Official MMA Thread-UFC on FOX 3, 5/5/12 - Anyone asking for stream links = banned.

^ im too quick!
Very odd situation with cro cop. I hope things settle..I read on fightersonly that Alturk is also trying to take his last loss to court because of the eyepoke...
Originally Posted by rickybadman

Lastest news is that Cro-Cop said in an interview he did not sign any contract with Dream and he still wants to fight in the UFC, the main obstacle is that he wants to fight 3 times a year and the UFC is only offering 2 fights. He said Dana's comments will not effect his decision.


on the fight,
that eye poke was really very obvious and how mergliotta couldnt tell is ridiculous.
godddddaaaaaaaaamnnn, Sylvia got leaned. See that's what good boxing'll do for you in an mma fight. Maybe Sylvia getting dropped by Mercer in secondswill give a little validation to Kimbo's win. I'm looking forward to seeing that guy on the next Ultimate Fighter, I think he caught a lot ofunnecessary hate for things that were out of his control, and maybe he can shut some of his critics up.


Man I'm definitely rooting for Alves, but if GSP shows up at his best, Alves has to show up better than his best.

1. GSP's standup gets overshadowed by his wrestling, but he's got hands, and he's got kicks, plus he has an 8inch reach advantage according to wikipedia (GSP at 76 in., Alves at 68).
2. Thiago has those leg kicks, but if his gameplan involves minimizing leg kicks to avoid the takedown then he's not as dangerous as he could be (watchthe Karo Parisyan fight, he was definitely scared to throw 'em, he threw like 2 the whole match and Karo almost caught one of them). Those leg kicks aredefinitely a major offensive weapon for him, and without them he's still a beast, but it takes away a major part of his game, and it makes it alot easierfor GSP to handle him.
3. Bottom line if it goes to the ground Alves is gonna get punished.

So yea I'd say Thiago is the heavy underdog. But with all that said, I'm still rooting for him. Alves' standup is crisp, he's got heavyhands, good defense, and he's probably gonna outweigh GSP on fight night by like 10 pounds. I've seen a few videos and I keep hearing about how hardhe's training, plus the combination of St. Pierre's chin and his power means he at least has a puncher's chance. So I'm hoping he shows up inhis best form yet with a really good gameplan and beats the brakes off St. Pierre
. I wanna see a champ who's an exciting striker, I'm getting tired ofGSP's ground and pound every fight.
the wandy fight was exciting. i had him winning the fight but watever.

tim silva is getting to be more and more of a joke

its always nice to see crocop fight and dominate. too bad for the eye poke but the other dude would have gotten a high kick in the face eventually.

i got gsp winning but alves can pull off an upset. lets see if gsp and his crew pull off another greasegate incident.
Were the refs in Germany uninformed about MMA too?! Judging in just about every fight was terrible. I had Davis, Uno and Silva all winning split decisions.Watching a UFC card at Noon was kinda odd to me, but I liked the fact that my local sports bar was showing it for free.

Cain was a beast, took a few lickings and keep moving forward. A lesser fighter would've covered up and called it a night.

Can't wait to see GSP work Alves in every way, it's gonna be a clinic! As long as GSP can avoid the heavy hands and leg kicks the first 2 rounds, heshould be able to pound him out by the 4th round. Alves huge weight cut will definately cut into his gas tank. Mir will sub Brock again, it's inevitable.
swick vs hughes is gaining steam.

dunno why swick says 'big fight' and then aims for hughes. hughes isnt exactly a main eventer anymore.

it's actually very in favour of swick for him to fight an aging wrestler with poor standup.

it allows him to fight what people will call a 'big fight' without fighting someone too dangerous.

rumble would be a better fight for him.,170304

Mon Jun 15, 2009 1:50 pm EDT
[h4]What the heck is going on with Cro Cop?[/h4]
By Steve Cofield

Mirko "Cro Cop" Filipovic has been and will always be a bit of a mystery. The heavyweight legend crushed Mostapha Al-Turk at UFC 99 and then quickly became a villian with many MMA fans when Dana White to Yahoo! Sports that Cro Cop was done with the UFC after just one fight back. White responded by saying he got screwed and that Cro Cop pulled a fast one on him having already signed with DREAM in Japan. Apparently, no one spoke with Cro Cop until he returned to his homeland where he first said he didn't want to comment on personal matters and then changed his tune telling a Croatian newspaper that he's a free agent. Huh?
"However, it is not true that Cro Cop signed with Dream. We have learned that Mirko Crocop still did not sign neither with Dream nor with UFC, and that he is ready to discuss any offer. Moreover, Mirko expected after the victory in Cologne immediate talks with Dana White about the new contract and is surprised by the accusations of UFC's president."

