Official NBA 2012-2013 Season Thread

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Lamb is the replacement. Martin is the stopgap.

Bill Simmons wrote a peace called "The Thunder need to pay James Harden" like a week ago, where he said this and it's spot on, "If Oklahoma City's owners don't want to pay full price for Harden, then they're really saying, We moved an NBA team from a booming city in the Pacific Northwest to a much smaller city that generates much less revenue and compromises our ability to win championships, but the fans here are so grateful that they won't hold it against us that we just tossed away a puncher's chance at a dynasty. If that's true, they're taking advantage of the goodwill of Oklahoma City's fans ." although it came before the #s and news of Harden's rejection had materialized. But this combined with Cubans quote about are you trying to win or make money, hits hard

And in more James Harden is really good and hard shoes to just fill news

James Harden scored on 52% of his 298 possessions as pick-n-roll ball handler last yr. Best in NBA among top 100 in # of PnR possessions
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Good deal for Houston, especially since they can still hand out a max contract next year.

I don't like OKC losing Harden though... He was the perfect fit for that team.
Comparing Martin and Harden based on statistical output won't equate to much simply because of the roles they had on their respective teams. Harden was an invaluable SOLID 3rd scorer and leading 6th man in the league for OKC and was reliable on many occurrences. Frankly speaking, it's far too premature to determine the rate of which they (Kevin and Lamb) will gel with this OKC squad. We don't know how this new environment and being added to no doubt a championship experienced team will bode for Kevin ... he may flourish .. he may not. At any rate I doubt they'll ask him to do too much but simply be steadily productive. While at Houston, it's no doubt the burden of big time buckets fell on his shoulders. At any rate, Harden got what he wanted. It'll be interesting conversely as well how Harden gels with his respective new teammates also.
Lamb is the replacement. Martin is the stopgap.
They better hope he gets really good only after his rookie deal expires or else they're in the same boat 3 years from now, but until he does, they've taken a step back while they're supposed to be competing for a title.
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I think alot of people forgot the non factor James Harden was in the Finals. Sure he was amazing for the regular season and a series, but i'm not giving an all star, at most, w.e he wants after completely disappearing like that when it counted the most.

On another note, OKC better hope Lamb pans out.

In the long term, both teams win though.

James Harden turned down a four-year, $52 million contract extension offer from the Oklahoma City Thunder.

Harden is seeking a maximum-level deal worth $60 million over four years.

The Thunder have until Wednesday to sign Harden to a contract extension or allow him the opportunity to become a restricted free agent on July 1.
Via Adrian Wojnarowski/Yahoo! Sports

Read more:$52M_Extension_Offer#ixzz2AWyiTzep

It's crazy cuz I was watching that show on NBAtv (forgot name) and Barkley was talking about he didn't feel his team on PHX was ever going to win a championship after they lost the first time making it to the finals cuz other players started focusiing and talking about playing time, contracts, etc.

Did not expect the trade though.

Word...Open Court. I thought the same thing when I heard that trade.

Wasn't it Harden who emailed presti before the draft and told him he should draft him because he doesn't want to play the lead role of a team or something like that?
Word...Open Court. I thought the same thing when I heard that trade.
Wasn't it Harden who emailed presti before the draft and told him he should draft him because he doesn't want to play the lead role of a team or something like that?
Word...Open Court. I thought the same thing when I heard that trade.
Wasn't it Harden who emailed presti before the draft and told him he should draft him because he doesn't want to play the lead role of a team or something like that?
Harden was also the one that said after the Finals that he would sacrifice money to stay in OKC
See that's the whole thing. A lot of talk about this and that and promises then when it comes near a deadline things change. He probably was thinking he could negotiate a few more mil if not the max and Presti wasn't down for any of that bs given what we've seen with the Knicks, Nets, Hornets, and Magic. He pulled that Utah Jazz move early and let some other team deal with that distraction.

Not saying Harden aint a team guy or that if not traded he would've stayed but that things definitely change after that first visit to the finals and you lose. Things change. Some dudes lose that focus or split it. It's like playing like a superstar on a rookie contract on a great team and then that contract's up.

With all that said I feel it'd take tons of injuries to stop LAL from not going to the finals the next few years. Even if KD and Russy learned to play perfectly together I just don't see them beating LAL once they get their act together. I don't got hope that SAS will do it nor do I feel MEM has a chance to upset.
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LOL people acting like OKC was really gon do work vs MIA.

So are people going to hate on LAL for having an "easier" route to da finals now???
I legit dunno which I'm more shocked at. The actual trade coming outta nowhere, or, we got peeps in here giving Kevin Martin props.
because you and rocket fans ant hyped up kevin martin for years? the same with kings fan, yall and many other people have said kevin martin would be prefect as a number 3 on a team or a 6th man role and thats what he will do in OKC.

i like what OKC did, now i would have traded harden back at draft time with all the good trades rumors they had out back then. but KD and RW will always keep u at the top of the west this gives u more options to put players around them.
I legit dunno which I'm more shocked at. The actual trade coming outta nowhere, or, we got peeps in here giving Kevin Martin props.
because you and rocket fans ant hyped up kevin martin for years? the same with kings fan, yall and many other people have said kevin martin would be prefect as a number 3 on a team or a 6th man role and thats what he will do in OKC.
Never in my life have I offered him props.... even when I saw his bum *** at walmart at 3 am one time...
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