Official MMA Thread-UFC on FOX 3, 5/5/12 - Anyone asking for stream links = banned.

a lot of you people in here talking fixes and why isnt kimbo swatting flies need to FALL BACK ... my guess is none of you have ever even been in a seriousfight or at the very least havent watched MMA sans for tonight and maybe one other time ...

have you ever seen an interview with any of the even semi elite heavyweight MMA fighters? this isnt a censored sport like the WWE they come out and saystraight up that Kimbo is nothing but a marketing tool ... last night there were numerous fighters talking about all we need is a shot at Kimbo and his littlereign would be over quick ...

ska i realize you havent watched much mma by the way you thought daley could have just pushed shields legs outta the way in the armbar LOL ... but on the realthere was nothing fixed about this fight ... Kimbo came in brawling and left his head open like he always does and dude with pink hair laid his %$% out with astraight right ... yall thinkin Kimbo could defend himself? watch the replay dude had no clue #%! was going on the ref looks at a fighters hands and if theyare "reaching" to block punches instead of covering up they stop the fight ... think about if you are on the ground and someone is piecing you inyour face, whats your first reaction? cover your face ... Kimbo had no clue where he was and thats why the fight was stopped ...

yall did realize he tried to shoot the ref right? if that doesnt tell you dude was in la la land i dont know what does ... then if that wasnt enough he askedthe promoter if he got hit ......................................... la la land
At first, I was thinking this thing was fixed. Shamrock and Kimbo had "bad-blood", the fight at the press-conference, etc. People were tuning in towatch that match. Then, Shamrock, on the day of the FIGHT, is training and hurts his eye? I mean...that doesn't sound right. It reminds me of when MuhammadAli was training for his rematch with Sonny Liston and there were reports of how Liston looked stronger and more motivated than he had in years and then, by'coincidence', Ali gets hurt in training and has to postpone the fight. Just odd little 'coincidence'...

But then I watched the fight. Kimbo just got his *** kicked. You could see the punch and you can see Kimbo was legit-hurt and stunned. I know from being aboxing-fan, it doesn't have to be a huge, blatant blow to hurt you, but if someone is hit with a strong blow to just the right spot, you will be dazed andconfused for at least a few seconds. Supporting this theory is how Kimbo was attempting to continue the match with the referee. He was simply dazed andconfused...

In his defense, he didn't know who he would be fighting and thus had no time to develop a strategy, etc. Well, I take that back, he DID have a strategy,but that was for Ken Shamrock. So, I don't think this will kill his career or really even hurt it because he'll always have the 'last minute'thing to fall back on. And its really not a BS excuse because I guarantee, in no other professional sport would a fighter, last minute, agree to fight someoneon the whim...
wow @ people thinking this could be a fix. EliteXC built up Kimbo to be a legend but he never fought top competition. Would you rather see a fighter that lostor an undefeated fighter. In the MMA world everyone knew Kimbo was being protected from the elite in MMA(Fedor, Randy etc.) Ken Shamrock was a legend in boththe UFC and WWE and that just added more hype to this fight. The idea that EliteXC would take out a main eventer like Shamrock is crazy. Think about this way,if Floyd Mayweather and De La Hoya were to fight and Mayweather couldn't fight but they advertised the fight for weeks and since it's on free tv youhave to get someone. So they replaced him in the last second with some guy people have no idea who he is and then De La Hoya gets knocked out. That'sbasically how it is.
And to the people saying Kimbo didn't defend himself, look at it again. Kimbo got hit with a good jab and lost it after. Seth just kept reigning bombs onhim after. Kimbo isn't iron man and his chin finally was tested.
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

I understand the reasoning is going to be 'He took a shot that stunned him.'

Two problems I have with that:
#1. It's not like Kimbo was all dazed and confused lying on the floor speaking in tongues and swatting at flies. He seemed like he very well could have defended himself somehow... on his back, against the wall standing up, against the wall kneeling over, retreating to the middle of the floor, something... but he didn't. He just... took it.

#2. In less than 2 minutes, he's sound enough to throw out an after-party reminder and big-up Ft. Lauderdale? If less than 2 minutes ago you were declared the loser of a fight because you were apparently too stunned to defend yourself, I'm thinking that right now, I should be watching you swat at imaginary flies while asking someone to pass the bacon. But nah... dude seemed... perfectly fine.

maaaaan you're looking mad new to the sport. which so be it. but:

he was exactly that. stunned. and 2 seconds later when he got punched in the head unprotected by a 200 pounder he was still stunned, and 2 seconds after that, and 2 seconds after that.

these punches a cummulative and it takes the very best to figure out how to escape from situations like that. try and add an easy math question 51 + 52 + 53 with one of your buds punching you in the head full force. now do that question on all fours while your bud leverages over your body.

fighters are routinely fine right after getting ko'd or tko'd. their considered 'flash' ko's.
I appear new to the sport? Whatever am I going to do about appearing new to a sport that I actually amnew to?

And 'flash tko'? Awesome. Thanks. Now I know.

Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

Save that.

