Official mental health and group therapy thread. Get it off your chest

A lot of good help in this thread. I feel like I learned a lot and am currently going through a similar break up with my girl as FREEZE was talking about in the earlier pages. She pretty much went back to her ex and I've been having an inferiority complex feeling that I'm not good enough, but I went out last night without drinking or any other drugs that I usually recreationally use to get over a break up and I really appreciated just having a good time with my friends. Just doing little things like going to Dave and busters and playing games changed my whole mood and outlook. I look forward to the challenge of improving myself and just enjoying this little ole life of mine. I wish everyone in here the best and just remember that you're the most important person in your world. you may slip up, but dont beat yourself up over it. Take care of yourself, love yourself, and dont give others power over you.
I'm sure that I have some neurological problems. It comes from me od stressing about stuff in the past and never being able to cope with the stress. It affects my cognitive behavior (can't think clearly, not as sharp as I used to be) and has caused damage to my memory. It sucks because it has affected my performance at work and I can't even focus enough to get my resume together. It depressing because there are things I want to accomplish in life but it will be much more challenging with this mental state.
on a side note, I love this thread. I'm glad it was made.

Yeah good thread, helps to talk it out and to help others. I'm there with you though on life going great in all aspects but that "one" just won't leave your thoughts. It's like time and space, actually being busy and having fun and living life isn't doing it's thing. I don't get it. Everytime a chick hits me up all geeked up I hope it's her.
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Why do u feel like that my friend

The best thing is to talk to a good friend or a parent about your issues....or even us.  Why are you depressed? 

I'm not sure why I'm depressed. I have everything I want in the world, however I am very sad most of the time.
But what I've begun to realize is that all my confidence and happiness comes from my girl. However, we've been fighting alot lately. (started alot when she finally crossed for her lameass sorority.) But when she starts being rude and mean to me I get sad.
It's probably because she was my first everything.. and in high school, I liked like 4 girls, but they didn't give me the time of day.. I went to a private school with predominately white kids my whole life, ( k-8 ) (then high school) and the girls were always cool, but they didn't want anything to do with the indian kid..
So I got a lot of racism growing up. It also didn't help that I was kind of overweight.. So no confidence from anywhere.
I was good at ball, so that was the only thing that I got props for.
Fast forward to three years ago, I met my current girlfriend, she was the nicest person, most beautiful, man I tell you, she was actually nice to me.. So essentially she was the first girl to give me the time of day. We were each other's firsts. and the journey we've gone through to today was great..
But ever since she got ucla, and especially joined her sorority she's just been different.

sorry for the long text[/quote]Damn, fam. Sounds like a tough situation. If ya'll have been together for so long, she may be a little bored with the relationship. On top of that, the sorority life may be something she wants to experience. I was in a fraternity in my undergrad and and I often neglected my girl and didn't spend time with her because I wanted to do fraternity or college stuff.
Real Talk. Depression can be related to hormone levels. I know most ppl dont get this done but its good to know your testosterone and estrogen levels.
Honestly I feel like whatever I do isn't good at all. Even tho people tell me otherwise all the time.

Troy you should be proud of yourself you're working while going to college, about to graduate, such a good kid, etc. but I don't see what they see

Im a graphic design major and I dabble in photography and I put my work up on my Flickr Facebook deviant art tumblr and instagram pages. I do get a lot of compliments but I think they all suck

I think it's cause of the way I was raised. I grew up with my moms. My dad wasn't in the picture enough like he should have been. I didn't even do anything to deserve that happening to me

I just started feeling like this for about 2 weeks now

Feel depressed as hell
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Drink a beer before presenting? It might get you to loosen up and take the edge off.

I did this in college. I definitely don't condone it though. Very slippery slope. You're basically building a dependency on a substance. Depending on the person, he/she could start to rely on liquor to get them through uncomfortable situations.
Hitting an narcatoics anonymous class tonight for the first time. It's not court issued but I've been struggling with crystal for a while now. Need to get my mind right. My girl of 14 months has no clue. How is that even possible?
Real Talk. Depression can be related to hormone levels. I know most ppl dont get this done but its good to know your testosterone and estrogen levels.