Cro Cop says that he's open to talking with the UFC but has an issue with only signing a two-fight extension. The 34-year-old heavyweight doesn't want to fight twice in 12 months. He's looking for more volume and quicker turnarounds between fights:
"I don't know why White listened to the rumors instead of talking to me. I hoped that we will talk about a continuing of our collaboration, because the only obstacle was the long period between two fights that has been offered to me. I don't want to sit at home so long and waiting that someone calls me for a fight. However, I am grateful to Dana White for an opportunity to fight in Cologne and despite his harsh words, I don't see the reason that we don't prolong the contract."

The whole story is very confusing. Immediately after the fight, Cro Cop did tell (1:21 mark), that he was looking forward to fighting guys like Antonio Rodrigo Nogueira and Randy Couture. Sources say that whispers of the DREAM deal were circulating Lanxess before the event started.http://

Ariel Helwani from raripped the hell out of Cro Cop on Saturday night's Yahoo! Sports/ESPNRadio1100 postfight show upon hearing Filipovic had reportedly signed a deal with DREAM before his fight against Al-Turk. Fans on the Underground Forum fired back calling him a UFC nuthugger and questioning his objectivity, forgetting that he's doing a sportstalk show. On the flip side, Fight Opinion's Zack Arnold said White had what was coming to him. If he expects fighters to sign deals where they can be cut at any point (similar to the NFL) and have their pay slashed after losses, Cro Cop should be able to do what he wants.

Tip via Bloody Elbow
Originally Posted by Clutchshooter

swick vs hughes is gaining steam.

dunno why swick says 'big fight' and then aims for hughes. hughes isnt exactly a main eventer anymore.

it's actually very in favour of swick for him to fight an aging wrestler with poor standup.

it allows him to fight what people will call a 'big fight' without fighting someone too dangerous.

rumble would be a better fight for him.

Doesn't matter if they're relevant or not as long as it's a big name. An aging Liddell propelled Shogun into headlining a main event at the Staplescenter
Swick is 9-1 in the UFC with only 1 decision loss to the #2 MW in the world Yushin Okami. It's about time he fights some names.
Originally Posted by BlackCease

godddddaaaaaaaaamnnn, Sylvia got leaned. See that's what good boxing'll do for you in an mma fight. Maybe Sylvia getting dropped by Mercer in seconds will give a little validation to Kimbo's win. I'm looking forward to seeing that guy on the next Ultimate Fighter, I think he caught a lot of unnecessary hate for things that were out of his control, and maybe he can shut some of his critics up.
Big Timmy... look what you've done. This fight is just going to give the "Elite Boxer can KO an elite MMA fighter with his eyesclosed" Apologists more ammo to defend their point.

I still don't see how this gives Kimbo's win over Mercer any validation. Granted, this was an MMA fight, but only in title/description. It was littlemore than 2 guys coming out, circling for a few seconds, and then one dude gettin caught flush on the chin with the first meaningful strike thrown. Mercer hada punchers chance and he capitalized on it. I won't go as far to call it a "lucky punch" as Mercer is/was an elite caliber boxer who has toplevel technique and punching power (im no expert, but he did hold a HW World Title in boxing so....), but run this fight 10 times again and I highly doubtSylvia is getting brutally KO'd again. Its not a perfect comparison, but its kinda like that Kos v. Paulo Thiago fight a few months back. Thiago'sboxing looked terrible, but anytime 2 guys step into that cage they always have a punchers chance. Obviously in this case, Mercer's "puncher'schance" is significantly higher than someone like a Paulo Thiago, but hell... anything can happen right?
I really hope Cro-Cop didnt sign with Dream, that would be so messed up. And a real slap in the face of Dana
as expected sylvia's out against buentello.

his ko suspension will be up but his camp is keeping him out for safety.

it's the smart call.

the whole thing to begin with.
Originally Posted by Mojodmonky1

Originally Posted by BlackCease

godddddaaaaaaaaamnnn, Sylvia got leaned. See that's what good boxing'll do for you in an mma fight. Maybe Sylvia getting dropped by Mercer in seconds will give a little validation to Kimbo's win. I'm looking forward to seeing that guy on the next Ultimate Fighter, I think he caught a lot of unnecessary hate for things that were out of his control, and maybe he can shut some of his critics up.
Big Timmy... look what you've done. This fight is just going to give the "Elite Boxer can KO an elite MMA fighter with his eyes closed" Apologists more ammo to defend their point.

