Official Mad Men Season 5 Thread - Episode - 13 - "The Phantom" 6/10 10pm - Season Finale

My son Lane
, Pete's had that coming for a long time.
I'm calling it now: by the end of the season, Pete either shoots someone in the office, shoots himself, or both. With the rifle that was mentioned in the last episode.

Or he might kill one or both of the kids from the traffic/driving class. But someone is getting shot.
Originally Posted by TH0MAS CR0WN

Was about to post about these 2 things as well. I
when Don closed the curtains.
I think it the whole scene from the time that partner's meeting started till the end of the fight, to the elevator scene with Don & Pete, kinda showed how the partner's at the firm are kinda like a family.  Or rather like a set of brothers, who can be immature and fight.  But also how each have their distinctive roles.  Idk

It was a really great scene because it showed the dynamics of all the relationships. Don knew they "had" to fight so he closed the curtains to keep it private, Roger wanted to see it happen because Pete's been coming after him, and even Cooper didn't try to stop it. And Don and Pete in the elevator was such a great moment for the two of them.
Originally Posted by KickHead23

I'm calling it now: by the end of the season, Pete either shoots someone in the office, shoots himself, or both. With the rifle that was mentioned in the last episode.

Or he might kill one or both of the kids from the traffic/driving class. But someone is getting shot.
That's a really good catch, I saw this mentioned on the AV Club's discussion after the review (which is over 1300 comments right now
). It could certainly be a Chekhov's gun that is brought back up later on the show. Although, knowing Pete it would be pretty appropriate if Pete tries to shoot himself or someone else and totally screws it up and nothing happens
Don's hideous jacket needs special recognition

Also, Lane's yelling "HE HAD CHEWING GUM ON HIS PUBIS"

Great episode and GREAT season all together. Feels fresh and doesnt seem to be stepping on its own toes. Thumbs up
Finally got caught up and watched the most recent episode 
Pete got served.  Lane meant business.  He was feeling bold so he gave Joan a smooch.  Should've grabbed a handful of her full mammaries.

Campbell is such a creeper.  Eyeing a high school girl?  She does look kinda good though.

I liked the story that Ken was writing about Pete.  Funny and sad at the same time.  I like the character.

I feel bad if Vincent Kartheiser's hairline is really receding that bad.  It's still better than Roger's and Lane's.
Originally Posted by KickHead23

I'm calling it now: by the end of the season, Pete either shoots someone in the office, shoots himself, or both. With the rifle that was mentioned in the last episode.

Or he might kill one or both of the kids from the traffic/driving class. But someone is getting shot.

really hope this happens
- Love the direction of the episode already, building Peggy into having the Don-like mentality on throwing away relationships, telling clients off and not holding your tongue. Then she gets high and jerks off a dude in the go Peggy.

- Roger opening the Vodka bottle and the music playing multiple times LOL

- Roger and his woman breaking up...Don and his woman in rough water

- Loved Cooper standing up for the company and against Don, it had to be done.
Really interesting episode, I loved the way they edited and framed each story.

Peggy's story was a good one for her. We've seen Pete transform a bit into old Don, and now we're seeing Peggy with more and more Don characteristics. Going to the movies (which Don used to do), drinking in his office then falling asleep on his coach.. then cheating on her boyfriend (in a way).. so that's a lot of old Don behavior. I really liked her arguing back with the client. The conversation with the new copywriter (Ginsberg?) was pretty interesting too. I'm really interested in this guy, but I'm glad they're kind of slowly revealing more and more about him.

Roger's portion was probably my favorite. The LSD trip was hilarious and pretty unique for Mad Men. I thought it was really interesting that he imagined Don comforting him during the trip (that might reveal something about how he views Don). Cooper being on the money in the cab was another telling moment. It was a great way to get Roger and Jane's problems out in the open, and I'm glad they didn't backtrack on that once they woke up. Plus, Roger seemed really happy at the end.

Don and Megan's was a great finale to the episode. I loved Don's line "I know, I'm terrible, making you eat ice cream" and Megan with the super low blow "Why don't you call your mother".. cold blooded The change from Don and his boss move of leaving her there.. then slowly getting more and more concerned and worried. Their final scene together in the apartment, I really didn't know where they would end with it. After their last "fight" that ended in them having sex, I figured that would happen here.. but Don was straight chasing her around the apartment. The final exchange of Don on his knees, basically begging her, and her standing over him was a great shot to represent their relationship and Don's current state.

