Official Miami Heat (4) vs OKC Thunder (1) NBA Finals Thread - Miami Heat NBA Champions

for a superstar, kd cant get calls going his way, smh. okc really showing their inexperience, players and scott brooks. poor execution during crucial times. they just got to unleash russ and let him do what he does best (attack). he looked passive tonight, especially in the second half. can they please make a ft, no reason for them to shoot this poorly, especially guys that normally knock down their fts
I'm pretty sure Bron only went to the line 8 times meaning only 4 of those were considered shooting fouls....anyways did Miami get the benefit of the calls, imo yes. But they took advantage by hitting 31-35 FT's. OKC went 15-24 from the line. Plain and simple thats why they lost. If Miami doesn't take advantage of the FT's then OKC is up 2-1 right now.
Yeah, you definitely can't be missing FTs like that in a Finals game.
Batting around 60%... in a Finals game?! Not a good look, Thunder.
Originally Posted by Scientific Method

Brooks is coming off extremely smug in these pressers not willing to admit he could have done anything differently or that he could have made any decisions differently to put his guys in a better position. And wow that last reporter to ask him a question sounded like a joke, like Borat. But generally coaches are the opposite and try to absorb all the blame and make things seem like it was something they could have done differently. I didn't like his answer on either the Westbrook benching or the idea of getting KD off of LeBron.

Yo I didn't like it either. He wen't from I have to come up with a good answer to this to I have blame this on Westbrook. To be honest, Russy's ego can't take that (see Grizzlies series a couple years back). I hope it doesn't effect this series.
FTs are what doomed Miami last year. OKC seems to be taking that honor this year so far.
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

It was too close to automatic that a Wade or Bron drove resulted in a whistle.

Two things I have to say about that:
- the only thing I asked myself when Wade or Bron drove was whether or not they would drive and get an and1, or just gt a couple FTs
- first off, tell me a Thunder player that pretty much knows (and there are also basketball fans that pretty much know) that his drives will most likely result in a whistle
Spoiler [+]
I see your point though Ska.
Why the Thunder lost:
- Sat BOTH KD and Russ at a critical time during the 3rd
- Perkins got more PT than Ibaka
- Russ taking bad shots
- FT shooting

Why it was even close:
- Dwade

But sure, blame the refs.
I'm as big a Heat hater as it gets, but the refs didnt bail them out. Free throw shooting and James Harden were the main reasons they lost IMO. The beard didnt do enough especially down the stretch.

Wade has been a joke though
Originally Posted by hymen man

The salt is extremely strong with this one

Lol salty about what? Them moving to OKC? Of course I am, I think it is well known by now. Are you even from Oklahoma?

Anyways I'm going to enjoy this win for now, see you on Tuesday. 
Originally Posted by thachosen123

Originally Posted by JD617

You guys are upset they didn't reward this blatant flop?

It was a flop, but it was also an extended elbow...don't act like you don't see that. Plus i don't think people would've cared for that play if the ref's didn't call the same damn play an offensive foul on KD earlier in the game
A Kobe fan calling out another player for gettin away with an elbow?  I like Harden but dude looked at the ref before he even hit the ground.  He had no business even playing that close that aggressively to begin with.  He made it too easy on the ref, aint gonna get rewarded for either decision.
nter's are delusional. just give miami the respect they deserve for winning the game. Stop blaming Spo for playing defense on westbrook and accept the loss. geez
Heat win = Refs in their pocket

Heat Lose = why didn't Lebron do more?

NT is like clockwork. Credit will NEVER be given. Jesus Christ could be officiating these games and some of yall would find something to +#+@! about.
This is GREAT basketball being played, and people on here who don't have a horse in this race, would rather complain till they're blue in the face because the game doesn't go the way THEY expect. OKC players aren't making noise about the fouls being called, but fans are? !#%%, in the NBA finals history, what have you all learned over the years? If there is a decided advantage by one team over another (referee wise), an opposing coach/player will usually speak up and things get evened out in the next game. We haven't seen that so far. Players know that the Ws/Ls are being decided by THEM. NOT the refs. Quit complaining and enjoy what you're watching. Damn

*Anyone got the feeling that no matter how the Thunder play, if they lose the series, most of the blame will fall on Russ?
I'm gonna agree with you on this. After what happened in the 3rd quarter, people got the audacity to still %*@+!. Let the sand out your ({})'s and get over it.

But yeah, I'm blaming Breckin Meyer first and Russy second, regardless of what I see with my own eyes.
Originally Posted by 1994SS

I don't know what's up with all the ref bashing. The refs in the NBA have always been this inconstant. It's a part of the game. The best teams are the ones who can put the refs behind them.

Miami had 11 more free throw attempts and that margin would've been virtually identical if Fisher and Ibaka didn't foul MIA on two three point attempts and then the the 2 intentional fouls in the end which resulted in 4 more free throws for a grand total of 10
Russy was 8 for 18 (only 2 TO's), and Harden was 2 for 10 and people just want to blame Westbrook? Harden has only showed up for 1 of the 3 games so far.

OKC only needs one game in Miami, they don't NEED two.

Refs need to chill with those ticky tack fouls early in the 1st quarter on KD, 2 of them were not even legit fouls...and when the real fouls occur he has to sit. OKC was prime to extend their lead and once KD had to sit for the remainder of the 3rd quarter they lost the lead quickly. I don't want to watch an NBA finals game dictated by how the refs want it to be dictated, the stars should all be out on the floor and let the game play out.
Originally Posted by Cyber Smoke

Heat are 20-3 in Joey Crawford reffed games in the playoffs now?

Seeing as there has only been 14 wins so far this playoffs, you must be stating historically? And so this ref conspiracy has gone back multiple years now, and it was all just preparation and setting up precedent for Joe Crawford to win us the championship this year.

It all makes sense now, thanks for your input.
Thunder can't miss FT's like that again or go into that stanky leg, iso offense they were running at the end

I still see Thunder taking game 4
Pretty outrageous that LeBron's foul on KD was a no call in Game 2, but they called that Harden foul on LeBron. Ultimately though, OKC lost this game themselves. Stupid play and even dumber coaching.
Harden needs to play better, KD has to stay out of foul trouble and make your free throws. Sloppy fourth quarter last game, not great to watch
Originally Posted by SHUGES

Originally Posted by Bigmike23

Originally Posted by henz0

OKC with very low IQ basketball


even with all the bad ref calls you cant have some of the turnovers they had in the 3rd and 4th and miss the FT they did

Originally Posted by This Aint Aruba B

I don't give a ##!* about officiating. That was fun basketball and either team had a shot down the stretch.

One choked, one didn't. Nuff said.

All 3 quotes.... All that needs to be said.


Stop !+%$*$% complaining.  Bad calls, yea but the Thunder didn't help themselves out with their crappy play/ball handling.
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