Official mental health and group therapy thread. Get it off your chest

Crazy how anti depressants even an option when a side effect may be suicidal thoughts. Like if you wasnt that deeply depressed, they can take you there. Is that a ride you wanna risk takin?

Honestly, anti-depressants effect everyones' brain chemistry differently. While they may not work for one person, they may help the next person immensely. It's definitely important to take them while being closely monitored by a physician.
Anybody take anti-depressants?

or prescription adderall?

Ive always refused because i consider medication as a crutch and a sign of weakness but lately been wondering if it does more help than harm.
I was on aderall about 8 months ago.  I would never get anything done due to my ADD and depression but once I started taking it I started to focus more on the tasks that needed to be done around me (i.e-homework, chores, things I would usually forget to do because I was too caught up in my emotions), then after 2 weeks I needed a refill from my doctor but she refused it to me because that supply was supposed to last me three weeks instead of two. I then started buying aderall from dealers who sold them at 10 bucks a pop. (Which is DEFINITELY not worth it) . and I then decided to stop because I didn't want to become hooked to a prescription drug like most people I knew. Since then, My brain still works as if it's on aderall. Not EXACTLY like that, but pretty damn close. I feel like it trained my brain to focus and to keep things out of my head. Idk, thats just me.
This thread is perfect for me. I've struggled with anxiety really bad lately combined with drug use. Mostly pain pills. It's got my mind messed up a little bit. I've went back and forth between using opiates and recently taking a drug called subutex to try and get clean. I take Lexapro for my anxiety and depression and it works alright I guess. I'm 22 and and my life has been a little rough lately. Idk.. try to keep my head up but easier said than done. Spend most of my time chillin at the crib smoking pot and so on not really doing much of anything at all. I even started pawning some of my ****.. embarrassing really. Anyone else experienced a problem with opiates? I got on them damn roxys. Almost ruined my life. It really messed with my mental health as well. I'm trying to recover though it's much easier said than done though. Wish me luck.
I can't get my life in order I feel like a fool and an idiot .I have so many promising projects yet I can't seem to do them.I never talk to people about my problems I bottle them up .Ill be honest I don't have real friends I trust because I just don't trust people man.Like I can't make myself vunerable .I hate being weak man .I workout train but I just sit back all day and do nothing right now my knee is busted I had a bad day at work and I just feel terrible all of a sudden I feel like Ieverything is falling apart I'm mad alot .I rant I rage I get angry and I want to break things and fight the people I'm mad with my brothers parents ,coworkers.i get tired of the crap the ignorance the torture of it all.People tell me I'm so good at this I'm great at that yet I can't seem to do what I enjoy .I hate it it's like being a bubble .Everybody thinks I'm so nice naive guy when I'm not I know the horrors of people I'm not some naive idiot I know when my boss is talking behind my back or is about to fire me .I know when my brothers don't talk about stuff around me because they come from a different sports culture.i know when I'm left out .I know that I'm alone that nobody cares or respects me for who I am they just like the idea of me the figment they created and said here this is you .You do this ,say this ,play this,write this,go to school for this ,work for this .go out and get a job for this .I hate that and what It means I hate this box I hate this cell made out of Sheetrock,desktop computers,uniforms,degrees ,idiot authority figures who tell me what I do and who I should job takes all the black employees off the schedule except 1 next week because the Vice President of the company is coming I'm tired of this crap and drivel.
I just wanna disappear to the mountains or a monastery but I hate organized religion or the idea of it I just wanna be at peace one day.Im never at peace
I feel like I have so much anger built up inside of me that it's unhealthy. One of the the only people I let get close to me turns out to be a total fake, and on top of that, They didn't back me up when I needed it the most.. I wake up and go to sleep every single day pissed off. Not at them or anything, but at myself. For being so stupid to allow myself to even let someone get to know me inside and out. Now, I lost one of my best paintings because I chose to give it to them, Wasted money on concert tickets for the future which we wont even attend anymore, but last but not least I wasted my time and energy getting to know someone and letting someone get to know me, all for a phony friendship that will never rekindle anymore because my hate is stronger than my love for that person. Well, maybe not... but its almost there.
I feel like I been letting everyone down because of my drinking. Just lost the only girl I was talkin to because of my alcoholism. I can't stop myself. Every weekend I just get super **** face and get into stupid ish.
Just wanted to bump this thread in case anyone is going through some tough times emotionally/spiritually. I truly feel for those with any type of mental issue or addiction. That stuff is real and can be debilitating. It's more to it than "just getting over it".