I still don't see how this gives Kimbo's win over Mercer any validation. Granted, this was an MMA fight, but only in title/description. It was little more than 2 guys coming out, circling for a few seconds, and then one dude gettin caught flush on the chin with the first meaningful strike thrown. Mercer had a punchers chance and he capitalized on it. I won't go as far to call it a "lucky punch" as Mercer is/was an elite caliber boxer who has top level technique and punching power (im no expert, but he did hold a HW World Title in boxing so....), but run this fight 10 times again and I highly doubt Sylvia is getting brutally KO'd again. Its not a perfect comparison, but its kinda like that Kos v. Paulo Thiago fight a few months back. Thiago's boxing looked terrible, but anytime 2 guys step into that cage they always have a punchers chance. Obviously in this case, Mercer's "puncher's chance" is significantly higher than someone like a Paulo Thiago, but hell... anything can happen right?

Nah man, I'm not one of those guys who thinks any boxer will crushany MMA fighter. There's too many ways to lose (leg/head kicks submissions, whatever), so anything could happen with the right gameplan on either side. But honestly, I'm a big fan of both sports, but it just is what it is....with the exception of a select few, a lot of MMA fighters are still #%%!#@@pathetic on their feet. Not just throwing punches, but defending punches too.

And worse than that, what passes for "good boxing" in MMA sometimes is laughable. Example: I #%%!#@@ cringe everytime I hear somebody say Rashad has"great boxing"
. He has no concept of defense, his jab is a wild flail, and his movement looks good, but he never really does @$+$ with it, he never reallysets anything up. Look at how easily Machida rocked him with a couple well placed straights. Bottomline, boxers have way better technique, punch selection,head movement, and defense, and in a situation like the one above, most MMA guys would be at anextreme disadvantage. Thus "See that's what good boxing'll do for you in an mma fight". When you're in punching range you have ahuge advantage, that's all I'm saying.

So nah, the boxer doesn't win everytime, but when the MMA guy puts himself in a position like Sylvia did, 9/10 times he's getting his @$+$ rocked.
If you check tim sylvia confirms he will be in the ea mma game along with randy couture. With fedor and mousasi as other confirmed fightersit's safe to say goodnight to THQ come next year. Looks like EA will buy every fighter the ufc doesn't have an iron clad contract over.
Originally Posted by BlackCease

Originally Posted by Mojodmonky1

Originally Posted by BlackCease

godddddaaaaaaaaamnnn, Sylvia got leaned. See that's what good boxing'll do for you in an mma fight. Maybe Sylvia getting dropped by Mercer in seconds will give a little validation to Kimbo's win. I'm looking forward to seeing that guy on the next Ultimate Fighter, I think he caught a lot of unnecessary hate for things that were out of his control, and maybe he can shut some of his critics up.
Big Timmy... look what you've done. This fight is just going to give the "Elite Boxer can KO an elite MMA fighter with his eyes closed" Apologists more ammo to defend their point.

I still don't see how this gives Kimbo's win over Mercer any validation. Granted, this was an MMA fight, but only in title/description. It was little more than 2 guys coming out, circling for a few seconds, and then one dude gettin caught flush on the chin with the first meaningful strike thrown. Mercer had a punchers chance and he capitalized on it. I won't go as far to call it a "lucky punch" as Mercer is/was an elite caliber boxer who has top level technique and punching power (im no expert, but he did hold a HW World Title in boxing so....), but run this fight 10 times again and I highly doubt Sylvia is getting brutally KO'd again. Its not a perfect comparison, but its kinda like that Kos v. Paulo Thiago fight a few months back. Thiago's boxing looked terrible, but anytime 2 guys step into that cage they always have a punchers chance. Obviously in this case, Mercer's "puncher's chance" is significantly higher than someone like a Paulo Thiago, but hell... anything can happen right?