Studies examining the relationship between testosterone and depression in men have found conflicting results. Men with depression have shown to have high T levels, and also men with low T levels shown not to have depression. It's too complex with genetics, environment, and personality factors in the way of it all. Also people who are depressed and were given testosterone replace therapy also show mixed results. Studies like these are really difficult to assess because they require a longitudinal design. Aint nobody got time for that.
I'll keep it real. You're in for a lot of nights like that. When you're out in the world, you have distractors taking your mind off of your current predicament. But once you open those doors to your place, you're reminded that you're there alone. It sucks. It's going to suck for a while. But the day will come where you look back at this time and shake your head at yourself. Might even laugh a little.
See the thing is this: they always come back. In your predicent, I can guarantee this. Mark my words, the day will come when the sorority life will lose its luster and she will want to fall back on what you all had. Like I said, with the way things are now, she knows she's got you to the point where she could do what she pleases only to dust you off the shelf when she's ready. Not saying anything bad about her as an individual, but that's how people are. They will do things when they know they can get away with it.
Ultimately, you're the only one that can turn the tables around. It's possible. Trust me. It will take time, but time's gonna go by regardless. You're already not spending that time with her, so you have to decide whether you'd rather spend it tearing yourself apart over her, or actively trying to chane your situation.
Good luck man.

How exactly would I turn the tables on her?
Do my own thing. Get my *** in shape. Talk to girls and just not rely on her right?

I appreciate all your help and support man.
Have you thought about moving back home and leaving her alone to do her thing?
I hope I'm not freaking out, but I've literally seen an ant walking on my computer at least 5-6 times in the past week. Granted, there is an ant problem in my house, but this is usually happening at my desk or bed. Several times I've felt like I'm seeing an ant out of the corner of my eye, but nothing. Hope I'm not losing it. Oh and doesn't help that I'm scared as **** of ants.
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Studies examining the relationship between testosterone and depression in men have found conflicting results. Men with depression have shown to have high T levels, and also men with low T levels shown not to have depression. It's too complex with genetics, environment, and personality factors in the way of it all. Also people who are depressed and were given testosterone replace therapy also show mixed results. Studies like these are really difficult to assess because they require a longitudinal design. Aint nobody got time for that.

im thinking its from lack of omega 3s and DHA.
I think I'm bipolar or have ADD or something. Something's wrong with me.

When I do what I want to do, whether it's learning an interesting subject, or reading, hanging out with my friends, working out, sports, talking to girls in my class I like, hell even studying for certain classes, I feel great. Like when people say they want happiness, I feel like I found it. I genuinely love what I do.

But when I do something I dislike, like having to deal with people I can't stand, or when I'm forced to study some BS, stress over money, hell even when certain people I like don't reciprocate the feelings, or for some reason I don't feel right, I hate it. Like I withdraw and won't talk to anyone. Complete 180 from my above feeling.

Lately this has been a trend, fortunately it's been much more ups than downs. But I noticed this recurring pattern and I've come to the conclusion there's something wrong with me.
Kinda the same too.

Might have to do with your emotions or mood
to paraphrase what some wise NT'er said a while back:

"to improve your mental health - smoke weed, and if you're already smoking it, stop smoking weed."
Does anyone else have a hot temper? Any tips besides counceling?

I've tried the whole talking/expressing, breathing and meditating... And although it does does work and feel good at the time. As soon as something trigger my emotions, I see RED!

Annnnddddd... I know I made a thread about this a long time ago but I didn't get any real answers, it just became a humble bra thread. But how much sex is to much sex? I mean, when does it become OD in regards to wanting it all the time?


For sex addiction?
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i'm tired of being over educated, over qualified, but unemployed

****'s got me up at 5 am stressing.
I get offened to easy like i can laugh at myself or someone crack jokes that's cool but if u tell me shutup, get loud,call me out of name, mock me, try to clown me I'ma check you no matter what..I'm talking about in real life not online lol...I'm honestly working on not taking myself so seriously..but I hate the feeling of someone trying to "play" me..this stems from growing up n having ppl crack on me that victim mentality always fighting back never left me..I stopped gettin clowned by standing up for myself n bein an a-hole..I just want to be able to blow stuff off n not lose my cool or always "check" ppl imo I feel its a weak trait always demanding my respect..
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i'm tired of being over educated, over qualified, but unemployed :smh:

****'s got me up at 5 am stressing.

Quoting Oscar Wilde, "There's no such thing as being overdressed or overeducated."

It's unfortunate that firms don't recognize many people...sorry to hear that btw.
i think alcohol is killing me. I feel literally sick the day after drinking and i get to the point where my body hurts, i cant breathe, and my heart starts pounding. Every time it happens i tell myself ill never drink again.

i cant stop drinking.

i only started drinking heavy after my mother died in 2005 from cancer. i dont think i have accepted her death. Logically i obviously realize she's dead but to me, in my mind i havent moved on.
Help NT.

Im usually a very happy and positive person but this is one aspect of my life that i feel i will never overcome.
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