Good to see whywesteppin did, though.
Freaking guy gets everything.


Just kidding.

You are pretty intuitive, though.

Thanks, man.

But I only started to get it after jblack sent me a dozen of them.

The idea is before and after, and the pic in the middle is what happened.

Before: Brady is happy
After: Brady loses the perfect season
What happened: Locke

I'm still not sure if I'm 100% right on all this....
Originally Posted by COOLnificent

Question about the note on the boat? The note said "Dont trust the captain." But the stuff the cpt. was saying seemed pretty true, did Michael lie on the note so Ben could keep his plan together?

That has bugged me however I look at it like this...
I think the Capt was telling half the truth about the crash being staged....everything he said wastrue except he is blaming Ben for it. I don't think Ben staged the crash....I think Charles Widmore did and that is where the Capt is lying. Just atheory...
Can he be banned along with his main girl JBugg for their ignorance.
coming from the ultimate ignoramus

clowns around here man...
EVERY spoiler site out there had the Jin included. so I was wrong and the spoiler sites were wrong.
why don't you just be a good sport, post the pron, get banned and just make this board a better place with your absence.
thanks. carry on.

On a final note, I'll predict that when Frank Lapidus is looking at the decaying body of the ring-less pilot on the news, he's really looking at a universally-course corrected version of himself in the cockpit of that plane. Because according to fate, he was supposed to be piloting flight 815. According to fate, he's already dead. Ohhhh……
So this is where I'm at...
I know that Jin was flipping out trying to get a stuffed panda to what we thought was Sun's labor. It turns out that Jin was taking the panda to somebodyhe or Sun's father works for.
THEN we see that Jin is dead?
Could this mean that they were doing a flashback and a flash-forward? Jin was flashing-back, and Sun was flashing forward...

I know this has probably been discussed, I just don't feel like finding it in the thread...
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