Official NBA 2012-2013 Season Thread

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Greg Oden maybe?

Eric Gordon?

John Wall?

I could be dead *** wrong about all of these guys, but its just a thought

Well, if they were stars no matter where they were at, they would bring those teams into prominence, and then into contention so I would vote no. If you're a star, it'll show eventually. But those guys are still young though so they could still become stars.
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Then they're a better contender, but they'd still be the rare case of a team being elite in one category and average in another. Plus, do you feel confident having Paul George down the stretch in a playoff game as your star? Is he ready for that?

A contending team being elite in one category and average in another is actually pretty normal, that's the only reason I'm even making a case for the Pacers as contenders. The Pistons and Celtics were about average offensively but elite defensively. Bulls were average offensively.

Can they get through Miami? That's probably the more important question. I doubt it but I'm not one of those people that thinks Miami is the only team that can win the chip. I remember how close they were to getting knocked out TWICE last year. Blame injuries or whatever. I know Bron is a different guy right now but they showed weakness. People like to remember the playoffs like Miami steamrolled through the league - they were down the Indy and they were 1 game away from ending it all against Boston.

I don't know if Paul George is ready for that but he's been improving throughout the year. Granger coming back should ease the burden but PG has been really really good.
That's why the Grizzlies should have never let Gay go, they need him in the 4th quarter, they need a closer. Zach Randolph is pissed that Gay left. He said the Grizzlies are nothing but pick and rolls now.
 Zach Randolph is pissed that Gay left. He said the Grizzlies are nothing but pick and rolls now.
No he isn't. 

His very first comment on the trade was something along the lines of the offense finally being able to be run through him again.
Yea, ZBo is far from being upset about Rudy being traded. He's upset at Hollins because he wants to get all of the touches. His main complaint with Rudy was that Rudy shot the ball too much and Rudy felt like ZBO always tried to pad his stats to get paid (from Alex Kennedy) :lol:

I don't think ZBO is demanding a trade, but more so of the front office looking to move him because he's been sorry since after December. I told you guys before all of this start going down that the real problem was Hollins. He's more than likely out at the end of the year, or may be earlier than that if the team decides to move ZBo.
Damn, that whole Grizz situation is a shame. ZBo hasn't been completely the same since his injury though. That's the real problem.

Hate to hear it appears he's gone back to that old mentality of padding stats to get paid, complaining about other ppl shooting too much, wanting to be the main star, etc. Dudes had a real chance to consistently contend.

Got me thinking who gonna be dismantled quicker, them or the Celts.
Conley would be sitting his *** on the bench if RW was on that team and you know it
If people felt like Westbrook was more of a SG than a PG coming out and they felt like OJ could have been either or, what maeks you think Memphis was going to play him at PG if they were liooking to upgrade their SG spot? Westbrook was not about to play PG in Memphis
because RW is more of a PG then OJ will ever be. point is if memphis did draft RW conley would be a back up PG or playing on another team right now
A contending team being elite in one category and average in another is actually pretty normal, that's the only reason I'm even making a case for the Pacers as contenders. The Pistons and Celtics were about average offensively but elite defensively. Bulls were average offensively.

Can they get through Miami? That's probably the more important question. I doubt it but I'm not one of those people that thinks Miami is the only team that can win the chip. I remember how close they were to getting knocked out TWICE last year. Blame injuries or whatever. I know Bron is a different guy right now but they showed weakness. People like to remember the playoffs like Miami steamrolled through the league - they were down the Indy and they were 1 game away from ending it all against Boston.

I don't know if Paul George is ready for that but he's been improving throughout the year. Granger coming back should ease the burden but PG has been really really good.
It's not the rarest thing in the world, but it's not normal. Mid 2000s Pistons, recent Celtics, and that's two teams in the last decade we're talking about. The Bulls were 11th in offense when Rose won his MVP, that's right on the cusp of top ten, so I don't quite count them. 

But even if they get to about average, it's still coming down to who I trust in a tight game, close out scenario. Lebron James or Granger/George/whoever? 
I love how 95% of NT hated on Westbrook for the longest time. Even enough to make a 20 page "is anyone really a Russell Westbrook fan?" thread. Glad most people have finally come around. Dude is a star.
Most don't deny Russ' talent anymore, but they point to his attitude, emotional reactions, dress, style of play, as reasons to dislike him. Some is fair, preferring "true PGs" to Westbrook... some is silly like complaining about him having more field goal attempts than Durant. 
because RW is more of a PG then OJ will ever be. point is if memphis did draft RW conley would be a back up PG or playing on another team right now

But Coming into the draft, OJ was viewed as the better potential PG than Russell. No way were they going to make Conley, already their PG for the future, a backup to a rookie who had a plethora of questions surrounding his ability as a PG.
because RW is more of a PG then OJ will ever be. point is if memphis did draft RW conley would be a back up PG or playing on another team right now

But Coming into the draft, OJ was viewed as the better potential PG than Russell. No way were they going to make Conley, already their PG for the future, a backup to a rookie who had a plethora of questions surrounding his ability as a PG.
Reports are coming out Lebron feels he's getting under paid >>>>>>>>>>>>

To be honest he definitely is. Lebron is an automatic 50-60 wins, deep postseason runs, he puts your franchise in the all star games and on all NBA teams, possible championship, and countless other things like merch, celebrities courtside at your games, and more.
LeBron should shut the **** up with his dumb ***. He agreed to that contract, that was his plan to team up with Wade and Bosh. Of course you getting underpaid dummy.

I find that pretty shameless if he actually said that or even had the rumored feeling leaked. Then again maybe with his current play maybe he's fooling himself to think he can go back to carrying a team of bums in to the playoffs and actually win it on his own this time.
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He said he's worth 50-70mill and he's undervalued. My thing is with the whole salary cap issue there's no way he's going to get that. He gets enough money off the court
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