*Official LOST Season 4/5 Discussion Thread*

The producers mentioned Egyptians living on the island before DHARMA. Egyptians were used in the slave trade route in the 1800's, so did the Egyptians arrive on the island via the black rock?�
Good looks...I never heard that before.

Ben's mom died giving birth to him....now, what correlation does this possibly have with pregnant women dying on the island...
I feel dumb as hell for not makin' that connection...

That was interesting what they said about the island not having your back if you don't embrace it...That's because Jack is not a man of faith, He'sa man of science. He has yet to accept all the supernatural shh that's goin' on. He just kind of brushes it off.

And I was just about to post that clip...This N' Terrance Howard was talkin' all through their interview time...

Episode Title: "Cabin Fever"

Episode Centricity: Locke

Flash Type: Flashback

Episode Synopsis: "Locke is enlightened as to the whereabouts of Jacob's cabin, and life aboard the freighter becomes perilous." (Source: ABC Medianet)

EW's Jeff Jensen says: "The last three episodes include only one flashback, which the producers say will be a mythically significant outing for...someone.� The rumor: Locke." (Source: Entertainment Weekly, April 18, 2008 edition)

As follows are a couple of screencaps we thought might be significant:

On the freighter, it appears Lapidus and Keamy's crew have returned. Michael is concerned that someone (presumably Keamy) is going to kill everyone. Wasn't that Michael's job? Apparently something caused an about face.

It also looks like Michael and Keamy get into it.



Meanwhile, back on the island, we see Locke, Hurley, and Ben in pursuit of the cabin.

Somewhere along the way, they acquire a map with CABIN clearly marked on it.

They successfully find the cabin.

In perhaps the biggest #%! moment of the preview, we see Horace Goodspeed, who's been dead for 12 years (since the purge). He says they've been waiting for Locke.

He is seen chopping something with an axe.

He is also seen with a bloody nose, so we're not sure if he gets into a squabble with someone or what. Wow. This ought to be good.

If you're interested, here's the CTV video preview of the episode (it's quite a bit different than the last one):
So Ben killing his mom during birth and then the island births causing deaths hasn't been spoken on then? I'd like to find out if the Dharma people hadconceived on the island pre Ben

And I was just about to post that clip...This N' Terrance Howard was talkin' all through their interview time...

...and I'm not much of a Terrance Howard fan, but Ikinda feel he coulda done a little better with the Michael role (I know nothin about acting, but it does seem to be a tough role to begin with)

Looks like theres gona be A LOT goin on this week....Locke gona +#*# somethin up, somehow
Originally Posted by bodyfullapolo

The producers mentioned Egyptians living on the island before DHARMA. Egyptians were used in the slave trade route in the 1800's, so did the Egyptians arrive on the island via the black rock?�
Good looks...I never heard that before.

Ben's mom died giving birth to him....now, what correlation does this possibly have with pregnant women dying on the island...
I feel dumb as hell for not makin' that connection...

That was interesting what they said about the island not having your back if you don't embrace it...That's because Jack is not a man of faith, He's a man of science. He has yet to accept all the supernatural shh that's goin' on. He just kind of brushes it off.

And I was just about to post that clip...This N' Terrance Howard was talkin' all through their interview time...

�after watching that am really thinking its something UNDER them or atleast around them........watch and see
Originally Posted by allen3xis

What's with all this Egyptian/Ancient #+#$? That's one of the most interesting parts of Lost to me.
The producers mentioned Egyptians living on the island before DHARMA. Egyptians were used in the slave trade route in the 1800's, so did the Egyptians arrive on the island via the black rock?
That'll have to be tied in sometime.

I was on Lostpedia and found this thing about the mural seen in the hatch:


At the bottom of the page it gives its theory which includes thoughts on the four-toed statue and the black rock... It also has some pretty interesting images.

And I don't think they have talked about how the others made it to the island.
Originally Posted by bodyfullapolo

OK so im back and ready to do the usual....Not going to do a spoiler because the East Coast has already seen the episode. so i will just do a "things to look out for".

- Jack calling his dad, "a good story teller"
- Miles asking Claire "What did she see" when she said she was seeing things.
- Jake wanting to help with is own surgery....this is one of the major themes of the show.
- The entire convo Jack has with Hurley
- Christian Shepard's "attire"
- The Smoke detector going off, right before you see x-tian Shepard

I'll have more next week.
- I always thought that Christian was a major player in Lost, But what always kept me from fully embracing the idea was the fact that every time we saw him in flashbacks, He was like this washed-up alcoholic. He never seemed like he was in control of his own life...So how could he be in control of all these people and events? Could he be like a Keyser Soze character who doesn't appear to be what he is at first? The "story-teller" line is interesting. Could he be a liar/manipulator/conman? That would fit into the themes of the show...Almost every Lost character has lied or pulled some type of con at some point. I'm rambling, But let me know if Christian is a major player nyc...Just answer "yes" or "no"...

- Yea, I noticed that...I don't know what to make of it. Maybe Claire is able to see the dead also, But she just ain't tap into it yet.