When's the next event on national (that means 'not cable') television?

cards are routinely available on the internet for free.
I didn't as when the next event is on the internet. I asked when the next event is on nat'l t.v. I don't watch stuff online.
last minute for kimbo? how bout lats minute for pinky? LOLOLOLOL yall tryin real hard to defend dude gettin his !** wooped ... just deal withit he will fightagain, maybe next time he will cover up
Originally Posted by SHUGES

I don't know about it being fixed.... But it definitely seemed suspect.

1. Dude wasn't even hitting Kimbo with solid shots when he was down on the ground. Check the replays.

2. CBS complained about the show running WAY past the time-limit last time around. And gee, look what happens this time.... Ending at approx. 11:15p.

3. I think they got more hype with this outcome. Set-up a rematch and have Kimbo dominate as opposed to having Kimbo win tonight and people yawn again. Kimbo losing "legitimizes" Elite.
I agree with this, but still think it's unlikely that they fixed it.
Once he fell, he didnt even attempt to defend himself.

And only 1 or 2 of those punches landed.... The rest were on the shoulder and on top of his head.

Two words - GLASS JAW.
ska i realize you havent watched much mma by the way you thought daley could have just pushed shields legs outta the way in the armbar LOL ... but on the real there was nothing fixed about this fight ... Kimbo came in brawling and left his head open like he always does and dude with pink hair laid his %$% out with a straight right ... yall thinkin Kimbo could defend himself? watch the replay dude had no clue #%! was going on the ref looks at a fighters hands and if they are "reaching" to block punches instead of covering up they stop the fight ... think about if you are on the ground and someone is piecing you in your face, whats your first reaction? cover your face ... Kimbo had no clue where he was and thats why the fight was stopped ...

yall did realize he tried to shoot the ref right? if that doesnt tell you dude was in la la land i dont know what does ... then if that wasnt enough he asked the promoter if he got hit ......................................... la la land
Thank you for actually providing something substantial to the question of whether or not it was fixed.

Like I said, I was just wanting someone who knows the sport to provide a concrete answer that there's no way it was fixed, and finally someone did that. Itstill looks suspect, but at least you gave a real answer.

And that's the second time you've given a solid answer to a question I asked. *appreciated* When I asked earlier about dude getting out of Shields'leg-grip, I was expecting someone to respond with something like 'That's the stupidest question ever.
You serious?' instead of actually answering the question.

Like I said, *appreciated*

yall are killin me ... any person on NT taking that punch just as it was thrown would have been LIGHTS OUT just like Kimbo was ...
And 'flash tko'? Awesome. Thanks. Now I know.
never sure about sarcasm in print but that is what you just saw. that's why kimbo was fine after. something to which you were inquiring about.

I didn't as when the next event is on the internet. I asked when the next event is on nat'l t.v. I don't watch stuff online.
i know that print also allows you to be very literal, but i dont have to quote your reply and how it corresponded to my statement to say that theway it was worded clearly insinuated that a lack of national broadcasts was one of the reasons you or others might not tune in to mma as much.

i was simply stating another way to watch it. as for you, how am i supposed to know you 'dont watch suff on the internet'?

dude weighed in at about 200 pounds?
shamrock hasnt weighed in as a true heavyweight since they regulated and started screening for roids.

after finding out Ken was not fighting. i really thought he did that on purpose... intentional cut. dude weighed in at about 200 pounds? thats it?! i dontthink he was ready, so he just backed out at the last minute.

then they got Seth to step in at the last minute. this fighter actually has experience in mma and karate. big mistake for elitexc for choosing him and Kimboknew it.

i dont think it was fixed at all. it was not a lucky punch... front kick + right cross, wat so lucky about that? its not like its not like he did it with hiseyes closed hoping for a miracle. once u get hit by a good strike theres really no defense after that. the ref gave kimbo enough time to recover but we allknow hes got no ground defense.

kimbo was dazed and stunned when the ref stopped the fight. he was trying to takedown the ref
. i was thinking dude prolly doesnt know the fight was over reminiscent ofrenato babalu sobral. it wasnt like he got KTFO ala rashard evans to chuck liddell.

and Kimbo hyping up his afterparty... dude was just glad he got paid $$$

overall... i woulda been better if it lasted the whole 3 rounds with both fighters giving it their all. but watever i didnt really care whether kimbo lost orwon. i was more disappointed Ken wasnt fighting.

p.s. i give a big
to tito ortiz for actually thinking hes wortha million dollar contract
Originally Posted by LilStarZ07

yall are killin me ... any person on NT taking that punch just as it was thrown would have been LIGHTS OUT just like Kimbo was ...


I guarantee that punch was solid as hell.
He got hit almost on the temple in the eyebrow region. I mean it was lucky in the sense that Seth wasnt throwing that to be a knock out punch but it workedtake your W's how you get them.

Just watching it over and over there is no surpise to me Kimbo was in lala land after that hit he lunged into that punch
Originally Posted by LilStarZ07

yall are killin me ... any person on NT taking that punch just as it was thrown would have been LIGHTS OUT just like Kimbo was ...
I dont refute that at all. But a lot of us have seen Kimbo's other fights... his street fights... and hes takin WAY harder shots than that.
Wow, the most scared desperate lucky and weak KO hit you will ever see in a fight.

