Official Mad Men Season 5 Thread - Episode - 13 - "The Phantom" 6/10 10pm - Season Finale

Just to be clear, Lane forged Don's signature to get the early christmas raise to pay off what ever debt he needed to avoid going to jail for tax evasion but in the end due to losing that other client they decided to give the employee's x-mas raises instead of themselves (the partners)? So I'm assuming this plot thread will be revisited since he wasn't suppose to get a raise but already spent it.
I'm a little confused though. What has Lane been doing with his money? From what I've seen of these guys, 8k shouldn't be that hard to come by for them. Even in the 60's no?
Oh and the last ep was okay for me, not as good as other but I saw it as a building point to story lines for the final eps and next season. Certain relationships needed some tension and fleshing out.

What kinda gets me is how bad Roger hints at getting with Joan while it's pretty obvious if Joan would have a relationship with anyone in the office it's Don.

Oh yeah and those flowers were from who? Don or the guy she supposedly hooked up with at the bar? or Roger?

Guess this ep had me asking more questions than just enjoying it.
Originally Posted by jhova718

just saw the episode. after such a long hiatus this show is still capable of being fresh and interesting. I loved it.

i was tight when Don left joan at the bar. He shoulda smashed.

Why do people keep thinking Joan lets people smash like that?
Same thing with Lane in the episode where he kissed her. She shut him down by opening the office door.

This episode she shut any chance of smashing down by rejecting Don when he asked her to dance.
Originally Posted by DangerousG

Originally Posted by jhova718

just saw the episode. after such a long hiatus this show is still capable of being fresh and interesting. I loved it.

i was tight when Don left joan at the bar. He shoulda smashed.
Why do people keep thinking Joan lets people smash like that?
Same thing with Lane in the episode where he kissed her. She shut him down by opening the office door.

This episode she shut any chance of smashing down by rejecting Don when he asked her to dance.
Cuz she let Roger smash just cuz they got robbed by a black guy. She let him smash outside near the damn sidewalk by one of those little basement homes under a brownstone. Then had his child. That's why I feel she'd let certain dudes smash like that. So I can see Coop and Pete getting their chance next

That lets me know she can get caught up in the moment and give it up. As for Don though, that's like her dream guy. I get the feeling she'd let Don smash for weeks before she reasserted herself as a lady deserving of respect and not just being Don's mistress. She did not shut Don down, she asked for money to play a song, then complained about all those ppl dancing to her song. Don simply made an offer to lift her spirits since right now she's alone and lonely. If anything he would've shut her down and he pretty much left her to that stranger and dipped on her and took his jacket with him. Don wasn't trying to do anything, son is ridiculously faithful at this point in time. If he got divorced though she would not reject him at all, probably take her chance while she still had one.

 As for Lane
I joked about that but who knows with his swag so high at that time she could've went with it.
So yeah umm wow. Not saying they ruined Joan's character but now yall see why I be thinking she could let dudes smash. I understand the reasoning behind it all but the whole premise of this ep was wild too me, I guess maybe it was the norm for those times but still to have it actually go all the way
Like how they showed sequence of events to let us know Don was too late.

Pete has no shame to even suggest this after it was heavily hinted. Don't know why but I felt Roger would object a bit more.

I perfectly understand how Don feels about not getting Jag the right way. It's all tainted and then to add Peggy quitting on top of that. This might be the spiraling downfall of Don Draper. The way things are going with Meg and now at work he may just self-destruct.

Lane is really screwed now
pretty crazy episode... reactions;

first off, i cant believe peggy actually dipped like that. especially considering which firm she decided to go with..the last cut with her smiling as she leaves make me curious to see how things are going to work out with her here after. to me it was a bad decision but its pretty rationale.

the whole joan thing was crazy, but @%*@ i cant blame her for it...i think something weird is going to come from the jaguar signing, considering its been made clear that these guys are scummy to do business with..

im with you ATGD7154xBBxM, i figured roger would of been against the whole thing and would of at least had a conversation with her about it.

i feel like we should be worried about dons future without peggy, but ginsberg has been ridiculously good at his good so far so i think it wouldnt make sense for creative to suck THAT bad. peggy is talented tho.
Praying this doesn't mean peggy is written off

we watched her grow as a character and she is def one of my favs... especially with don falling off because of megan amongst other things.

i like pete's growth too.
Great episode.

The whole Joan story was crazy, that Jags dude was boss though "I don't think I can resist any longer, SHOW THEM TO ME!"

But damn, I agree with you all with how Don feels the way they got Jaguar was tainted.. kinda sucks but they got a car now, so that's good for business.
Peggy leaving was foreshadowed with Don taking her for granted but I'm very interested to see where that ends up.. she's an essential part of the show, has been from the start, I hope they keep her around (I'm sure they will, we're too invested in her for her to be dropped and become a guest character). The last scene with her and Don was a nice touch, showing how much they both care for each other, nicely done.

Really good ep, enjoyed all of it.
i dont think we'll see peggy less, i guess we get to see more of the other firm now.

don was pretty reckless when he threw the money at peggy though lol
 theres only two more episodes left this season! 
Pete's conversation with Joan in her office was my favorite Pete moment of the season. It looks like he's got more stress coming his way in his personal life with him and Trudy not being on the same page; him wanting to move, and Trudy mentioning wanting another child.
Despite Peggy actually tearing up due to Don belittling her in the past, and factoring in her value to the company, him throwing money at her face was probably the highest level of disrespect she's received from him. 

