*Official LOST Season 4/5 Discussion Thread*

Originally Posted by Prince Of Shoes HEAD

so are they playing today or they breaking a long break again!!?!
Lost doesn't come back until next month.

LOST doesn't air again until April 24th at the new time of 10pm EST.

Who's Alvar Hanso? I have no idea who that is, and don't recall anyone connected to Widmore being in a hospital bed.
Alvar Hanso... something quick. I don't think he's everbeen on an episode... but rather seen during the Orientation films. Also, the whole Lost Experience, I believe.
He was introduced in the Lost Experience, a spin-off "reality" game. They had one of those faux websites for the Hanso Foundation with his pictureand everything. I personally think the old guy in the hospital bed next to Michael (in the last episode) was him; he seemed important, as they showed him twicein extended shots. Either way I'm sure Hanso will be important to the story, because I'm pretty sure that the DHARMA will play a bigger role sooner orlater, and they've already extended it by showing one of his relatives selling that Black Rock thing in Desmond's past.

And for those thinking that it's ridiculous to think that they would bring in an actor from some short spin-off... this is Lost, and they probably werecareful in choosing somebody for a rather prominent role (he was already mentioned in all of those orientation films) knowing he would play a role sooner orlater.
Is this show worth going back and watchin past seasons to get up to speed?

I did watch a while back and was interested but ended up forgettin about it
So Alvar Hanso created a theory when mankind would off itself?!

So as the title of the show, LOST is both a description of the people from Flight 815, AND a prophetic statement? The survivors are 'lost', and as aspecies, mankind will be 'lost'?


So Alvar Hanso states that the radio transmitter on the island will 'broadcast the core numerical values of the Valenzetti Equation', an equation thatpredicts when mankind will off itself?!?!

So as the title of the show, LOST is both a description of the people from Flight 815, AND a prophetic statement? The survivors are 'lost', and as aspecies, mankind will be 'lost'?

My stupid DVR did not record LOST again last night...smh. The Damn DVR recorded...Smallville but no LOST. :yes im mad.
^ There won't be a new episode of LOST until April 24th, so you didn't miss a new episode last night.
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

^ There won't be a new episode of LOST until April 24th, so you didn't miss a new episode last night.

I've been looking around the web visiting a bunch of websites trying to find one where I can stream it....just before you posted it...I went to theLOST/ABC website and it says the next new Episode is on Apr. 24th.
anyone notice when micheal was dreaming the heart moniter was a lcd screen and when he woke up it was a older digital model.
I think it's Hanso too, But I'm curious as to why he was in a regular hospital if he's supposed to be this prominent figure.

When I first saw the episode, when he woke up I was really thinking that it would be some DHARMA-run hospital, like in those spy movies. I thought they wouldapproach Michael to go undercover there since they saved his life. When Libby showed up I thought I was right. Even though Libby turned out just to be ahallucination, it could still be the way I thought... for example, later on we learn about Hanso and how he's dying and Michael was saved by DHARMA to dosome work, and happened to be put in the same room?

I don't know. It's fun thinking about these small little hints that may even be non-hints. Especially if we have no LOST to watch for a month.
I believe Hanso first appeared when Locke and Desmond watch the orientation tape (in season 2?). He is shown standing in a window of a building. There are someweird things with that 5-second clip...

Originally Posted by stillmatic

anyone notice when micheal was dreaming the heart moniter was a lcd screen and when he woke up it was a older digital model.

Didn't notice... Do you know the time it's from? I'll go back and look.
I'm hooked...

Never had watched before, and now I watched all full 3 seasons and now the first 7 in season 4 in about 3 weeks

Simply put,
I completed it now...

Possible that when Jack was on the bridge he couldn't off himself either due to the Island??

Same with Hurley being reckless?

Gota think it was Ben who had Rousseau and Karl shot...

Rousseau can't be dead yet tho....I would think, need the back story on her
Finally, finally, this is the week. I don't have much to add, just wanted to get this back on the first page.
For a second, I thought the episode just aired tonight and I missed it when I saw this thread.

So from the previews it looks like the boat people shot Carl and Rousseau and kidnapped Alex in order to get to Ben?
Originally Posted by allen3xis

I completed it now...

Possible that when Jack was on the bridge he couldn't off himself either due to the Island??

Same with Hurley being reckless?

Gota think it was Ben who had Rousseau and Karl shot...

Rousseau can't be dead yet tho....I would think, need the back story on her

You a F'n G.
I didn't think you'd really watch it all...

Most people I try to put up on Lost never take the time to watch it, Or don't really care...

Glad I could convert you...Hats off sir...
Yeah, I think in one of the commercials during the Playoffs it shows Keamy from the freighter holding Alex at gun point. Looks like everyone at Locke'scamp is busting out the hardware.
Originally Posted by bodyfullapolo

Originally Posted by allen3xis

I completed it now...

Possible that when Jack was on the bridge he couldn't off himself either due to the Island??

Same with Hurley being reckless?

Gota think it was Ben who had Rousseau and Karl shot...

Rousseau can't be dead yet tho....I would think, need the back story on her

You a F'n G.
I didn't think you'd really watch it all...

Most people I try to put up on Lost never take the time to watch it, Or don't really care...

Glad I could convert you...Hats off sir...


I had watched like parts of an episode or two before, thought it might be interesting...then I saw the thread on here, knew it must be somethin to it.

Then after the first couple episodes I was hooked...I think it was the beginning of season 2 or 3 that it got kinda dull to me, but it picked right backup.
Again, Appreciate the reccomendation

So from the previews it looks like the boat people shot Carl and Rousseau and kidnapped Alex in order to get to Ben?

I had thought for sure it was a Ben set up...especially considering it seemed that Alex was intentionally NOT shot at
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