Official Mad Men Season 5 Thread - Episode - 13 - "The Phantom" 6/10 10pm - Season Finale

Don cold as hell to Ginsberg 
Since most people hate Betty, I figure this episode wouldn't be a fan favorite.

Ginsberg and Don were really interesting. It was almost painful to watch Don struggle to come up with ideas and struggle at his job. Then, Don knew Ginsberg's idea was better so he left it in the taxi and the confrontation in the elevator was great for both characters. Ginsberg's confidence and passion about his work going up against Don's comfort in his position of power as he told him "I don't think about you at all"... except we see Don's face afterwards and it tells us a different thing. The whole season has been dealing with Don unable to adjust to the changing time and attitudes. He's been so consumed with his marriage that when he goes back to work he's off his game.

Megan's continued dominance over Don was in this episode. She was standing over Don while he sat below her and told him not to call Betty. It's funny because she's often right and Don's concessions are the mature, "right" thing to do.. but the Don we've seen this whole series is slowly being eroded.

The Betty story was good when it involved Sally and Don. Sally's anger towards Megan and Don was her mother coming through. Betty's unhappiness and frustrations caused her to mettle with Don's life and I was glad Sally realized her mistake and didn't give Betty the satisfaction in the end. Sally can still be influenced by her mom and trust her.. but she also sees through the BS and I was glad she acted like everything was fine with Anna and Betty got pissed

Roger was good as usual. I loved Bert checking his watch and saying "already?" when Roger said he was getting divorced. And pairing up Ginsberg with Roger I liked because Ginsberg's honesty and bluntness worked well against Roger. They also gave a brief scene with Roger and Peggy to continue their relationship throughout the season, so that was good.

Not my favorite episode of the season, but I really like Ginsberg and I thought they brought back Betty good enough where she got her own little story with Weight Watches, but we saw how Don and the rest were a factor.
I was waiting for the Ginsberg hate to start on the show. Seems like there's a bit more from Peggy since she never got to unload on Megan. Son is crazy talented and they're a bit insecure about it. Don was just cloodblooded.


Pete still not able to let it go

Very good ep.

Still a bit in awe of January gaining that weight
Best part of the episode was the exchange between Don and Ginsberg in the elevator. Don straight ruthless.
A lot of dramas have problems portraying sympathetic women. Often they're conflicting with the man in the relationship so the audience will see them as adversaries and they're written that way too. Initially, Betty was more sympathetic as a character. I think her slow realization that Don and her marriage weren't what she wanted was important, and last year to now.. we see she's still not totally happy and she probably never would be. She's a very flawed character and I find her really interesting, but man.. she's made to be such an ice queen too often. It's probably hard to avoid, and at times I know it will be intentional (like tonight), but her character might one that I'm disappointed with overall.

Then her eating the whipped cream afterwards = awesome


But then we get Don's reaction shot down the hall and it's not as confident or powerful.
Good episode. I'm glad we got to see more of Ginsberg in this episode. He's very confident in his work, and assertive. I enjoyed the exchanges he had with both Don and Roger. I definitely look forward to seeing him interact with them, especially Roger, again. Betty showed her colors as the !%%%% she is. Nothing went her way in this episode; from her not liking the fact that Don is doing well with an attractive, younger woman, to Sally telling her Don was fine talking about Anna, which ate her up inside. Bert looking at his watch when reacting to Roger mentioning his divorce was pretty funny.

Finally read that Alien Mystique article up there. Nice read.
New episode tonight.. there's only four episodes left for the season. It seems like it's going quickly.
Christina Hendricks was sublime in this episode, really put on a great performance.

The episode itself wasn't that great, I don't like Layne or his character, or his shady story.

I am interested how this Jaguar pitch is going to play out, and I actually hope Don and Joan hook up.
That scene with Lakshmi was weird.  Harry was geeked when she said to do her while bent over the desk
.  I like how she was wiping herself with tissues.
Paul's return and his haircut were unexpected.


I loved Joan last night



Confident Don is the best Don.. I can't wait for the Jaguar pitch


I'm surprised she didn't jump Don right there and then




- Pete trying to get someone to congratulate him about Jaguar the whole episode was great

- The scene between Don and Joan is probably one of my favorite of the series. Just because they rarely get long scenes to themselves. Next to this one, it was probably the conversation at the hospital after the English guy got his toe run over by the lawnmower

- I really liked their conversation about the guy at the bar and Don's line "He doesn't know what he wants, but he's wanting".. which describes Don pretty well

- Don and Megan are fundamentally flawed when it comes to Don's work and home life. Giving into her and being the better husband has left him weaker at work and not the same guy that everyone wants and expects. And she brought that up last night too "Do you still love your work?... You loved it before you ever met me". Their marriage is slowly becoming his first marriage with Betty.

- Roger was awesome in the few lines he had.. his drinking for "Pearl Harbor Day, show some respect" then when the partners spoke to the group and he spoke first only to say "Lane.. go ahead"

- I love how Don's speech made people excited to come in and work on the weekends over the holidays

This show isn't a drama on the CW, so it probably wouldn't happen.. but Don and Joan make such a good couple. The chemistry is there, of course, and we've seen over the years how their respect for one another allows for them to do their jobs very well. And Joan would probably be cool with separating their work and home life.. alright screw it.. dump Megan and get with Joan. Or both?
i thought last night's episode was pretty good. loved the scenes with don and joan in it!
and you know megan is wifey material is if she's still mad at you but still feeds you dinner. 
Joan wouldn't put up with Don's bs.  He'd either be scared of her and messing up their relationship or continue doing what he does and she cuts his balls off.
With the way everyone was talking about a possible Pete suicide earlier I think that the more likely person would be Lane with all of his ACTUAL problems and the @%@+ that his embezzling is going to get him into. I really feel bad for dude 
Yeah it seemed like it was not paying taxes in England that could send him to jail there. Asking the partners for a loan might have made more sense, but obviously that's not dramatic or interesting.
just saw the episode. after such a long hiatus this show is still capable of being fresh and interesting. I loved it.

i was tight when Don left joan at the bar. He shoulda smashed.
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