Official N.Y. Yankees 2009 SEASON THREAD (103-59) WORLD SERIES CHAMPIONS!

Originally Posted by true 3 blue

Damn, I remember that name. What happened to that dude?
He took a pill that made him younger, and now he plays 1B for the Brewers.

Lame joke, I know, but whatever.

Melancon making his MLB debut here. Pay close attention fellas, could be our future closer.
Originally Posted by Gregory House

But then we put a bunch of money in this team...........We're not exactly trying to play .500 ball.
And that's why I'm not a fan of spending money like that.

Throwing $$$ at players does NOT = wins/championships.
Originally Posted by true 3 blue

It's like some of you Yankee fans can't get over the fact that this is NOT the late 90s. Scott Brosius and the crew are not walking through that door.
Girardi needs to move Swish out of the clean up spot. He got off to that hot start, but that's just not the kind of hitter he is.
Originally Posted by true 3 blue

Originally Posted by Gregory House

But then we put a bunch of money in this team...........We're not exactly trying to play .500 ball.
And that's why I'm not a fan of spending money like that.

Throwing $$$ at players does NOT = wins/championships.
But look at this way.

We have the money to spend, so of course we are going to spend it to put the best team on the field. It's on the players to play well, and they obviouslyaren't playing up to their standards at this point in the season. You can be upset at the fact that that they are underperforming, but in my opinion, youshould be a fan that they are spending the money to put together the best team.

Not taking a shot at you, true 3 blue, but at fans of other teams who bring up the "Yankees have the biggest payroll, and you guys still suck!"argument.

Look, if your team had the money to spend the way we do, I know for damn sure you would be hyped with the team your management put together.

And look, we have the money, and we spend it. We haven't won a World Series since 2000. Why does it bother you so much that we have so much money. Wearen't WINNING!
Originally Posted by bkmac

Originally Posted by true 3 blue

Originally Posted by Gregory House

But then we put a bunch of money in this team...........We're not exactly trying to play .500 ball.
And that's why I'm not a fan of spending money like that.

Throwing $$$ at players does NOT = wins/championships.
But look at this way.

We have the money to spend, so of course we are going to spend it to put the best team on the field. It's on the players to play well, and they obviously aren't playing up to their standards at this point in the season. You can be upset at the fact that that they are underperforming, but in my opinion, you should be a fan that they are spending the money to put together the best team.

Not taking a shot at you, true 3 blue, but at fans of other teams who bring up the "Yankees have the biggest payroll, and you guys still suck!" argument.

Look, if your team had the money to spend the way we do, I know for damn sure you would be hyped with the team your management put together.

And look, we have the money, and we spend it. We haven't won a World Series since 2000. Why does it bother you so much that we have so much money. We aren't WINNING!
The problem with spending a lot of money on position players (which the Yankees have done this decade) is that roles are not being set. Everyonethinks they are the man and wants to hit a 3 run home run, when in reality you need table-setters, guys to bunt runners over, sac flys, double steals,fundamentals, the little things in baseball.

Ever since the Sox came back from that 3-0 deficit in the ALCS the Yankees have gotten worse and worse every season, they need to get "youthier" and add some speed, their outfield defensively is horrid, their catcher is not getting any younger and Jeter islosing his range.

Yankees need to go the Sox route and start LETTING GO of some of these guys (as much as fans don't want em' to go).

I'm speaking long term not just right now.
Yeah, these guys aren't getting any "youthier"

The top hitting prospects for the Yankees all seem to be down in Class A...They have Austin Jackson in AAA but AAA and AA is well-stocked with pitching.

And of course, these clowns from ESPN have to show that Varitek grand slam from yesterday again...these (&@$(*@($&!@($*@$#(&
Originally Posted by JD617

I'm still not used to seeing #24 on the mound. Looks so weird.
yeah same here...i still got love for manny. i woulda loved seeing him finish it up boston and get that number retired
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