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Steered clear of pre-fight and live fight discussion.

Don't even feel the need to go through the thread.

Because I already know true boxing fans knew what to expect.

Anybody else is really buying into false narratives like good vs evil or the notion that the best boxers of all time need to lay waste to their opponents and "finish" them.

Both are misguided ideas, the sweet science was never about one means of execution. Sure, if a guy can dispose his opponents with murderous power, great. Always makes for exciting television. But at the core of boxing, at its most fundamental the object is to defeat your opponent while incurring as little damage to your own person as possible.

Do I love gutsy fighters who leave it all in the ring each outing? Sure but I also know there are a lot of guys who have lived to regret the total cumulative implications of fighting in such a manner. I feel like if more guys could be as good as Mayweather defensively, they would've been.

Which is why it's disappointing that we don't embrace him for what he is as a boxer. I can understand people not liking him in terms of character, but as far as the boxer he's more than transcendent.

He's absolutely one of a kind. Not even Sweet Pea could match Floyd's ability to escape harm. The statistics tell us he's the best defensive boxer of all time.

Offensively folks say he leaves a lot to desire, why? Because his punches score more points than they do concussions? He still managed to outland virtually every opponent he ever faced and often throws more punches.

Disappointing that he'll likely never really get the credit he deserves.

Feel like the casual viewer is stuck with that ancient Roman coliseum mob mentality. They want to see blood & gore more than an artful display of martial art.

Because at days end, that's what boxing is. A self-defense martial art.

Folks really blaming Floyd for why the fight wasn't "good". Just give that man his props lol
Teddy Atlas actually said he doesn't care what the compubox stats were, because he knows Manny Pacquiao threw more punches than Floyd :smh:
He needs to be fired immediately.
This fight has brought out the absolute WORST in everybody 
 credibility going down the drain for a lot of individuals 
People want a rocky type fight. Honestly I'm a boxing fan and have watched since a can remember and it was boring. Not because the lack of "fighting" but because it was a blowout.
People want a rocky type fight. Honestly I'm a boxing fan and have watched since a can remember and it was boring. Not because the lack of "fighting" but because it was a blowout.
basically, this fight generated over 300 million and it was one of the worst (boring) fight I seen Mayweather in. He dominated but the fact that Manny didn't do **** he is accustomed to doing .. This joint was horrible.
I didn't understand why Pac didn't just go for broke the last two rounds.

Yes he was going to get counter punched to oblivion but he already lost, might as we'll make it exciting. :lol:

Idk who I gotta sell my soul too to make 100 million dollars in 36 minutes while barely breaking a sweat.

Floyd post fight only had to take a shower and get ready for the club.

All the pre fight media run was more exhausting than the fight for him.
I didn't understand why Pac didn't just go for broke the last two rounds.

Yes he was going to get counter punched to oblivion but he already lost, might as we'll make it exciting. :lol:

Idk who I gotta sell my soul too to make 100 million dollars in 36 minutes while barely breaking a sweat.

Floyd post fight only had to take a shower and get ready for the club.

All the pre fight media run was more exhausting than the fight for him.

Right? Neither guy was tired, hurt, ect :lol:

Like a pick up game and then they just bounced rich :x
Right? Neither guy was tired, hurt, ect :lol:

Like a pick up game and then they just bounced rich :x

Yeah they rolled out of that fight feeling fine and a lot richer. It's like Manny got to the point of thinking 'why even bother to try to go for broke when the chance of it working is so slim any way'
The doe-eyed mannerisms of Manny Pacquiao and his apparent child like endearing qualities have always been of interest to me. The cute ness factor, ranked up to sick bucket break out levels of adorability in the build up to this fight, with a sprinkling of religious sanctimony on top.

Watching film of him as a mop haired teen with the early onset of acne, speaking with an arguably more adept level of English then he currently speaks as a fully gown adult, I even rolled the thought around my head, how bad is his English? For real, for real.

I wouldn’t argue with anyone who offered me an opinion that flirted with the notion that he can speak our language a hell of a lot better than he lets on. Except he wouldn’t be half as endearing, the package wouldn’t be the same, and the public wouldn’t buy into his “naivety” with the required level of infatuated woozy acceptance to market him.

Who knows, the above are guesses and speculation on my part of course granted. The point I’m attempting to carefully manoeuvre towards, would perhaps give my theories above some credence.

