Official MLB Offseason Post: Michael Young asks for a trade.

They are deep at every position in the minors so I'd believe it would have to be a major blue chipper or maybe even two to get them to sway and trade Zach away. That team will win that division in 2012 or 2013.

Playoffs soured the Rangers on Vlad I think. That route seems better because Beltre is still the top defensive 3b in the league and Young can still hit for average and power. Put Beltre in that park, he could probably put up similar #'s.
Vlad was pretty terrible after the ASB this year, aside from a two week hot-streak in September... He can't play ANYWHERE in the field and he's an idiot running the bases... I love the guy but I just don't think he fits at this point...

The Rangers need to shift focus to finding a DH that can play in the field next year so they can give Hamilton some days in that slot and try to keep him fresh... Guys like Luke Scott or Ty Wigginton would be a good fit...

And I'd be all for Beltre... I think he got a bad rap in Seattle, honestly. Terrible fit for Seattle because he's a fly-ball hitter and in that park, that'll kill you. And they expected him to be a middle-of-the-order anchor and he just isn't that... You may not get what he did in Fenway this year, but if he's an .800 OPS guy with his defense, that's a damn nice player.
Vlad was pretty terrible after the ASB this year, aside from a two week hot-streak in September... He can't play ANYWHERE in the field and he's an idiot running the bases... I love the guy but I just don't think he fits at this point...

The Rangers need to shift focus to finding a DH that can play in the field next year so they can give Hamilton some days in that slot and try to keep him fresh... Guys like Luke Scott or Ty Wigginton would be a good fit...

And I'd be all for Beltre... I think he got a bad rap in Seattle, honestly. Terrible fit for Seattle because he's a fly-ball hitter and in that park, that'll kill you. And they expected him to be a middle-of-the-order anchor and he just isn't that... You may not get what he did in Fenway this year, but if he's an .800 OPS guy with his defense, that's a damn nice player.
Won't happen but with the emergence of Bumgarner the Giants should see what they could get for Sanchez while his value his high.

Still enjoying this one but there's a lot of moves to ponder for the Giants
Won't happen but with the emergence of Bumgarner the Giants should see what they could get for Sanchez while his value his high.

Still enjoying this one but there's a lot of moves to ponder for the Giants
• Pittsburgh outfielder Andrew Lambo's shown good and badsides so far in Arizona. The good has been the raw power -- it's asimple, direct swing with good leverage, and he can murder a fastballor poorly placed offspeed pitch, mostly pull the ball. He's fringydefensively but has a plus arm and probably won't cost his team toomany runs in right field. The bad has been the on-field behavior --arguing loudly with an umpire (attendance is sparse here, so we couldhear every word in the seats) and, after flinging his bat into theseats on a swing and miss, holding up the game until the young fan gavehim back his bat, only to fling it right back into the stands again andraise the same stink.

Lambo has already been suspended once for marijuana usage, butfrom where I sit that's only relevant if it impacts his work ethic orability to play the game. I'm much more concerned about the immaturityhe's shown, because that's a potential sign that he's not going to farewell with coaches trying to help him improve or teammates who will havelittle patience for his antics between the lines.

Give me my pot head back
• Pittsburgh outfielder Andrew Lambo's shown good and badsides so far in Arizona. The good has been the raw power -- it's asimple, direct swing with good leverage, and he can murder a fastballor poorly placed offspeed pitch, mostly pull the ball. He's fringydefensively but has a plus arm and probably won't cost his team toomany runs in right field. The bad has been the on-field behavior --arguing loudly with an umpire (attendance is sparse here, so we couldhear every word in the seats) and, after flinging his bat into theseats on a swing and miss, holding up the game until the young fan gavehim back his bat, only to fling it right back into the stands again andraise the same stink.

Lambo has already been suspended once for marijuana usage, butfrom where I sit that's only relevant if it impacts his work ethic orability to play the game. I'm much more concerned about the immaturityhe's shown, because that's a potential sign that he's not going to farewell with coaches trying to help him improve or teammates who will havelittle patience for his antics between the lines.

Give me my pot head back
Here goes my attempt to stay as active in here as possible throughout the off-season.

So, a Met fan called up Mike Francesa earlier this afternoon and proposed this trade. Reyes to the Yankees for Gardner/Joba/Nova/Montero/Nunez.

Ah, gotta' love the off-season 
Here goes my attempt to stay as active in here as possible throughout the off-season.

So, a Met fan called up Mike Francesa earlier this afternoon and proposed this trade. Reyes to the Yankees for Gardner/Joba/Nova/Montero/Nunez.

Ah, gotta' love the off-season 
I'd love for the Mets to make a push at Grienke but our farm system is so sparse it's just not worth it. We need to be adding players there not sending them out.

He wants no part of NY, he already admitted he would prefer to pitch in a more laid back city.
I'd love for the Mets to make a push at Grienke but our farm system is so sparse it's just not worth it. We need to be adding players there not sending them out.

He wants no part of NY, he already admitted he would prefer to pitch in a more laid back city.
Cards should pickup Orlando Hudson and Omar Infante....we need a better 2nd baseman with some base speed and a reliable shortstop.

we can also use a closer..Rauch isnt bad, but he isnt that good either.
Cards should pickup Orlando Hudson and Omar Infante....we need a better 2nd baseman with some base speed and a reliable shortstop.

we can also use a closer..Rauch isnt bad, but he isnt that good either.
Good call, Pro.
I was actually gonna make this thread tonight when I got to the crib.
Good call, Pro.
I was actually gonna make this thread tonight when I got to the crib.
I'm like 98% sure Konerko is back with the White Sox.

Look for Bobby Jenks to get non tendered this off season.

Angels need to do whatever they can to get Carl Crawford
I'm like 98% sure Konerko is back with the White Sox.

Look for Bobby Jenks to get non tendered this off season.

Angels need to do whatever they can to get Carl Crawford
Originally Posted by pacmagic2002

Cards should pickup Orlando Hudson and Omar Infante....we need a better 2nd baseman with some base speed and a reliable shortstop.

we can also use a closer..Rauch isnt bad, but he isnt that good either.

Braves have picked up Omar Infante's option for next year.
Braves are looking to trade for Colby Rasmus or Matt Kemp and they have the prospects to do it. 
Originally Posted by pacmagic2002

Cards should pickup Orlando Hudson and Omar Infante....we need a better 2nd baseman with some base speed and a reliable shortstop.

we can also use a closer..Rauch isnt bad, but he isnt that good either.

Braves have picked up Omar Infante's option for next year.
Braves are looking to trade for Colby Rasmus or Matt Kemp and they have the prospects to do it. 
Originally Posted by wildKYcat

Good call, Pro.
I was actually gonna make this thread tonight when I got to the crib.
Hey man, look for your Reds to have another great season. That feeling must be refreshing as hell, eh' ?
Originally Posted by wildKYcat

Good call, Pro.
I was actually gonna make this thread tonight when I got to the crib.
Hey man, look for your Reds to have another great season. That feeling must be refreshing as hell, eh' ?
what to do, what to SOMETHING, theo. i don't dig bridge/rebuilding years
what to do, what to SOMETHING, theo. i don't dig bridge/rebuilding years
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