Official N.Y. Yankees 2009 SEASON THREAD (103-59) WORLD SERIES CHAMPIONS!

Originally Posted by briannnnn

Most of the Yankee news he posted was from the LoHud Yankees Blog

Add that to your favorites if you haven't done so.

BTW, the A's are up 8-3. Expect ESPN to start their highlights from this game from the third inning without any mention how Oakland got five runs in the first.

Nah, I know he got it from LoHud, I've got it bookmarked and whatever, but for the people who don't, he posted info, it was great.
Gotta credit Joba for stepping it up after the all-star break.

I think we are finally seeing what he is capable of.

He fooled Zobrist during that at-bat...after throwing him breaking pitches all game, he was expecting to see another one.

Joba plants a 95-MPH fastball on the corner to strike him out.

Also, much has been said about how much quicker he works on the mound. Just wish he could've showed this potential more consistently earlier in the year.

Another 1-2-3 inning.

Least TBONE could've done was attribute where he got his info from.
it's one thing to quote but another thing not to credit who wrote it...

I can imagine he's giving us that "i told you so" treatment right about now
5 bucks says Girardi takes Joba out in the 9th, 2 outs, 3-2 count, cause his pitch count is at like...67 or something.

Dan Wheeler wheelin' and dealin' fat pitches over the plate...

If Melky Cabrera hits one more HR, that will give all nine "every day" players in the Yankee lineup double-digits in HRs.
I know it's important to give Brian Bruney some innings of work but that HR he just gave up is making the Yankees look like they got bitten in thebuttocks.
dont say i didnt warn yall about bruney...its in this thread somewhere

talkin bout hes definitely the 8th inning.....please.....
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