There's something wrong with me, I dont know exactly what it is but it's been affecting my memory/concentration for years. I went to the doctor a few years ago and he placed me on some antidepressants, which I used for about 2 months.

I seriously think I have neurological damage and I would need a catscan to reveal what the problem is.

Catscans are od expensive and I dont even have insurance at the moment.

As far as the other portion of this thread goes, I've smoked weed once and I definitely see how it could
It could be a gateway to stronger, more harsh substances. Lots of people dismiss that notion, but I'm sure it affects everyone uniquely. I only took a few hits and the results were interesting, yet disturbing. My body was virtuallly free of all anxiety amd I approached tasks that I had been putting off for months. I was putting the (business related) tasks off b/c I was afraid of the outcome and kept procrastinating. The disturbing part was, during the high, I was od curious about what else was out there. It's like I had a strong urge to continue to experiment, as I had just done with the weed. At that moment I got a little worried b/c I was hoping that that feeling would subside, which it did as I was coming down.

I highly doubt that I'll try the ganja again.
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My 1 month old son won't sleep... Its almost 4 am.

**** is scressful bruh.

I love him to death doe
What the hell that gotta do with mental health :lol:

My daughter always slept as a baby at night...we was feeding her every 2 hours at night I think...
I can't get my life in order I feel like a fool and an idiot .I have so many promising projects yet I can't seem to do them.I never talk to people about my problems I bottle them up .Ill be honest I don't have real friends I trust because I just don't trust people man.Like I can't make myself vunerable .I hate being weak man .I workout train but I just sit back all day and do nothing right now my knee is busted I had a bad day at work and I just feel terrible all of a sudden I feel like Ieverything is falling apart I'm mad alot .I rant I rage I get angry and I want to break things and fight the people I'm mad with my brothers parents ,coworkers.i get tired of the crap the ignorance the torture of it all.People tell me I'm so good at this I'm great at that yet I can't seem to do what I enjoy .I hate it it's like being a bubble .Everybody thinks I'm so nice naive guy when I'm not I know the horrors of people I'm not some naive idiot I know when my boss is talking behind my back or is about to fire me .I know when my brothers don't talk about stuff around me because they come from a different sports culture.i know when I'm left out .I know that I'm alone that nobody cares or respects me for who I am they just like the idea of me the figment they created and said here this is you .You do this ,say this ,play this,write this,go to school for this ,work for this .go out and get a job for this .I hate that and what It means I hate this box I hate this cell made out of Sheetrock,desktop computers,uniforms,degrees ,idiot authority figures who tell me what I do and who I should job takes all the black employees off the schedule except 1 next week because the Vice President of the company is coming I'm tired of this crap and drivel.

damn is the last part forreal?

u sound like u could use a vacation tho
Wow I wanna post but I feel like u wouldn't understand my story. I've had periods of sobriety followed by relapse, as long as I can remember. It's like..... I got 100 days clean, let's go blaze and celebrate.. Fuced up thinking is my problem, tbh I probably shouldn't do anything I think up. I have to learn how to " let go, and let god" My pops got 9 years clean and I know that that way of life works, if you want to stay clean I know for a fact AA/NA will save your life. But u can't do it for your girl, probation, job, parents, friends, w.e. You got to do it for YOU. I can honestly say that I've had different problems yearly, some I've conquered, some I still face... I don't really feel like typing my life story out. Most of the time I swear my life would be a best selling movie or something because of all the trials and tribulations and **** I've been through. One thing I know where I mess up is dealing with old people, places, and things. I definitely get clean and healthy and then put myself right back in the hood, were I did all my dirt, and put all my work in.. To the point where ppl don't change, there gonna die a addict, or get clean, tats the only thing I see going on, you can't half *** it like I've been doing my whole adult life. "Half measures availed us nothing" truth--- this is a great post, I have a lot of knowledge on this subject unfortunately, so if u wanna holla at someone pm me.
First, thanks for serving the country. I've seen you post this in two threads and I have no advice but don't be afraid to talk to a doctor if it's bothering you real bad. Don't want you to make a decision in a moment of pain/trauma.
I honest to God think o have some type of nervous /anxiety disorder and it's so bothersome. If something startles me to the point where i feel extreme stress or shock, it is nearly impossible for me to get over it.

