Official NBA 2012-2013 Season Thread

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So all in all the new CBA didn't help out small markets I guess. Only huge market teams can spend enough to keep so many stars.
So all in all the new CBA didn't help out small markets I guess. Only huge market teams can spend enough to keep so many stars.

Kinda sorta, but small markets aren't helping themselves by being willing to partner with big market teams in these big trades that have occurred over the last several years. There are some small market teams that are doing well like OKC & Memphis (in terms of being competitive).

There's also a lot of bad general managers out there particularly in the small markets. If they did a good job of drafting & building a solid teams around their stars, I think you'd see a lot less movement. I look at some of the rosters some teams have & it makes me want the NBA to just contract like 10 teams (exaggeration of course). It's like how do they even expect to sell tickets to games or jerseys/merch when your best player is Michael Beasley or something...
^ Dude, OKC just proved your second sentence false. You do a good job drafting, convince those players all to take slightly less than max, still end up on the chopping block in 4-5 yrs because you can't resign more than 3 or 4 of them and even in that case you end with 4 good to great players and a bunch of rookies and minimum vets..Memphis has 54 committed to just their top 4 players next yr. OKC, likewise, has 52 in their top 4 players (numver would be the same if James had taken 13 per anyways), all of which they drafted and developed. So you have to draft well, stars that pan out quickly, and convince them to leave some on the table (Russ left 17 over 5 yrs on the table), get some cheap vet minimum and sub MLE free agents who overplay their contract (again values big market teams since guys will take less than market value to go to there, or take less to go play with _____ ), and still have a short window because of those raises.

I still think they could have given it one last run with this lineup, even signed him then traded him in the offseason.I hope he has big plans already in mind with those 2 1st rder and that 2nd rd'er and Kevin Martin's expiring. The trade did open up 2 roster spots ( I want Kenyon Martin but doesn't seem like a "Presti guy"), also means our center rotation is Perkins and Thabeet. If nothing else, we might just give Orton a call back
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Yeah it's true you need a bunch of rookies to over perform their contract and then get them to take less to keep the team intact. doesn't seem right to me
Your Avy & your first sentence look like their working in tandem DatZNasty....Ha, ha. You don't think OKC is doing a good job? I think your right, they could've made another run with the current line-up but since Harden turned down what looks like a fair deal, I think they wanted to make a trade quickly. Possibly to limit the ongoing talk about resigning & an eminent trade if a deal couldn't be done. It looks like OKC didn't want their focus away from trying to get a chip & got a really nice return especially for a team that drafts well...Shoot I wouldn't doubt there was some anger on OKC's part in trading Harden...
In sure there was a alot of factors in all of this. Presti made the best decision possible for his franchise and what he seemed proper.

A max contract for a bench player? Ehhhh. Presti didn't want that head or distraction all season. So he made the best move possible.

Kevin Martin ( a huge expiring at 12 (?) Millie and him coming off the bench)

Lamb, who know what he can turn into.

2 first rounders and 2nd.

And he lets the beard become Houston headache.

And lets not forget, presti made the offer . Harden basically got trades because he couldn't stomach leaving 4.5 on the table. I'm sorry he is isn't a max guy, he's a bench player and the 3rd option in offense when all 3 are out there.
 does HOU still have Scola too? they not looking too bad, like what was stated if they add another max deal. Get another BIG name, maybe a SF.
In sure there was a alot of factors in all of this. Presti made the best decision possible for his franchise and what he seemed proper.
A max contract for a bench player? Ehhhh. Presti didn't want that head or distraction all season. So he made the best move possible.
Kevin Martin ( a huge expiring at 12 (?) Millie and him coming off the bench)
Lamb, who know what he can turn into.
2 first rounders and 2nd.
And he lets the beard become Houston headache.
And lets not forget, presti made the offer . Harden basically got trades because he couldn't stomach leaving 4.5 on the table. I'm sorry he is isn't a max guy, he's a bench player and the 3rd option in offense when all 3 are out there.

Is Harden a max contract? I dunno. Is Eric Gordon worth max money? Rudy Gay? To say Harden is merely a bench player is outlandish, I think. Even as a 6th man, how many SGs were better than him, honestly? Harden is easily a top 20-25 player. Only 23. Lets see how he fares at being the man, before we label him nothing more than a bench player.
Great trade for the Thunder for the long term, looks great for the future.

BUT WHY? The team just made it to the finals.

But this tells you one thing, OKC is not a better team right now. Right now they are not better than what they were last year. This completely changes everything. I need to update my "Predictions" in the thread. This was to unexpected.
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Woke up to see Harden got traded to Houston. Wow. Awful move by Presti with the season starting on Tuesday. Kevin Martin and Jeremy Lamb are not James Harden. If the Lakers weren't the clear cut favorite to win the West, they are now. Like Perry Jones, Jeremy Lamb has motor questions as well.
Harden is a max guy, it's obvious look at the market, look who has historically got the max, this is not the 120 million dollar Joe Johnson max, it's the rookie deal max, Harden is worth it.
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Is Harden a max contract? I dunno. Is Eric Gordon worth max money? Rudy Gay? To say Harden is merely a bench player is outlandish, I think. Even as a 6th man, how many SGs were better than him, honestly? Harden is easily a top 20-25 player. Only 23. Lets see how he fares at being the man, before we label him nothing more than a bench player.

only the future can tell, lets see how hes going to be.

right now hes the goto scorer in Houston. Lets see if he can handle it.
Love put the T'Wolves management on notice this past summer at the team USA Las Vegas practices when he started "Quietly" voicing his frustration's to some of his team USA teammates; probably mainly to (Kobe) and to some media members.Saying he's getting tired of losing and that if Minnesota didn't make the playoffs this season and become title contenders in a couple years he wants out.
KG exit the sequel. T'Wolves fans get ready.

I've been saying Love is going to be a Laker. He wants to be out there so it's whatever. Wouldn't shock me if they grab Rubio as well.

:lol: :smh:

Love, D12, Rubio, Lebron....

idk why the NBA has season, just give it to the lakers every year :rolleyes
When you are a title contender, you go for it.

I think OKC should've just waited. They still came out ok in the deal, but still. Your team just made the finals last season and you trade away your 3rd best player (sometimes your 2nd best). Oh welp, the great Presti made a mistake. Martin can score, but they lost their playmaker. I'm very interested to see how this works.

Lets just say I'm excited about it. Makes things better for my team. :pimp:
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:lol: at some people saying Kevin Martin can fill the same role as Harden...

He can't.. He doesn't have the skill set to do what Harden could and was continuing to get better at
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:lol: :smh:
Love, D12, Rubio, Lebron....
idk why the NBA has season, just give it to the lakers every year :rolleyes

You forgot Durant and Westbrook man. Love and Westbrook are going to reunite in LA. Then Durant comes. I guess Rubio is going to play backup. Laker fans, am I missing anyone else?
You forgot Durant and Westbrook man. Love and Westbrook are going to reunite in LA. Then Durant comes. I guess Rubio is going to play backup. Laker fans, am I missing anyone else?

Jesus.. not Ray Allen, the real Jesus
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