Official N.Y. Yankees 2009 SEASON THREAD (103-59) WORLD SERIES CHAMPIONS!

I only buy championship stuff
Finally, it's my turn to go to the Stadium!

I'm going with my dad (Met fan, he deserves to see the better team anyway). Good seats (forgot what section, but they are a good view of the wholestadium).

Camera is charged, Teixeria shirt is ready to be worn. I'm pumped.

Quick question, where are the garlic fries? I heard they are really good, I have to get some by the end of the game.
Garlic fries are in CF i think.

I'm re-reading the Teixeira thread in S&T,
, and Frankie with the ill Nostradamus thing going on:

Stop trying to make the Angels out to be some underdog. FYI the Rays will finished third in the division, they maxed out. [emphasis added]


Yoda: no wonderthat post got bumped.

Don't get me wrong..The Rays have made a name for themselves...But I don't think they can do it...Sure, all of their young players are going to get better, but I just don't see them as a perennial powerhouse. Everything, and I mean EVERYTHING clicked for them last year and it was great to see them prosper after being at the bottom 4-5 for all those seasons...

I'll bet my SN and say they don't end up in the Playoffs next season.
We were belting out God Bless America last night at the bar, I couldn't believe how excited I got when I saw Roman
*!@! is it so cold outside? Went out to grab a sammich and my legs are freezing. Need to pull my skirt down.


Lucky Charm is mad
FOX missed that one cuss.
CC stay with exclusive jordan cleats

somebody get pedroia a foot stool so they ump can see him from the dugout
Damn reading that thread and the Yankee Struggle thread is comedy

Someone said this--
I'll say it now. I for one do NOT expect us to win the WS, terrible pitching, poor hitting with RISP, and Mark Teixera.

We fail miserably in all categories. We'll probably be a WC team at best.
Spoiler [+]
...can't hate though...I thought it was gonna be only me and you breathing by the end of the year

Originally Posted by jdcurt2

I was arguing with some Yankee fan in the MLB prediction thread before then season started that this team wouldnt finish in the top 3 in the divison. And they kept bringing up we got CC, Tex, AJ.. and all that nonsense. They were trying to tell me they have a better pitching staff than the sox. Smh. It's nice seeing the Yankees fail.


DeadSet knew the deal:
@ this thread

they always "struggle" early on. just wait till june/july...they'll be the biggest pain in my (and your) +%$ for the entire summer. pray to god wang never returns to form.
So I don't really check this thread to often, but are the Yankees going after that Cuban Lefty that throws 100+ (Aroldis Chapman)?

Sabathia, Chapman, Burnett, Wang, Hughes/Chamberlain/Kennedy could be pretty beastly for the next five years or so...

Sidenote: lol @ Youkillis, and Sabathia's Concords>any cleats I've ever seen
I've heard that Cuban is one of the top priorities this off-season as of right now and a ton of teams will have him on the radar. BUT, I've also heardthat he's probably going to get more than what Dice-K got...

^^ This is why I muted FOX and am listening to John and Suzyn.

I never liked Josh Lewin anyway. I'm sure he is a fine commentator but I never liked hearing his voice,
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