I don't know what is next for Kimbo.
Originally Posted by SDTEKKEN

Originally Posted by LilStarZ07

yall are killin me ... any person on NT taking that punch just as it was thrown would have been LIGHTS OUT just like Kimbo was ...
I dont refute that at all. But a lot of us have seen Kimbo's other fights... his street fights... and hes takin WAY harder shots than that.

In the same spot though?
And 'flash tko'? Awesome. Thanks. Now I know.
never sure about sarcasm in print but that is what you just saw. that's why kimbo was fine after. something to which you were inquiring about.
I didn't as when the next event is on the internet. I asked when the next event is on nat'l t.v. I don't watch stuff online.
i know that print also allows you to be very literal, but i dont have to quote your reply and how it corresponded to my statement to say that the way it was worded clearly insinuated that a lack of national broadcasts was one of the reasons you or others might not tune in to mma as much.

i was simply stating another way to watch it. as for you, how am i supposed to know you 'dont watch suff on the internet'?
#1. Nah, I wasn't being sarcastic at all. I've never heard the phrase 'flash tko', and now I have. I asked how someone couldsupposedly be declared unable to continue fighting because of cluelessness... and then less than 2 minutes later, he's all good. Turns out the answer is'flash tko', and it happens all the time... in a sport I am definitely new to. That's knowledge. So what if it's beginner's knowledge?I'm a beginner. I wouldn't expect someone brand new to basketball t know what a pick-and-roll is, one of the most basic components to the sport.

#2. You're not supposed to know I don't watch stuff online. But you should know I asked when the next event is on national t.v.... because that'swhat I asked.
^^^Yea theres just some points on the face/chin/head that when hit, can get you KTFO... withouttaking a ton of shots before... ive seen a lot of fights where dudes are out cold for a minute then come to and wonder what just happened, but theyre ok.

The body language of Kimbo when he hit the ground was pretty genuine... his arms kinda got stiff and he had no motions of reacting to falling on his face.

I was
when dude was slammin him with those shots to the side of the head and kimbo was barely moving though... that man is a rock.
^^use of the word 'exactly.' after your initial question proves my point.

aaaaaaaaand im out of it.

I dont refute that at all. But a lot of us have seen Kimbo's other fights... his street fights... and hes takin WAY harder shots than that.

just because seth petz is an unknown doesnt mean he isnt a professional mixed martial artist. he's trashing every random kimbo ever fought on the street.

full contact karate champ is no joke.

beats 'internet phenom'
. kimbo slice up in this ooooooooooh,crank dat.
Originally Posted by TrueBlack88

At first, I was thinking this thing was fixed. Shamrock and Kimbo had "bad-blood", the fight at the press-conference, etc. People were tuning in to watch that match. Then, Shamrock, on the day of the FIGHT, is training and hurts his eye? I mean...that doesn't sound right. It reminds me of when Muhammad Ali was training for his rematch with Sonny Liston and there were reports of how Liston looked stronger and more motivated than he had in years and then, by 'coincidence', Ali gets hurt in training and has to postpone the fight. Just odd little 'coincidence'...

But then I watched the fight. Kimbo just got his *** kicked. You could see the punch and you can see Kimbo was legit-hurt and stunned. I know from being a boxing-fan, it doesn't have to be a huge, blatant blow to hurt you, but if someone is hit with a strong blow to just the right spot, you will be dazed and confused for at least a few seconds. Supporting this theory is how Kimbo was attempting to continue the match with the referee. He was simply dazed and confused...

In his defense, he didn't know who he would be fighting and thus had no time to develop a strategy, etc. Well, I take that back, he DID have a strategy, but that was for Ken Shamrock. So, I don't think this will kill his career or really even hurt it because he'll always have the 'last minute' thing to fall back on. And its really not a BS excuse because I guarantee, in no other professional sport would a fighter, last minute, agree to fight someone on the whim...

Where do I begin? Elite XC has been fixing fights FOR Kimbo IMO he lost that fight to Thomson. I told my buddy that the only way Kimbo can be beat would beby sub or KO because any decision is gonna go Kimbo's way. Elite XC has placed their whole future on Kimbo slice, believe me when I say they want him towin. So they keep giving him older washed up guys like Tank and Ken Shamrock. They are protecting Kimbo from real threats.
Now when I saw this dude they put Kimbo against I thought Kimbo was gonna end the fight quick. I mean the dude is barely 200lbs and he practices Karateand then when he waved at the crowd before the fight he looked like a gay. I was clowning on dude. But you know what? He stomped Kimbo. You don't fakea KO kimbo was out of it if it were not stopped right there you would have seen a repeat of the first fight where dude was repetedly smashing the guys headinto the ground. So if you wanna say it was fixed the only one who could have thrown the fight would have been Kimbo himself.
Where do I begin? Elite XC has been fixing fights FOR Kimbo IMO he lost that fight to Thomson.

they are giving huge leeway for him taking shots. i didnt think the ref was going to stop this fight at all, just let petz beat on him for 3 rounds.
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