All isn’t what it seems with Manny Pacquiao, hence his horrendously cringe worthy sore loser attitude after getting shut out on points by The Best Fighter Of Our Generation Floyd Mayweather on May 2nd.

Can I ask where the humble, god fearing puppy dog eyed Manny Pacquiao in the post fight interview was. The humility drained from him. Where did he display valor and honour in his loss like a man of God would?

Why did he not simply say something that would fit with the carefully sculptured image we hold as his template, something like “God chose this to happen, i accept my loss, it was in Gods hands” in fact, was God even mentioned in the immediate post fight interview? It seems we are seeing glimpses of the real Manny.

Here’s what Manny said right after the fight…

“I thought I won the fight”

Then peered into interviewer Max Kellerman’s eyes, reaching for an early reaction from him, to gauge how preposterous what he just said really was. The interviewer returned his response in kind.

“You thought you won the fight? Why??” Asked a bemused Kellerman.

Four seconds of awkward umming and ahing, for Manny to then desperately pluck from the wilderness any fruit that was hanging, and give us…

“He didn’t do nothing………, move outside”

Then manny said “He’s moving around, not easy to throw a lot of punches when he’s moving around, but if he stays, then I can throw a lot of punches”

I would humbly offer two retorts to the above. 1) Are you really saying you wanted your opponent to “stay” still so you can land those punches. 2) Chris Algieri was also “moving around”, backing up many more times than Floyd. Algieri was on his bike nearly all of the fight and you was able to land those same punches that seemed to allude you for this fight Manny, why was that?

Maybe because Floyd was simply much much better then Chris Algeiri?

Floyd Mayweathers skill level next to ya boy Algieri was comparatively into the stratosphere and for this fight Manny, Floyd was, at the base level, just better than you. “moving around” was not the reason you couldn’t land the punches, not being as good as Floyd Mayweather was the real reason, again, no acknowledgement of Floyd’s skills.

The thought that Freddy “told him to say it” I actually am not opposed to subscribing to. However at some point we are really going to have to remove the training wheels, and accept Manny Pacquiao is a fully grown 36-year-old man, he’s not a child. He’s going to need to find his own words every now and then, isn’t he trying to be president of the Philippines?

Which brings us onto the very disappointing last-ditch attempt to save face from Manny, claiming he had a shoulder injury going into the fight, which is of course, why he didn’t win.

Again, where is the pride; the good grace and character I’m certain the bible teaches. Interesting how the central tenants of the bible seem to have been cast aside once he actually got his a** beat

Manny Pacquaio, for even planting the seeds of a shoulder injury carefully into the boxing public’s conscious should quite honestly be ashamed of himself. Consider people, the aftermath of a fight this sensitive will obviously be fused with high emotions, less than 24 hours after the fight has dropped? Terrible Manny.

I’m sorry, he tumbled several notches down the respect ladder for a lot of fans for this one. Both Pro Floyd and Pro Manny. I’d argue Manny Pacquiao is not the perfect Christ like re incarnation they wish to peddle into public perception.

His response, will be etched into the boxing annals for the rest of time; think about it. He loses, then proceeds to drop a series of excuses to ease into the viewers mind why he lost. “it was my shoulder” “he was moving too much” Lame as hell.

The stark fact that before he come up with this shoulder injury, he was actually telling us he won the fight, suggests to me he thought he would bat out there the possible robbery story, and see how that settled into the land, let that one simmer for a bit in the pot. If they didn’t bite on that fish-hook (which they didn’t), then give ’em the old injury excuse and hope for the best. “Pray” for the best?

So Manny Pacquiao fans, where was your boys integrity? The man of God. Was it not Floyd who thanked God in his post fight interview not Manny? Was it not Floyd who didn’t even bite at a chance to discredit Manny, when asked if the “fight was easy” Floyd processed the question, his neurons firing off, several responses presented before him like a drop down menu, did he take any of the responses which would embarrass Pacquiao fans or Manny himself? no. Tell me, who showed Manny the appropriate respect?

Manny’s response almost over shadows the fact he actually had some good spots in the fight, but why should they be raised now? I shake my head at him and so should the Pacquiao fans.
I mean at some point the line between fighting for pride, ect, takes a huge back seat to money. A 100million dollar check just might be that :lol:

Pac literally can't cash that check back home. He would over draft the Philippines :rofl:
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