The best way to describe it is, wherever the incident took place, it's like cloud of fear that hovers in that area and I can't get over it. Whenever I see, or am near the location where it happened, i get anxiety, i can't think straight and it's messing up my life.

It's happened about 4 specific times. Most recently was 2 weeks ago when I moved into my apartment. I was digging through some bags digging for something and something sharp jabbed me in my index finger. Hurt like hell but didn't bleed. As soon as I felt that shocking sensation, I knew it was going to happen again.

I tend to over think things a lot, so even when I'm away from home, I'll think back to the situation, basically testing myself to see if I'm over it, but I still still feel that same anxiety, difficulty concentrating. It's like the memory haunts me. Idk if it's a slight bout of ocd or what.

All my life I've dealt with unwanted memories lingering around my mind, especially when i was am adolescent and someone made me mad. Their image and the situation would be basically burned info my mind for months. That hasn't happened in a while tho.

In regard to the anxiety situation, i dont want to take some meds that will have me acting differently, but i definitely want to reclaim my sanity. It's very troubling and affecting my quality of life.
I'll chime in. Avoid taking anti depressants at all costs. I know some people need them, but if you can self heal, self help, go to therapy, etc. DO IT NATURALLY.

Anti depressants, particularly SSRI's, are an absolute nightmare to get on AND withdraw off of.
I honest to God think o have some type of nervous /anxiety disorder and it's so bothersome. If something startles me to the point where i feel extreme stress or shock, it is nearly impossible for me to get over it.

The best way to describe it is, wherever the incident took place, it's like cloud of fear that hovers in that area and I can't get over it. Whenever I see, or am near the location where it happened, i get anxiety, i can't think straight and it's messing up my life.

It's happened about 4 specific times. Most recently was 2 weeks ago when I moved into my apartment. I was digging through some bags digging for something and something sharp jabbed me in my index finger. Hurt like hell but didn't bleed. As soon as I felt that shocking sensation, I knew it was going to happen again.

I tend to over think things a lot, so even when I'm away from home, I'll think back to the situation, basically testing myself to see if I'm over it, but I still still feel that same anxiety, difficulty concentrating. It's like the memory haunts me. Idk if it's a slight bout of ocd or what.

All my life I've dealt with unwanted memories lingering around my mind, especially when i was am adolescent and someone made me mad. Their image and the situation would be basically burned info my mind for months. That hasn't happened in a while tho.

In regard to the anxiety situation, i dont want to take some meds that will have me acting differently, but i definitely want to reclaim my sanity. It's very troubling and affecting my quality of life.

You should go speak to your general doctor or a psychiatrist if you have access to one. Sounds to me like a 0.5 mg xanax when you have an anxiety episode, or before you get into a situation that you know will give you anxiety might be really helpful. Weed might also be helpful but it can exacerbate your anxiety as well.
Yo NT fam I love my girl but she complains so much about the littlest things. I can deal with that, BUT then she complains about big issues and yet doesn't want to solve them. I understand that, but I am beginning to think she might just be insanely stupid. I understand why men cheat..If you're gonna be putting up with all of this inefficient emotional distress, you might as well have some payoff on the side.

Not saying Im cheating but I definitely know why guys do it tho

She does the dumbest stuff and then tries to justify it by saying she has a good heart, but the she always asks why bad things happen to her. She does not grasp that she has so much control over her life :smh:

The saddest part is that I love and want to marry the girl. I dont know what to do NT

If I walk away this could be my greatest mistake ever, because she really is good to me. :smh: :rolleyes
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