Official Madden NFL 13 Thread: Patch #4 Available 11/29; Details pg. 43

@ Toys R' Us and their slow *** shipping. I just got my confirmation today and it says it won't be delivered until Tuesday.
me too, but im saving like 20 bucks
How do yall get coins in Ultimate Team???? It takes me a long time just to get like 10gs. Anyone who hasnt started ultimate team on ps3 yet, add me ivi-jay on ps3 and let me refer you, or just add me if u want to run a few games.
Is there no level ranking in head to head? I haven't been a big online player since 2010... but I remember ranking up. I mean I just got an achievement for reaching level 3... but that was after a loss :smh:
So does anyone find the dropped passes to be completely frustrating and unreal?

I use the Bills, only 1 real Superstar at WR, Stevie Johnson, and he can't even catch the damn ball. I have one of the most surehanded TEs in the league, but he always drops wide open passes.

I swear I'm averaging 20 dropped passes a game, it's not even worth playing.

Anyone experiencing this? Consider changing the sliders?
So I just tweeted EA Sports saying "Nobody ever wants to punt in video game football" and they tweeted me back saying "Any suggestions?" tweeted them back about how older maddens used to force you to punt if it wasn't realistic to go for it. Hmmm... lets see if they listen.
All you did was run the same play over and over. That's the reason you won by 3. Not to mention the catch they called in bounds that I couldn't challenge because it was under the 2 minute warning. I beat myself that game. You didn't beat me.

The same play? Are you an idiot or just salty? You're the clown that ran 2 back sets outta shotgun all game with no huddle... and ran the ball what.. twice? You lost.. then got mad and booted me (I was gonna leave your ****** league anyways).. that just goes to show how you cheesed and still couldn't put me away.

All it boils down to is that I was trying to get you to play a normal game.. and you weren't having it, I even hit up the other dude running your league thinking it was you.. then texted you, sent you a message as well. You weren't tryna hear it...
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Props to dude who created the NT community under Communities. Got a trophy for joining.

For those having trouble like hot routing or shifting etc...change the setting to Madden 2010 gamepad. You'll see it under settings. It's pretty close to the old format...I was having trouble with presnap stuff too til I made that switch since it's been a while since I had Madden to.

Let's get a PS3 league going yall.
So I just tweeted EA Sports saying "Nobody ever wants to punt in video game football" and they tweeted me back saying "Any suggestions?" tweeted them back about how older maddens used to force you to punt if it wasn't realistic to go for it. Hmmm... lets see if they listen.

God I hope they patch that back. It was called the fair play mode. I also remember that they would penalise you if you tried to be slick and no huddle around it. :lol:
So I just tweeted EA Sports saying "Nobody ever wants to punt in video game football" and they tweeted me back saying "Any suggestions?" tweeted them back about how older maddens used to force you to punt if it wasn't realistic to go for it. Hmmm... lets see if they listen.

NVM...answered already
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I think it was in the PS2 days, like 06/07 before Next Gen was good.

There were times I wished it let me go for it. But at the end it made the games SO much better.
EA really messed up the online in the past few years it just doesn't feel the same anymore man. Getting a win in a ranked game doesn't carry the same weight as it did in previous installments, I mean it's still nice but what does it really matter if you can't show off your record to anyone? :smh:

I mean they don't even let you check out the record of the guy you just beat that's a pretty ******g bad move on their part.
You can definitely check the guy you played stats, i know because i do it after EVERY game.

Instead of going to play now go to the play a friend icon and press r1 and itll show your last 20-30 opponents, click on their names and youll see compare stats. Its great because they really give a good breakdown of a persons stats 3rd down %, run /pass%, blitz etc.

youre welcome, now hit that rep button because that red 10 is irking my nerves :D
The feeling of going to work or sleep on a loss is the worst.

I'm 13-5. I only got massacred once.

Colts can do some things in this game
The 49ers are disgusting in this game :x :x :x

Frank Gore got hurt the first play and I still bodied dudes with LaMichael James.

Defense is unfair.

Moss is killin dudes with his speed. Vernon Davis hasn't dropped a pass yet.

I think I found my team (aside from cowboys and lions :smile: )

Still gotta get used to this passing though. Any tips? I used to be able to get balls between any defense in the previous maddens, but now the defense picks just about anything near them. :nerd:
I understand them taking out inviting friends to ranked games... but at the same time its kind of ridiculous.. I can't even invite anyone thats in a lobby.. Only way to play a ranked game is "Play Now"???

Running into people who run 2 plays all game, no huddle, abuse every possible glitch just annoy the hell out of me... Can't possibly see how thats fun for anybody.
I understand them taking out ranked games with friends... But I can't even go into a lobby and invite random people to play a ranked game either... So pretty much my only option is play now... then end up getting matched up with some fluke cheeser
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