Storylines involving Joan have been great these past couple episodes.

Great episode.
Yeah I don't see Peg disappearing at all. I think it'll go she starts off good, successful, and then it hits her that just cuz she's somewhere new the world has not changed how they react to women in the workplace and possibly her bosses would be way worse than Roger ever could be as a sexist horndog
and/or maybe they go under and she's jobless.

The other way is her doing really good, noticing the differences both pros and cons, getting more respect and then her pitches even beating out Don's team for clients but her still trying to remain strong while feeling sad about leaving.

I find it hard seeing her ever go back though. Sadly just don't see it happening.
I loved this episode. It put into perspective that everyone at the firm, even those who we thought were above the idea, has their price. The ending was perfect.
I thought this episode was terrific. I thought it was cool how the resignation conversation between Peggy and Don linked back up to the last time she asked him for a raise and he went off (remember when she told Don the law required them to pay her equal to a man). Don refuses to acknowledge her talent and the fact that he never appreciated what she brought to the table (see the check with Ginsberg line) and throwing money at her. Peggy rode with Don from the beginning but she finally realized that she is great at her job and that she needs to go somewhere where she'll be appreciated. I also believe that Peggy finally realized that if you're not beautiful and strong Don won't respect you (see how he tried to stop Joan and how he treats Megan).
This episode was a lot to take in, but thinking about it I think it's one of the show's best.
The biggest issue is just accepting that all the partners would be ok with it. The Jaguar guy being such a pig I can buy, Pete has shown to be of low moral character in the past, Lane sees it as a way to cover up his wrongdoings, Roger seemed indifferent, Bert has been in the business long enough to know how important getting a car is.. and Don rejected it. Them plus Joan realizing when her fridge breaks that she really does need the money that a partnership would bring.. and the show gave enough support to make it believable. 

Tonight was a great episode to show three different but related views of women at the time (and now too). Joan was willing to sell herself and use her sexuality to ensure she and her son were comfortable and taken care of. Megan is trying to go at it on her own and follow her path, but she admits she'd choose Don in the end even if she resents him. Then Peggy, who owes so much to Don's guidance over the years, did the almost impossible thing and recognized she had to leave the company then and there. Her transition into Don has been slow building and that quick pitch on the conference call just proved it again... she's too good not to be in charge. 

It was brutal to watch Joan and the Jaguar guy. Brilliant writing and editing to intercut it with the group walking in and Don's magnificent speech. You get some classic Draper then a cut to the sleazeball and Joan selling herself. It was pretty tough to watch and the episode did a great job of introducing such a disgusting element that you couldn't even consider.. but it slowly came in and took over. Pete and Ken, to Joan, to the partners, and then to the whole office because they got the pitch. Don couldn't even enjoy it because he knew what it took to get there. It is always interesting to see when Don chooses to be moral and "do the right thing". It's part of his conflicting identity as one part Don Draper, one part **** Whitman, and another unidentifiable part.

The final scene between Don and Peggy was tremendous and one of their best. I was immediately reminded of the meeting when Don said he would spend the rest of his life trying to hire her if she were to leave him. Peggy is too great of a character to be written off completely, but with only two episodes left.. I'm unsure of how they leave it. 

Amazing episode and just a brilliant way to give the company something terrific in the Jaguar deal, but taint it by having Joan sell herself. Then a double whammy of Peggy quitting immediately afterwards was fantastic.
That was the best, and my favorite episode in a VERY long time.

- Joan's role this season is so perfect, Hendricks nails it, just amazing.
- Don's emotional carousal this season has been so interesting to watch, and how it's rubbing off and effecting others.
- Peggy...holy curious to see where this goes
- I love how invested Don is in Joan
Big J i love reading your reviews of episodes, I just wanted to say they are very appreciated and a main reason why I lurk over television show threads.
Absolutely amazing episode, this is the kind of MAD MEN I had been expecting... they brought it to us, they didn't hold back and give us any kind of filler bs...they brought the best of the best as far as writing, editing, acting all into this episode. 

Joan surprised me, I didn't think she would give in...but like dude said above me, I guess the most valuable thing we learned in this episode is that everyone has their price.

Sad theres only 2 episodes left this season...but they should be amazing. 
Yeah, Big J expressed/broke it down it better than I could as far as how I feel about the ep. It was a good, I can't deny that, didn't feel like a transitional ep obviously due to the big implications but I didn't like what went on in this ep for the most part but I guess that's credit to the compelling story telling of the show that it'd even invoke that emotion and reaction.
Thanks for the compliments, I'm always tempted to write a lot more in-depth but I try to just hit the major points.

Did anyone else think that Peggy might have died at the end? If you remember, a few episodes ago Don saw that the elevator was out and he could have fallen to his death if he didn't look first. That might have literally blown my mind if they did that.
Highly doubt she's dead J.. it crossed my mind but that would be too a bit too extreme for the show.
I doubt she's dead. All the female mad men fans might cause a riot.
What bothered me was Peggy left to work for Shaugh, out of anyone in the Ad business Don must hate that guy the most. I don't recall, but was he this upset when Betty left him?
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