Official Michael Jordan NBA 2K11 Cover Athlete Thread! 9/29 UPDATE Pg. 9! New Pics/shoes/uniforms!

Bout time Jordan is on a real basketball game... How can u have a 90's All Star team w/o Michael Jordan
I get the 2k nba every year and always wondered why Jordan wasn't in the game even though they have Jordan Player of the game, so he's obviously part of production. He'll probably be unstoppable if you can play as him. Something to look forward to, good post.
If the cover be "The Last Shot" from the '98 Finals, that would be priceless!
live >>>> 2K (was the case w/ '10 and will be the case w/ '11). 2k does have better graphics, but that about it. the lead designer for 2k now works for EA. live has the best of both worlds. imo, live has better everything except graphics.
Originally Posted by Chicityk7

Oh lord, that Black Cat wears the most whackest clothing, I swear.  I laugh all the time at his fit pics. 

CharmCityKid wrote:
live >>>> 2K (was the case w/ '10 and will be the case w/ '11). 2k does have better graphics, but that about it. the lead designer for 2k now works for EA. live has the best of both worlds. imo, live has better everything except graphics.

 animation, commentary, and realism much better in 2k, imo.  
I'm excited if this pans out true.  Kobe vs. Mike .... Kobe better have the better shot.
mikecabrera wrote:
I suck at these games, but I'll cop just to get that game cover and to add to my MJ memorabilia.

This ^
Going to be sweet! I'm pretty sure it'll happen since it already says Jordan signed a comtract!

I just hope it's not one of those stupid things where you'd have to beat every team by 147 points on expert mode, without committing a foul, playing with your left eye closed, saying "Sally sells sea shells by the sea shore" 5 times without messing up, all within 25 minutes, to unlock Jordan in the. Game.....
Originally Posted by GottaBdaShoes

In the enthusiastic words of Marv Albert...

"Oh, a spectacular move..." 2K sports!

MJ and other legends will most likely be unlockable characters? that have to be EARNED throughout the game. I will definitely buy this if he graces the cover and is in it.
that's not the way 2k works, there is nothing to unlock, he'll probably be on the 90's all-star team and available in the blacktop menus...smh @ you guys that are buying the game just because he's on the cover
Originally Posted by ohdannyboy

Originally Posted by GottaBdaShoes

In the enthusiastic words of Marv Albert...

"Oh, a spectacular move..." 2K sports!

MJ and other legends will most likely be unlockable characters? that have to be EARNED throughout the game. I will definitely buy this if he graces the cover and is in it.
that's not the way 2k works, there is nothing to unlock, he'll probably be on the 90's all-star team and available in the blacktop menus...smh @ you guys that are buying the game just because he's on the cover
Who are you? The game designer?

Alright then, shut the hell up.
i was gonna buy it regardless but i hope they improve the bugs and i was kinda sad kobe doesn't get the cover again I kinda feel like if Allen Iverson and Shaq were on multiple years why shouldn't kobe be on it again
Originally Posted by CharmCityKid

live >>>> 2K (was the case w/ '10 and will be the case w/ '11). 2k does have better graphics, but that about it. the lead designer for 2k now works for EA. live has the best of both worlds. imo, live has better everything except graphics.

   Wrong! 2k has better gameplay then live, anyone that plays/knows basketball can tell you.
Every time i play Live it doesnt feel like i have control of the player. Steve nash drives to the basket then shaq just rips him 
There is no defense in that game, the offense can just pass where ever they want without it getting stolen or at least tipped
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