That was cemented by Cooper checking Don at the end too. Told him he had to lock it down and get back to work, and Don probably realized it too. Last week with Roger assisting Lane in the client recruitment, and this week with Cooper stepping in for the company were both great to show what these guys did so well in the past, and what they still have to do every now and then.
Another great ep. Might get old but I wish more eps were directed in a story by story format.

Peg's and Roger's were the best. Peg was getting in to more of a realization and acceptance of what her life is since most ppl in her life don't really get her and she has to deal with all of the roadblocks since she's a woman. For Rog, it was a long time coming in him getting a divorce and the LSD trip was a great/interesting way to bring up and lead to that conclusion.

Don just need to get his %#$$ straight. I felt it was a mistake to marry this broad Megan in that it was so spur of the moment and left field. Writers did a good job of showing the dynamic of their relationship and how she's willing to call him out on the things she doesn't like about him. That mother line let us know again Don has been pretty much completely truthful with her about his past and that's what makes it such a low blow. The chasing was crazy, gave it an anxious setting where I wasn't sure what he was gonna do when he caught her. Don seems to be latched on to what he feels she gives him or at least the idea of her and how he is with her. Cooper checking him in the end just capped off Don's last 24hrs.

I kinda wished Joan had her own story. I've been interested in where her story will go as a single mother and going back to work and what they'll do with her next.
I loved Sterling's whole storyline in this episode! Him on LSD was hilarious

Also, I forgot how hot his wife(now ex?) is
  She is the most beautiful woman on this show next to Christina Hendricks

Peggy has been super random lately! She really went to the movies & jacked off some random dude??
lol $!%

Don needs to get it together.

Good episode! I like how the season is shaping up.
This show is TOO good, the writing is top notch. Really loving this season a lot.. hope they continue the interesting stories.
Episode started off slow but picked up eventually. I think this is a good example of the difficulty in judging a singular episode vs looking at the entire season as a whole. This one had its moments, but was better in the bigger season arc I think.

Megan had a good episode. Showed her value with her idea to Don, then came through in the clutch and gave Don the heads up about getting fired and saved the account. Then, her lack of excitement afterwards, then the conversation with her father about her giving up her dreams.. that should be interesting in later episodes. My guess is its her wanting to be an actress, but her dad made some interesting points about skipping the struggle and going right to the end.

Peggy's story was done well. I like her and Joan becoming real friends, gives Joan more to do and shows a nice progression in their relationship since the beginning. I never liked Peggy's mom, but considering how her story ended, we might not see her for awhile. The mom's outrage and Peggy's worry over what people would think about living with her boyfriend and not being married is an element of the show I've always found the most interesting. Obviously, that's something that was a much bigger deal in the 60s than it is now, so I think it's hard to convey those kind of outdated or more traditional ideas for a modern audience.

I really like the new Roger. More confident, a zest for life, and he had a strong episode. The pairing between he and Sally was fun to see, and gave Roger some good Roger lines "You're a mean drunk" and "I got you a Shirley Temple, its time to start tapering off"... plus Megan's dad had the line of the night with "Your little girl will spread her legs and fly away"
and Roger's laughing made it even better. Sally had a good episode, her excitement to be seen as an adult and go to a fancy party.. only to end in disgust and disappointment at seeing Roger getting dome
The final shot of the father, the mother, Megan, Don, and Sally all disappointed and having heard or seen something they didn't like was FANTASTIC and such a great way to cap off the scene.

Don's disappointment was despite generating tons of great press and admiration for his letter against tobacco, the guy was right.. who would want to work with Don after he bit the hand that fed him? Interesting to see how Don addresses that problem throughout the season.
Originally Posted by Big J 33

Megan's dad had the line of the night with "Your little girl will spread her legs and fly away"
and Roger's laughing made it even better.

Originally Posted by Noskey

Originally Posted by Big J 33

Megan's dad had the line of the night with "Your little girl will spread her legs and fly away"
and Roger's laughing made it even better.


I literally had this
 expression when I heard that, then laughed. WOW
I really liked Roger, and Sally seeing Roger getting tops was funny, I thought she was gonna call that boy and say something about that. 
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