Official Mind Blown thread VOL. what does it for you!


Head on a Sunday afternoon usually does it....yeah sounds about right. Some the girls are beyond talented and deserve some sort of grant for the skills they possess. A scholarship or something.
Head on a Sunday afternoon usually does it....yeah sounds about right. Some the girls are beyond talented and deserve some sort of grant for the skills they possess. A scholarship or something.
Originally Posted by jdi23

Head on a Sunday afternoon usually does it....yeah sounds about right. Some the girls are beyond talented and deserve some sort of grant for the skills they possess. A scholarship or something.

not sure if serious but
Originally Posted by jdi23

Head on a Sunday afternoon usually does it....yeah sounds about right. Some the girls are beyond talented and deserve some sort of grant for the skills they possess. A scholarship or something.

not sure if serious but
My mind gets blown when a chick wears glasses and dresses up in a school girl/sexy outfit then poses sexy and then bites her finger
My mind gets blown when a chick wears glasses and dresses up in a school girl/sexy outfit then poses sexy and then bites her finger
Originally Posted by BostonThreeParty

If you are driving a Car at lightspeed, and you turn on your headlights, What Happens?

I believe that light streak effect, like the starship enterprise, correct me if im wrong..
Originally Posted by BostonThreeParty

If you are driving a Car at lightspeed, and you turn on your headlights, What Happens?

I believe that light streak effect, like the starship enterprise, correct me if im wrong..
Originally Posted by TiZzlexiPhone

Originally Posted by BostonThreeParty

If you are driving a Car at lightspeed, and you turn on your headlights, What Happens?

I believe that light streak effect, like the starship enterprise, correct me if im wrong..
What happens?
Nothing really, the lights come on like they would if you were traveling at 100 mph. fast are the lights from your lamp traveling is a more academic question.

(read the bold red if you are short on time).
This is going to be hard to explain, so please follow up with google or your [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]physics professor[/color].

The speed of light is absolute. From any point of view, the speed of light c = the speed of light.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Nothing travels faster than the speed of light[/color] according to our current laws of physics.

Let me break it down.

There are 2 people Person A is in a car and person B is an observer outside of the car If person A was in a car traveling 30mph and threw a baseball in front of him at 60mph...from person A's, point of view the ball is going 60mph. From Person B's point of view, the ball should be going 90mph (car+ball).
Fair enough right? High School physics @#%+

This is the mind blowing part. If person A is traveling at the speed of light, c and shines his lights out.....the lights travel at the speed of light and person A perceives the lights to travel at the speed of light. Again, fair enough. This is analogous to our baseball example.

Now....Person B will see the car travel at the speed of light....and the ball also travel at the speed of light. The explanation for this is a bit....intense. Again, Google it.
It involves time dilation and other quirky things which occur as objects approach c.

In short, the light travel at light speed from an absolute standpoint and from everyone's point of view. The lights do not travel at twice the speed of light.
Huh? Mind = blown. I learned this crap in my Physics III class. Einstein's theory of relativity, quantum physics, etc. Mind blowing stuff. Thank God I had old test
Originally Posted by TiZzlexiPhone

Originally Posted by BostonThreeParty

If you are driving a Car at lightspeed, and you turn on your headlights, What Happens?

I believe that light streak effect, like the starship enterprise, correct me if im wrong..
What happens?
Nothing really, the lights come on like they would if you were traveling at 100 mph. fast are the lights from your lamp traveling is a more academic question.

(read the bold red if you are short on time).
This is going to be hard to explain, so please follow up with google or your [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]physics professor[/color].

The speed of light is absolute. From any point of view, the speed of light c = the speed of light.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Nothing travels faster than the speed of light[/color] according to our current laws of physics.

Let me break it down.

There are 2 people Person A is in a car and person B is an observer outside of the car If person A was in a car traveling 30mph and threw a baseball in front of him at 60mph...from person A's, point of view the ball is going 60mph. From Person B's point of view, the ball should be going 90mph (car+ball).
Fair enough right? High School physics @#%+

This is the mind blowing part. If person A is traveling at the speed of light, c and shines his lights out.....the lights travel at the speed of light and person A perceives the lights to travel at the speed of light. Again, fair enough. This is analogous to our baseball example.

Now....Person B will see the car travel at the speed of light....and the ball also travel at the speed of light. The explanation for this is a bit....intense. Again, Google it.
It involves time dilation and other quirky things which occur as objects approach c.

In short, the light travel at light speed from an absolute standpoint and from everyone's point of view. The lights do not travel at twice the speed of light.
Huh? Mind = blown. I learned this crap in my Physics III class. Einstein's theory of relativity, quantum physics, etc. Mind blowing stuff. Thank God I had old test
Went to a school board meeting today in Providence, people poured their hearts out for a good three hours begging and pleading for the schools to stay open. Five schools were shut down ten minutes after everyone was done talking.
Went to a school board meeting today in Providence, people poured their hearts out for a good three hours begging and pleading for the schools to stay open. Five schools were shut down ten minutes after everyone was done talking.
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