Official NBA 2012-2013 Season Thread

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This is such BS! All the training and sacrifice just flew out the window with one step that I've done millions of times! The frustration is unbearable. The anger is rage. Why the hell did this happen ?!? Makes no damn sense. Now I'm supposed to come back from this and be the same player Or better at 35?!? How in the world am I supposed to do that??
I have NO CLUE.
Do I have the consistent will to overcome this thing? Maybe I should break out the rocking chair and reminisce on the career that
was. Maybe this is how my book
ends. Maybe Father Time has defeated me...
Then again maybe not! It's 3:30am, my foot feels like dead weight, my head is spinning from the pain meds and I'm wide awake. Forgive my Venting but what's the purpose of social media if I won't bring it to you Real No Image?? Feels good to vent, let it out. To feel as if THIS is the WORST thing EVER! Because After ALL the venting, a real perspective sets in. There are far greater issues/challenges in the world then a torn achilles. Stop feeling sorry for yourself, find the silver lining and get to work with the same belief, same drive and same conviction as ever.
One day, the beginning of a new career journey will commence. Today is NOT that day.
"If you see me in a fight with a bear, prey for the bear". Ive always loved that quote. Thats "mamba mentality" we don't quit, we don't cower, we don't run. We endure and conquer.
I know it's a long post but I'm Facebook Venting LOL. Maybe now I can actually get some sleep and be excited for surgery tomorrow. First step of a new challenge.
Guess I will be Coach Vino the rest of this season. I have faith in my teammates. They will come thru.
Thank you for all your prayers and support. Much Love Always.
Mamba Out

from kobe's fb

Damn you know the injuries are piling up and father time is taking it's toll on you when you contemplate retirement. Hope he can recover and I hope the Laker's organization can put a competitive team around him when he make's his return.
But this wasn't the result of fatigue or overwork. It just happened.

Maybe if Kobe wasn't in the game it doesn't happen, but it was a freak injury.

Let go of the MDA hate, the Knicks are good, he's gone, it's just weird now. And what are you talking about? He's criticized all the time. Confirmation bias to the fullest...

Injuries are freak accidents, but April he played the most mpg of his entire career, obviously at age 34. And when you are playing through other injuries, the body tends to overcompensate somewhere else so while you can never really predict injuries, it's certainly not an ideal set of circumstances.
I totally forgot the angle of Pringles overplaying his players, riding them like race horses. He did the same with STAT, look at how his condition has worsened, he did the same with Melo and he hasn't an injury free or even light on injury season since, and he rode Lin like crazy which led to him not even playing in the playoffs. One part you can understand given the situation they're in but dude definitely won't pay mind to his better players logging 600 minutes in 12 games.
Check your facts, it was KOBE who wanted to play these absurd minutes, now MDA pushing him. When he was interviewed by TMC media the other day they straight up asked him and he basically said (paraphrasing) we need all our players to step up, and that Kobe is logging these minutes because HE WANTS too, not because we're making him". I know MDA has a lil bit to do with his minutes, but if MDA wants to take Kobe out, and Kobe wants to stay in, who's gonna get the last say?
Damn man :smh:

I remember a few months back Kobe talking about retirement in an interview...

Basically said he could play few more years but doesn't chose to because he wants to be able to walk away from the game on his own terms.

He said you see it too many times, players careers ending because of injury.

Now this happens :smh:
Not a Lakers fan AT ALL but this is really sad...  And he finished with 34 points.  What a warrior.  Great season for one of the greatest players of all time.  
For those that haven't seen the 3 injuries he had in the game.

What Draymond Green heard after the Achilles injury.

When Kobe asked HB did he kick him I immediately knew it was torn when he said no... Reminded me of @kalinlucas1 my sophomore year smh
— Draymond Green (@Money23Green) April 13, 2013

Those 3 hv to be related in some fashion. The musculoskeletal system works as one whole unit. Even if it was due to certain areas over compensating for the others, I def think they were related. Not to mention rushing back from that severe ankle sprain not long ago. The body has to heal correctly in the proper amount of time. You can only trick the body so much.
I always wondered how Kobe could play in, what essentially are, low tops. Tough injury.

lows had nothing to do with it :lol:

i swear some of you are brainwashed.

ive had more injuries in mids than i ever have in lows and im playing even harder in lows than i ever did before..

what does that tell you?
Every time I turned on the tv and watched the lakers this year, Kobe was playing the entire fourth quarter and often fell short of a comeback attempt. A torn Achilles seems like a freak injury but Kobe has had problems all year, including 2 other injuries in the same game. Father Time is calling
Check your facts, it was KOBE who wanted to play these absurd minutes, now MDA pushing him. When he was interviewed by TMC media the other day they straight up asked him and he basically said (paraphrasing) we need all our players to step up, and that Kobe is logging these minutes because HE WANTS too, not because we're making him". I know MDA has a lil bit to do with his minutes, but if MDA wants to take Kobe out, and Kobe wants to stay in, who's gonna get the last say?

