*Official LOST Season 4/5 Discussion Thread*

Anyone else see the ties of bringing dead bodies back to the island? Christian, now Locke. I like where the show is going.

schaefmp wrote:
I would give a full grown polar bear a piggy back ride down to that wheel if it means I'm staying on the island and get to keep trying to smash Claire with the power of Widmore word to Richard Alpert

.... OD

I know, sorry. I just had to say it. I love Claire
- Sawyer... now WHAT did he tell Freckles before jumping out? Remember when her and Jack were living together and Jack was reading bedtime stories to Aaron and blah, blah, blah... and that one time she said she was out doing a favor for Sawyer.

He said," I have a daughter in Alabama. Find her and tell her I'm sorry."

Something like that.
- Does Locke not recognize the dude on the island that visited him in his home when he was a boy? Does he not recognize that it's the same guy, apparently of the same age?

Word, wsup with that?
^ Oh.

Where did you find that out? Or has it been discussed in the thread already?
A vid was posted awhile back, but some had a feeling he was talking about his daughter before the vid was posted to confirm.
Finale was crazy! Still I think the best episode was the Desmond one stuck in future and past.

But the only disappointment for me was Jin ... my fav character ... thought dude was gonna go out like a g .. fighting and sacrificing his life to save sun nbaby ... not miss the helicopter and die. hope he is still alive ... he needs a better ending. I also wanted a happy ending for michael .. with him ending upwith walt.
Originally Posted by RavageBX

- Does Locke not recognize the dude on the island that visited him in his home when he was a boy? Does he not recognize that it's the same guy, apparently of the same age?

Word, wsup with that?

I wouldn't recognize someone I had talked to once 20+ years ago.
Another thing that bugged me from the finale was why the Orchid Orientation tape rewound itself....what was up with that?
Originally Posted by FlatbushFiyah23

Another thing that bugged me from the finale was why the Orchid Orientation tape rewound itself....what was up with that?

I haven't thought it through yet, but I'm thinking it's related to the whole time warp thing and some paradox. If it finished playing itprobably violates some time continuity thing and the world would end.
Or something like that....
Originally Posted by Blai213

Finale was crazy! Still I think the best episode was the Desmond one stuck in future and past.

I agree! "The Constant" was an amazing episode!
On a related note, while it's still functioning again, visit http://lost-theories.com/while waiting around for the next season to begin.. Are there any better LOST fan sites out there?
Originally Posted by whywesteppin

Originally Posted by FlatbushFiyah23

Another thing that bugged me from the finale was why the Orchid Orientation tape rewound itself....what was up with that?

I haven't thought it through yet, but I'm thinking it's related to the whole time warp thing and some paradox. If it finished playing it probably violates some time continuity thing and the world would end.
Or something like that....

Hmmm interesting. I am also intrigued to see what happens to Farraday and those who were between the island along with Jin. I believe Farraday andDesmond along with the pilot will be key in helping the O6 return to the island.
what was that white joint with the doors where he put the metal inside...
if thats the time warp thing,...then how did he go to tunsnia after he broke it...

and why did he take three years to tell jack that all 6(+locke?) had to go back...lol...
- Does Locke not recognize the dude on the island that visited him in his home when he was a boy? Does he not recognize that it's the same guy, apparently of the same age?

Word, wsup with that?

I wouldn't recognize someone I had talked to once 20+ years ago.

Just some random person I talked to on the bus 20 years ago? No chance I remember that person.

Some dude that came into my home 20 years ago to have me tested for some special school I might have been sent to? And after leaving swiftly, my mother cameover to me and made me feel like I did something wrong? Yeah, I remember that dude's face. Definitely.
^Word! People are acting as though you DEFINITELY would remember dude. Not saying that it is not possible that Locke could have remembered Alpert but there isa good chance he doesnt.
I'm putting my money on Locke remembering that guy giving him a visit as a boy, but looking the same age now, and making the connection that he lives on atime portal of sorts.
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

I'm putting my money on Locke remembering that guy giving him a visit as a boy, but looking the same age now, and making the connection that he lives on a time portal of sorts.

Locke will still find out either way now that he's leader of the Others and they're going to answer all his questions... Of course, while Locke willfind out soon, the producers probably won't let us know until the end of season 6.
what was that white joint with the doors where he put the metal inside...
if thats the time warp thing,...then how did he go to tunsnia after he broke it...
I don't think it was the door itself but the material behind the door. I think it's related to the highly magnetic stuff we saw in thefirst hatch that imploded.
I don't know how many people have played the video game, but the main character starts off the same exact way as Jack (waking up in the middle of thejungle) and at the end of the game you see the flash of light (exactly how it looked when Ben moved the island). Crazy thing I noticed too but I'm not 100%sure of, is that the main character in the game is a photographer and he has a flash back in a place that looks exactly like the place where they had thestaged "rescue" in that village. Maybe he's the one who took the photograph of them?
Yeah I also agree that Locke will find out everything he needs to know but we wont know til later on. I am sure Richard Alpert will tell him why he was chosen.
Originally Posted by Air Flight 815

I don't know how many people have played the video game, but the main character starts off the same exact way as Jack (waking up in the middle of the jungle) and at the end of the game you see the flash of light (exactly how it looked when Ben moved the island). Crazy thing I noticed too but I'm not 100% sure of, is that the main character in the game is a photographer and he has a flash back in a place that looks exactly like the place where they had the staged "rescue" in that village. Maybe he's the one who took the photograph of them?

Yeah, I've played the game...
I'm re-thinking the ending now...
Watched a couple of episodes from Season 1 last night. Jack seemed like he had been there before. No fear although Kate and him discussed his lack of fearpretty early on with the surgery "counting to 5" thing.

I tried to focus on that chess game but couldn't pull anything away. I keep wanting to go back to a doppleganger theory as well. Like there are 2 ofeveryone on the island. I don't know why I get that vibe sometimes.
Question to everyone: Does it seem like the producers and the fans have forgotten about the kids who were kidnapped?? I mean where are they? I find itinteresting that all the Losties were concerned for the past season about how to get off the island but never concerned about getting the kids who had beenkidnapped off.
There's a lot that has happened that we sort of forgot about or ignored. The stuff with the children has to be important. Maybe they're used by theOthers to be sent back to the real world where they act as spies and influence people as needed.
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