Official NB basketball thread

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pure fukcin fiah !
I think kingjay talkin bout the Kawhi 1
and still waitin on that disco like a bunch of us
i still gotta cop the all blacks. gonna leave the all whites and the kinda clippers colored ones on the table

REALLY wish theyd put 1 of the last 2 new ones He"s worn up for sale ( either of the light blue joints )

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Yeah that damn 2 way got in my wai ! I like em though

Still have not balled in a more comfortable pair than the Omn1s though, because of them Im dumpin brons and ai's like a fool. The mids FOR ME r wai better than the lows fwiw
there is something about fuse that I really don't like. like it's cheap and plasticky. I would have loved it if they didn't have the fuse materials on the 2s. the Omnis 1 were great from a material standpoint.
went to hibbets to cop a Raptors hat, manager who im cool with showed me the releases for next 6 weeks ( FOR HIS STORE ) not a Kawhi 1 to be seen. I know hibbets aint all that but kinda was hopin for at least 1. fwiw this store got jolly rancher,all stars, and Xmas , NOTHING ELSE

could go back and find 3,4,5 pairs weve seen id pai retail for no fukcin ?'s asked
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