They are not going to fire dantoni first year of his contract for taking Kobe out. What the hell is he there for of he can't take a player out of the game? I'll never understand this line of thinking. It's like everyone agrees he is just there for show. Then why fire brown?

Woodson just got blamed for having Kenyon in when up 25 points. He's very lucky it wasn't a serious injury. Dantoni Is just good at deflection. Best I've ever seen.
To say all the minutes, wear and tear, multitude of leg and ankle injuries weren't a contributing factor to this ultimately is being a bit naive. Sure the freak tearing of the Achilles could have happened at any point, but there's definitely something to the body overcompensating. Kobe has always pushed his body to the extreme and it finally pushed back and said no more. Can't put the entire blame on MDA but he damn sure didn't do any coaching, but if you look at it realistically like Kobe said in the post interview, it was necessary for him to play that much to keep LA in the playoff hunt, which is more of a dig at management than anything.

Season from the darkest pits of hell though :x
Check your facts, it was KOBE who wanted to play these absurd minutes, now MDA pushing him. When he was interviewed by TMC media the other day they straight up asked him and he basically said (paraphrasing) we need all our players to step up, and that Kobe is logging these minutes because HE WANTS too, not because we're making him". I know MDA has a lil bit to do with his minutes, but if MDA wants to take Kobe out, and Kobe wants to stay in, who's gonna get the last say?

doesnt matter what kobe says the coach has to have the balls to say "youre coming out for a few minutes to rest". i forget what former star nba player said the quote yesterday but it was something to the effect of "it is the coaches job to make the decision and not let the individual override him just cause he says he wants to stay in". im not saying its completely on dantoni but he should take some of the blame for not manning up and telling kobe to sit.
Kurt Rambis said that yesterday and it's true. MDA has been running a 7 man rotation for the past 3 or so weeks, even just a 3 minute breather to start the 2nd and 4th quarters would be something, but this clown has had no clue what he's been doing since he got hired. Nash being out as well didn't help the cause at all.
For those that haven't seen the 3 injuries he had in the game.

What Draymond Green heard after the Achilles injury.

When Kobe asked HB did he kick him I immediately knew it was torn when he said no... Reminded me of @kalinlucas1 my sophomore year smh
— Draymond Green (@Money23Green) April 13, 2013

Jesus Man, look at Kobe at the free-throw line after it happened. He looked like he was going to emotionally break down right then and there. :\

This is sad day for basketball. Still shocked. :smh:
If you're Mike D'Antoni you're damned if you do and damned if you don't. If he played any of those end of the bench scrubs that don't really belong on an NBA roster and the Lakers lost any of those close games they've won over the past few weeks and missed out on the playoffs because of it, you guys would be calling for his head for that too.
I totally forgot the angle of Pringles overplaying his players, riding them like race horses. He did the same with STAT, look at how his condition has worsened, he did the same with Melo and he hasn't an injury free or even light on injury season since, and he rode Lin like crazy which led to him not even playing in the playoffs. One part you can understand given the situation they're in but dude definitely won't pay mind to his better players logging 600 minutes in 12 games.
Check your facts, it was KOBE who wanted to play these absurd minutes, now MDA pushing him. When he was interviewed by TMC media the other day they straight up asked him and he basically said (paraphrasing) we need all our players to step up, and that Kobe is logging these minutes because HE WANTS too, not because we're making him". I know MDA has a lil bit to do with his minutes, but if MDA wants to take Kobe out, and Kobe wants to stay in, who's gonna get the last say?
if the player has the last say over a coach then you have hired the wrong coach. 
If you're Mike D'Antoni you're damned if you do and damned if you don't. If he played any of those end of the bench scrubs that don't really belong on an NBA roster and the Lakers lost any of those close games they've won over the past few weeks and missed out on the playoffs because of it, you guys would be calling for his head for that too.

Should have just hired Bernie then. At least he would have been a cheap hire considering apparently not 1 person expects anything whatsoever out of dantoni. u say dammed if you do or don't, I say payed unconditionally to not contribute. Seems like a good gig

If the team trainer told hm to take him out after he already was hurt in that very game, it's indefensible.
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