*Official LOST Season 4/5 Discussion Thread*

Since I don't think it's been mentioned, after Ben turns the wheel (on December 30, 2004), he wakes up in Tunisia on October 24, 2005.

So they set us up for another ridiculous storyline being that if and when Sayid goes after Penny for Ben is he going to see Desmond and follow through with the kill or not do it given their history?
Yup, good point.

2. How fast could 'someone' (I'm trying not to ruin it for those who don't wanna know) possibly swim that far? and if the island was moved... how do they explain that situation?

People have survived through ridiculous things on and off the island. Death is never certain.

3. Why the hell would Widmore/Abaddon hire Miles, Charlotte, Faraday, Frank, and Naomi if they're gonna send Keamy and his men too? Why is Abaddon trying to get Locke to go to the island if he works for Widmore? Am I the only one that sees a conflict of interest here, specifically with Abaddon and Widmore?.. but then again we don't know much about Abaddon...

It might be the same reason why all the Oceanic survivors who left have to return together. Miles, Charlotte, and Faraday all have strong ties tothe island and were chosen for that reason -- to find the island.

Originally Posted by schaefmp

I would give a full grown polar bear a piggy back ride down to that wheel if it means I'm staying on the island and get to keep trying to smash Claire with the power of Widmore word to Richard Alpert

.... OD

More randomness...:
-could it be that the very last episode of Lost, when Jack FINALLY gets back to the island, he travels back in time to the moment the plane crashed.... like the matrix, where the matrix is reloaded with "the one" and several other people to start again?? ... i'm starting to believe in that theory that this isn't Jack's first time on the island too... Jack is stuck in a loop, and each time he goes back he tries to "save the world (or the island or Kate or whatever)"...
I was going to say the same thing.... I just have a hunch and it's getting stronger with each episode.

I can't believe no one talked about this yet...I watched this scene a few times, and it was weird because first Sun was covered up, then in this screenshot she has some nice cleavage
, then she is covered up again
. Jin disapproves...
I don't think there's anything more to Hurley playing chesswith Mr. Eko. Writers probably just put that in to give a shout-out to Eko for the fans since they know he's a popular character.
I loved the season finale and I can't wait for season five. Any word on when that will start? I am assuming another February start.
Originally Posted by Barack 0drama

nycknicks said we would see Ethan again this season...What happened with that?

Those bastards from LOST also told me they were going to show Henry Gale, and answer the damn question about the four-toed statue.

Also, I'm not going to ruin it for anyone but...someone mentioned a theory here in this thread. And, it is the answer to the true essence of the show.The reason why LOST is happening. I won't say which episode shows it, but a few people mentioned it.

I was going to wait after the season finale to mention it.
I was going to post my observations from the seasonal finale like they meant anything...
But NYC last statement is making me read thru the thread all over again.
Damn him...
I thought I read somewhere that the producers said the 4 toe'd statute mystery would never be answered..?
and for those who believe the theory that this is not Jack's first time on the island can you explain that one? Im a bit...lost.
Originally Posted by nycknicks105

Originally Posted by Barack 0drama

nycknicks said we would see Ethan again this season...What happened with that?

Those bastards from LOST also told me they were going to show Henry Gale, and answer the damn question about the four-toed statue.

Also, I'm not going to ruin it for anyone but...someone mentioned a theory here in this thread. And, it is the answer to the true essence of the show. The reason why LOST is happening. I won't say which episode shows it, but a few people mentioned it.

I was going to wait after the season finale to mention it.
yea i read that some were to and was lookin for it all season

I thought I read somewhere that the producers said the 4 toe'd statute mystery would never be answered..?
and for those who believe the theory that this is not Jack's first time on the island can you explain that one? Im a bit...lost.

how he wakes up(same as ben did after turing the wheel)were he wakes up the baton siting right by him, and the fact that after he gets up he wasnt in shookat all he ran st8 to the beach
^Yeah that baton sitting next to him is very interesting. However what happened to that baton is it the exact one Ben had or is it still just in the same spotwhere Jack woke up?
Stamp. but if there is ANY type of cliffhanger ending or still unanswered questions by the last episode ever...some fans might not be able to handle it
nycknicks just type the truth for us already.

ive been a fan since day one and this is getting old.

that stupid frozen wheel killed me.
^^It's not just one episode...its a whole bunch.

Most of the episode are all in season 1. Beginning of Season 2....Desmond is huge. Pay attention to Jacks relationship with Desmond, and pay attention to howthey act or say in the the end of season 4.

The entire relationship with Jacks wife, and some of the things she says, which also becomes a replicate of Juliette's thought of Jack. And the ending ofseason 4.

It coincides with the
Spoiler [+]
time loop theory

But tha'ts just a mere element....
Btw...what happened to what Hurley said in the past episode, "I should of gone with you Jack."
Or did I miss something.
Originally Posted by Barack 0drama

pay attention to how they act or say in the the end of season 4.
"See you in another life..."

"You will..."
Btw...what happened to what Hurley said in the past episode, "I should of gone with you Jack."
Or did I miss something.
I was wondering the same thing...

I thought about that ever since he said that. I'm guessing he'll start that regret when Locke tells him about the Island events. Hopefully thiswill be answered during season 5.
Originally Posted by nycknicks105

^^It's not just one episode...its a whole bunch.

Most of the episode are all in season 1. Beginning of Season 2....Desmond is huge. Pay attention to Jacks relationship with Desmond, and pay attention to how they act or say in the the end of season 4.

The entire relationship with Jacks wife, and some of the things she says, which also becomes a replicate of Juliette's thought of Jack. And the ending of season 4.

It coincides with the
Spoiler [+]
time loop theory

But tha'ts just a mere element....

Old news?
j/p.... Thanks for the hints.........
Let me just say that I think the island is a spaceship of some kind. Either it crashed and the island grew over it or something like that. I get the feelingthat all the stuff the island is due to stuff having alien origins. There were a lot of weird glyphs and what not, in the chamber ben used to move the island.

Thats my story till I see other wise.
I always thought Hurley was reffering to when the two groups split with Locke & Jack and Hurley went with Locke's group instead of Jack's. By himgoing with Locke he led them to Jacob which lead to the island being moved. If he went with Jack then maybe none of that would have happened.
uI am not even going to BEGIN trying to sort through what we got in the finale.
(My wife and I just saw it Sunday).

- Sun, buddying up with Widmore?

- The island... *poof*?!

- LOCKE was the guy in the casket?! DOUBLE YOU... TEEE... EFFFFF????!?!!
- Hurley not being in the mental institution anymore =
I had been thinking this whole time 'Man, that ain't right. C'mon, LOST; get thisdude out of there.
- Sawyer... now WHAT did he tell Freckles before jumping out? Remember when her and Jack were living together and Jack was reading bedtime stories to Aaron andblah, blah, blah... and that one time she said she was out doing a favor for Sawyer.

- So when we ask 'Where did the island go?', we're not asking 'To what location did the island move?', but rather, 'To what time didthe island move?', right?

- How the heck are Jack, Kate, Sayid, Hurley, Sun, Aaron, and Locke supposed to go back to the island if they don't even know where... or WHEN... theisland is located?
That suxorz for them.
- I wonder if Daniel is going to play a critical role in the upcoming season, since he's the only one that has successfully built a time machine byhimself, meaning he knows how to harness the variables to the space-time continuum (word to Doc
- Does Locke not recognize the dude on the island that visited him in his home when he was a boy? Does he not recognize that it's the same guy, apparentlyof the same age?
Does anybody know what Kate was hiding from Jack in those flash forwards when they were still together?
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