*Official LOST Season 4/5 Discussion Thread*

Originally Posted by moonmaster3

My take is that Alpert was looking for a future leader. The items came down to the knife or the Book of Laws - a leader who would rule by force or rule by law. Locke picked the knife, therefore he would rule by force, which Alpert did not want. I think this led to Ben being selected as the leader - one who ruled by law and followed RULES. Thus, Ben's freaking out at his daughter getting murdered because the rules were changed. With Ben unable to maintain stability as leader by following the rules, it was decided that they needed a leader who could fight back against hostile forces - John Locke.

And i believe John and Ben are half brothers.

That's pretty good.
I agree
Originally Posted by FlatbushFiyah23

^Why that episode?
Oh, I hope no one takes it as I know something everyone else doesn't. It's just an episode that focuses on Locke's past and talksabout him being "special."
At this point its clear they're incorporating fan theories into the show. Some of this +!@ makes no sense to the first season.
christian shepard is the devil in sheeps clothing. doods decieving , he aint no shepard he's the anti-christ
Originally Posted by JetLiGuy

Locke picking the items scene:

My take is that Alpert was looking for a future leader. The items came down to the knife or the Book of Laws - a leader who would rule by force or rule by law. Locke picked the knife, therefore he would rule by force, which Alpert did not want. I think this led to Ben being selected as the leader - one who ruled by law and followed RULES. Thus, Ben's freaking out at his daughter getting murdered because the rules were changed. With Ben unable to maintain stability as leader by following the rules, it was decided that they needed a leader who could fight back against hostile forces - John Locke.

And i believe John and Ben are half brothers.

Thats sort of what I was thinking. I think Richard was trying to prepare/train locke. He obvisouly knows he is special on the Island. But he wanted him tobe ready earlier in his life. John took too long for him to have faith. And with each terrible event in his life he was moving further away. We all saw thatRichard got upset when he chose the knife. But when he walked out he said " he isnt ready for our school yet". And then again with John as a teenagerhe was reaching out to him to come to the Camp. Because once at the camp he was hoping to be able to prepare/or train John. Locke still refused and turned hisback. Abaddon later in the hospital was also trying to influence John to do the walk about. He knew the walkabout will help prepare John and move him closer towhat he needs to be.

The way Richard pursued John makes me wonder if he even wanted Ben to be leader. He may have been trying to train John so that he doesnt ever have to haveBen as leader. But becasue John wasnt ready. He went with Ben.
Its like a do over. We know that Rich and Ben were haveing differences. Maybe because he saw how special John was, he thought if he went back in time he couldget John to be the leader earlier and that way avoid Ben all togeather.
Hello to all. I am here to give my formal resignation from watching the ABC television show, "Lost". After all these years of watching, the magicjust isn't there anymore. Goodbye.
I guess they could see that Locke was flawed at the time (and still is with some of the stupid decisions he's made). Ben tends to use psychology to getwhat he wants and Locke uses physical force and I guess that wasn't an option until Widmore came along. Thats changing now (Ben being mostly psychological)since hes going around with Sayid planning hits and what not, and all the other people hes had killed on the island, including trying to kill Locke.

Now that I think about it, maybe Ben was supposed to play a part to this point, since Alpert did help him kill off the Dharma Initiative. If its a peacefulleader he was looking for, he definitely didn't seem to mind that much when Ben was doing the killing. Maybe they just wanted different qualities in Locke,but they need everything he brings to the table now.
" Two players, two sides. One is light .....one is dark. "
just a shot in the dark here, but this can pertain Smokie as well right?
didn't Keamy say what attacked them was white smoke, but from the scenes we've seen, Smokie clearly is black smoke?
just throwing it out there..

Originally Posted by Barack 0drama

Jack was never built to be with Kate anyway...That's Sawyer's {()}.
@ Barack illustrating the female anatomy via plain text. Correctly shows both the majora and minora.
Originally Posted by WearinTheFourFive

Hello to all. I am here to give my formal resignation from watching the ABC television show, "Lost". After all these years of watching, the magic just isn't there anymore. Goodbye.


no one gives a crap. go watch desperate housewives.
Originally Posted by JBug88

" Two players, two sides. One is light .....one is dark. "
just a shot in the dark here, but this can pertain Smokie as well right?
didn't Keamy say what attacked them was white smoke, but from the scenes we've seen, Smokie clearly is black smoke?
just throwing it out there..


great observation, i'm glad someone finally noticed.
Ok guys, so I'm done with my rehersals so you guys will finally get your spoiler fix on time

I'm going to split this reply up into two pieces. One will be a "What to look for" reply, and the other will be the spoiler.

What to look for:
-The funeral
-Jack inside the church
-The entire Orientation Film
-When the Oceanic 6 gives people their stories, and who they mention.

Spoiler [+]
- We will see Christian Shepards funeral
- The freighter people don't rescue the losties, and desmond had a great shot at being part of the oceanic 6
- We get to see Nadia with sayid finally

This is really another filler episode, nothing too intense here.
Originally Posted by nycknicks105

Originally Posted by JBug88

" Two players, two sides. One is light .....one is dark. "
just a shot in the dark here, but this can pertain Smokie as well right?
didn't Keamy say what attacked them was white smoke, but from the scenes we've seen, Smokie clearly is black smoke?
just throwing it out there..


great observation, i'm glad someone finally noticed.

I didnt hear keamy say "white" I thought he said "black pillar of smoke", I listened online and thats what it souds like.

Locke was the only one that I know of that said it was white or beautiful something like that.

Nice to know that the quote applys to smokie..But does that mean that it can apply to just about everyone?
Originally Posted by WearinTheFourFive

Hello to all. I am here to give my formal resignation from watching the ABC television show, "Lost". After all these years of watching, the magic just isn't there anymore. Goodbye.

swear to god, he is telling the truth.
I don't even look forward to coming home to the DVR and watching it.
I agree with the annoyance it causes sometimes. Since The Wire is no longer with us (RIP) it really is the only half interesting thing on TV.
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