- What theme? Saving/redeeming yourself? Or the fact that Jack always has to save someone...Even if it's himself.

- Yea, That convo was weird. I think that you and the writers are tryin' to swerve the audience who believes that they're all dead. Because I remember when Damon And Carlton Cuse said that they were not dead or in purgatory. They also said that Christian was dead for sure. I think they may just be using clever wording...They may be dead, But not in the sense that we all think.

- Those damn white shoes are killing me...
Why does this N' have on sneakers with a suit anyway?

- Yea, I made the smoke connection...What it means, I don't know. I'm lost on the "x-tian" hint.

1. yes

2. Not really, its more of a confirmation type thing.

3. Him being in control as a leader.

5. Again, refer to the episode where Locker teaches Walt how to play Backgammon. That particular scene.

6. When i drop tomorrows spoilers you'll know what i mean.

Originally Posted by Much Respected

Widmore could be Ben's constant
Thats probably why Ben can't kill Widmore.
NYknicks....if you're out there, can we get anything about tonight. I know you've had a pretty hectic schedule lately, but I'd appreciate it.
nycknicks105 wrote:
Originally Posted by Much Respected

Widmore could be Ben's constant
Thats probably why Ben can't kill Widmore.

wait if thats the case that means they have a long past together in some way....they need to stop playing with the flash backs i can see season 6 being allflash backs right now
Originally Posted by Barack 0drama

Originally Posted by Juicy J 32

Originally Posted by allen3xis

What's with all this Egyptian/Ancient #+#$? That's one of the most interesting parts of Lost to me.
The producers mentioned Egyptians living on the island before DHARMA. Egyptians were used in the slave trade route in the 1800's, so did the Egyptians arrive on the island via the black rock?
That'll have to be tied in sometime.

I was on Lostpedia and found this thing about the mural seen in the hatch:


At the bottom of the page it gives its theory which includes thoughts on the four-toed statue and the black rock... It also has some pretty interesting images.

And I don't think they have talked about how the others made it to the island.

I'm about to peep that now...

And I thought that the new NT search feature was supposed to actually work?

I can never find this thread with the search for the life of me.

I always search Ben Lynus and it works every time
Originally Posted by Juicy J 32

Originally Posted by Barack 0drama

Originally Posted by Juicy J 32

Originally Posted by allen3xis

What's with all this Egyptian/Ancient #+#$? That's one of the most interesting parts of Lost to me.
The producers mentioned Egyptians living on the island before DHARMA. Egyptians were used in the slave trade route in the 1800's, so did the Egyptians arrive on the island via the black rock?
That'll have to be tied in sometime.

I was on Lostpedia and found this thing about the mural seen in the hatch:


At the bottom of the page it gives its theory which includes thoughts on the four-toed statue and the black rock... It also has some pretty interesting images.

And I don't think they have talked about how the others made it to the island.

I'm about to peep that now...

And I thought that the new NT search feature was supposed to actually work?

I can never find this thread with the search for the life of me.

I always search Ben Lynus and it works every time

How the... thats not even how you spell his name.
Originally Posted by Much Respected

Originally Posted by Juicy J 32

Originally Posted by Barack 0drama

Originally Posted by Juicy J 32

Originally Posted by allen3xis

What's with all this Egyptian/Ancient #+#$? That's one of the most interesting parts of Lost to me.
The producers mentioned Egyptians living on the island before DHARMA. Egyptians were used in the slave trade route in the 1800's, so did the Egyptians arrive on the island via the black rock?
That'll have to be tied in sometime.

I was on Lostpedia and found this thing about the mural seen in the hatch:


At the bottom of the page it gives its theory which includes thoughts on the four-toed statue and the black rock... It also has some pretty interesting images.

And I don't think they have talked about how the others made it to the island.

I'm about to peep that now...

And I thought that the new NT search feature was supposed to actually work?

I can never find this thread with the search for the life of me.

I always search Ben Lynus and it works every time

How the... thats not even how you spell his name.

Are you questioning my LOSThood?

Just playing, but I've typed that variation of his name into a couple of my threads so it works every time to find this thread. So if its not brokedon't fix it right?

But anyhow, tonights episode looks awesome. One of my favorite characters flashback coupled with him rollin' around the island with Ben another one of myfavorite characters...

EDIT- Alex is looking fine in that video....
I was sad that Alex had to go....

I don't know anything about this week's episode yet. It'll be fun to watch an episode without knowing what's going to happen. Then again, Iprobably read a spoiler about it last week and have forgotten about it.
Originally Posted by whywesteppin

I was sad that Alex had to go....

I don't know anything about this week's episode yet. It'll be fun to watch an episode without knowing what's going to happen. Then again, I probably read a spoiler about it last week and have forgotten about it.

I've got a hunch that she's not gone. I think Ben did a little time traveling and saved her (plus, this is the island...people don't seem todie....i.e. Mikhail "patchy").
Can someone fill me in?

I missed the last 4 eps before it went off the air and missed the first 15 minutes of last weeks episode.
smh well im out my bro didnt pay the cable bill now im just thinking about how nice it would be to see it smfh
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