Official Madden NFL 13 Thread: Patch #4 Available 11/29; Details pg. 43

Is it me or do the DB's have better hands than the WR/TE/HB's in this game :smh:

I think it's ridiculous how when you throw a deep ball one on one the CB gets the pick EVERY time literally unless you have Calvin Johnson the DB will outjump your WR 10/10 times

when i throw deep to djax i always hot route him straight up which usually works because of his speed. but ive noticed this issue as well sometimes
Just lost two straight games where the dudes I played kicked three straight onside kicks and got them all back.

I'm done
So many people I play use 1 play all day!! Still have a decent record though. I think I'm like 34-18 or something like that. As long as I'm over .500 i'm happy haha
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Some cheater started the game with an onside kick so I returned it. then he did some glitch where he slowed the game down for the rest of the game.
Easily the best Madden ever 
. In my third season with the Colts Luck is filthy in this game
Hey there,

My name is Chad Lakkis, the founder of RipTen, and I saw that someone here posted the contents of the article I wrote after I had an interview with Connected Careers creator, Josh Looman, over at EA Sports.

In the article I mentioned that my review with more comments made by Josh would be going live soon. I wanted to let you guys (and girls) know two things. One, the review is live (and it's over 14,000 words with plenty of funny Photoshops to make it go by faster) and two, if you have any questions or comments you would like me to address with EA Sports or Josh himself just leave a comment on the review and I will do my best. I try to respond to everyone.

Also, if you find updates/patches that you think I should add to the review (if something has been fixed since my review) leave that as a comment as well and I will add an update to the review once I am able to verify it.


Here is the direct link to the review:

RipTen: Home of Opinionated Video Game Writers with Achievements and Trophies.
Hey there,

My name is Chad Lakkis, the founder of RipTen, and I saw that someone here posted the contents of the article I wrote after I had an interview with Connected Careers creator, Josh Looman, over at EA Sports.

In the article I mentioned that my review with more comments made by Josh would be going live soon. I wanted to let you guys (and girls) know two things. One, the review is live (and it's over 14,000 words with plenty of funny Photoshops to make it go by faster) and two, if you have any questions or comments you would like me to address with EA Sports or Josh himself just leave a comment on the review and I will do my best. I try to respond to everyone.

Also, if you find updates/patches that you think I should add to the review (if something has been fixed since my review) leave that as a comment as well and I will add an update to the review once I am able to verify it.


Here is the direct link to the review:

RipTen: Home of Opinionated Video Game Writers with Achievements and Trophies.

Interesting read. I didn't like matchup feature with the stars underneath the receivers names. It makes it way too easy for the offense.
I hear ya but that is the way it works in the actual game. You are a QB up at the line and you can see the matchups. There is no reason to not allow this. Also, the stars are basically telling you that the corner is better or worse than the player that is lined up against him. Whether or not something like that makes it in doesn't bother me but at the very least being able to see the defender names on the field is a must. If you as a QB want to know where their best corner is you should be able to see that.

I wish there was a mode that made you play real. Everyone goes for it on 4th and onsides :smh:
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Does anyone have a problem where lets say your opponent does a HB toss and you realize it and just before you can switch to the closest defender, the defender runs basically away from the HB?

Kinda frustrated with this game right now. lol
Does anybody know how to stop passes over the middle? I literally lost 3 straight games cause that's all this ******** ***** does. When i get in nickel formation he runs it or throws a streak to his tightend who will ******g catch it. I tried usering my LBS over the middle his receivers will out run,them and catch it. EVERY ******G TIME ITS THE SAME ****. Im sick of it. I picked the ravens lost , texans? Lost. Son stays doing the same **** and i wanna put an END to it.
use the cover 3 or cover 4 or just play man with two safeties over the top. or if hes waiting a couple seconds before he passes blitz a linebacker to throw him off too
use the cover 3 or cover 4 or just play man with two safeties over the top. or if hes waiting a couple seconds before he passes blitz a linebacker to throw him off too
Thats the thing. I play man , my linebacker is matched up with his slot which he puts cruz,hicks and they burn him.
When i play as the safety he lobs it to his tight end running a streak. When i blitz 9/10 hell pass it to his rb whos open. I played cover 2/3 you name it. My defense even tho its top ranked DON'T DO JACK ****. Yet u got his LBs looking like randy moss catching my passes and ****. So heated.
And hes not even,good arian foster put up 200 yards and andre had 300 yards receiving on him cause hes so predictable. But its unstoppable same ******g play never fails.
Hit up on the D-pad and then up you can zone to the middle or the sidelines. Also before the play if you hold the left trigger and hit up on the right stick your D will play for the pass. It down and your d will play for the run.
Does anybody know how to stop passes over the middle? I literally lost 3 straight games cause that's all this ******** ***** does. When i get in nickel formation he runs it or throws a streak to his tightend who will ******g catch it. I tried usering my LBS over the middle his receivers will out run,them and catch it. EVERY ******G TIME ITS THE SAME ****. Im sick of it. I picked the ravens lost , texans? Lost. Son stays doing the same **** and i wanna put an END to it.

Run a man defense. Run a defensive hot route on one of your DTs to stop the flats then manually switch on to the D End and shadow the TE/ whoever he's throwing to in the middle.
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