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Dudes is ignoring my 2 questions like the plague.
#1- Most of play sports. Most of us have had cramps, BAD cramps. Why was he acting like he broke his leg? I've had cramps; I've had tomes where you could see MULTIPLE bumps in my leg. I wasn't anywhere CLOSE to that dramatic about it. Dudes acting like his behavior was normal cramp behavior. FOH
Or coming w/ "Well maybe it was that painful for him. I'm not him, so I don't know." Just call it overdramatizing a very common, 'not that big a deal' injury and move on.
#2- Yep, cramps come and go; got it. And the effects of his cramping came when the cameras were up, then went when it was time to play or the game was over. What a convenient, polite episode of cramping he caught. So considerate.