Nah man, I'm not one of those guys who thinks any boxer will crush any MMA fighter. There's too many ways to lose (leg/head kicks submissions, whatever), so anything could happen with the right gameplan on either side. But honestly, I'm a big fan of both sports, but it just is what it is....with the exception of a select few, a lot of MMA fighters are still #%%!#@@ pathetic on their feet. Not just throwing punches, but defending punches too.

And worse than that, what passes for "good boxing" in MMA sometimes is laughable. Example: I #%%!#@@ cringe everytime I hear somebody say Rashad has "great boxing"
. He has no concept of defense, his jab is a wild flail, and his movement looks good, but he never really does @$+$ with it, he never really sets anything up. Look at how easily Machida rocked him with a couple well placed straights. Bottomline, boxers have way better technique, punch selection, head movement, and defense, and in a situation like the one above, most MMA guys would be at an extreme disadvantage. Thus "See that's what good boxing'll do for you in an mma fight". When you're in punching range you have a huge advantage, that's all I'm saying.

So nah, the boxer doesn't win everytime, but when the MMA guy puts himself in a position like Sylvia did, 9/10 times he's getting his @$+$ rocked.

In regards to Rashad's "technique" and this is an honest question because I don't come from a background in boxing (hell, in any combatsport/martial art, I'm just a huge fan/spectator) but do you think that boxing technique for MMA is different than boxing technique for boxing? What Imean is, with the different glove sizes, there has to be different technique involved right? I was watching the Cotto v. Clottey fight over the weekend, andthey kept talking about how excellent Clottey's inpenetrable defense was, but if an MMA fighter did that (gloves up covering the face, arms in tightcovering the front of the body) he would get KO'd with the quickness as a 5 oz glove would easily get past that defense and land flush on the side of thehead or to the body. So going back to Rashad... before he ran into the freight train that is Machida, he never really got rocked with a clean punch to thedome or body.
^ not to mention you have to watch out for headkicks clinching and takedowns. They're just two totally different sports. The level of striking in boxing isso different from mma just as the level of striking is so different in k1. It's just that mma incorporates all these aspects of different sports that'swhy you can have a jiujitsu guy like big nog, who originally thought mma was too violent for him to compete and instead he straight dominated for years.Didn't he compete in the olympics for boxing as well? I think some people can just make an easier transition than others. Look at lesnar, he can dominatethe hw's off mma because he such a good wrestler and larger than life but wouldnt do a damn thing in boxing. Look at Machida, he seems flawless in mma butwould he do the same in boxing? Nope, they're other guys in mma who would get dominated by him but have a better time in boxing than machida would.
Comparing boxing and MMA is like comparing hockey to soccer IMO. Both have similar outcomes, but different ways to approach it.

It's just a never ending argument between fans of both sports in my eyes.
Originally Posted by demonbasketball04

Were the refs in Germany uninformed about MMA too?! Judging in just about every fight was terrible. I had Davis, Uno and Silva all winning split decisions. Watching a UFC card at Noon was kinda odd to me, but I liked the fact that my local sports bar was showing it for free.

Cain was a beast, took a few lickings and keep moving forward. A lesser fighter would've covered up and called it a night.

Can't wait to see GSP work Alves in every way, it's gonna be a clinic! As long as GSP can avoid the heavy hands and leg kicks the first 2 rounds, he should be able to pound him out by the 4th round. Alves huge weight cut will definately cut into his gas tank. Mir will sub Brock again, it's inevitable.

ill give you the Uno decision, but I feel Hardy and Franklin clearly outpointed their respective opponents.

Cro Cop is dirty for what he did, although it looked like Al Turk was gonna drop soon anyways.
unrelated question

anyone know when the Jakks Pacific UFC Action Figures are coming out? Even though I'm damn near 30 yrs old I still get excited about toys, and my boss hasbeen on my case about "decorating" my office because its so drab. I don't know whether to wait it out for the Jakks figures or just get some ofthe Round 5 MMA Action Figures.

Anyone know if they are going to make some MMA Fatheads? It may be a little @%#! to have a lifesized picture of a topless man on my wall but eff it. If theymade one of BJ licking blood off his gloves, I'd put it up.
Looking at Saturday's card, I hope Joe Stevenson loses and gets fired from the UFC. His stand up is
and the way he was wolfing to the crowd while he was losing to Sanchez
I don't like Nate either cuz he's like a skinny white version of thebragging Rashad,but I hope that he knocks Stevenson clean out and shows Dana how horrible he is. I'm pulling for Guida BTW. Idc what anyone says.
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