Official NBA 2012-2013 Season Thread

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Hate to see any player go down with a severe injury like that.

I hope Kobe has a successful & quick recovery.
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How ironic that an achilles injury might end kobes carreer like it ended shaqs

Sad day it is indeed dude is a great player
So many acl injuries in the last few seasons. Very sad and disappointing. Hopefully Kobe makes a full recovery
Wow just woke up and went to the gambling forum and read what happened....I've never liked the lakers and I hated Kobe early in his career but I grew to appreciate him these last 6-7 years

Sad day...dude truly left it all on the court...yea he might return but I doubt he'll be the same :frown:
Not the biggest Kobe fan, but I completely respect his contributions to the game and his greatness. You NEVER want to see someone go out like that. I hope this isn't the end for him and he can walk away from the game on his own terms. Would have loved to see what this Lakers team in the playoffs despite their seeding. It's a shame.

*To the lames in here who are actually celebrating an injury, yall are pathetic.

Co-sign all of this.
As much of a laker hater I am, Its messed up Kobe had to go out like this. dude was playing hard to make sure his team, just made the play offs. whether its the end for him or not, we all know Kobe is great.

On that point, no way in hell will I release my strangle hold on slandering laker fans in anyway. because if it was the other way around it would be a diffrent story.
I feel sorry for kobe, but for laker and Kobe fans, I have no pitty what so ever.

Its so crazy that just a few weaks ago, a certain player was slander from hell and back because he cried about non basketball plays that could result into injuries like this, and all of a sudden this happens out of no where......
I got to watch him ball for 17 seasons. He's a 5 time champion & will go down as one the 10 best players to ever play the game. He had one of the best seasons of his career at age 34 with 17 seasons of mileage on him. At the end of the day **** just happens so im not really trippin off of this. He'll be aight, he's kobe

:rofl: :rofl:
Bro you have got to chill!! Not now man, not NOW!! lmaooooooo
Its so crazy that just a few weaks ago, a certain player was slander from hell and back because he cried about non basketball plays that could result into injuries like this, and all of a sudden this happens out of no where......

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

yeah ooookay. lebron wanting an easy path for lay ups and lobbying for more calls has nothing to do with kobe's injury which didn't happen on a "non basketball play" anyway.

nice try though.
Its so crazy that just a few weaks ago, a certain player was slander from hell and back because he cried about non basketball plays that could result into injuries like this, and all of a sudden this happens out of no where......

Good parallel, you're about as sharp as a bowling ball. Thanks for the input.
I always wondered how Kobe could play in, what essentially are, low tops. Tough injury.
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:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

yeah ooookay. lebron wanting an easy path for lay ups and lobbying for more calls has nothing to do with kobe's injury which didn't happen on a "non basketball play" anyway.

nice try though.
Exactly, LeBron was crying about soft ish. But after watching the interview its tough watching him go outbecause of an injury. Nobody has the heart in the league that Kobe does. I'll still wouldn't mind seeing the Lakers not make the playoffs but Kobe is just cut from the MJ cloth(constant warrior) at its finest. And if you're truly happy about him getting hurt, you've obviously never hooped at an competitive level and your extremely childish. The last time I wished someone got hurt I was 9 or 10 when Kobe beat AI in the finals. It's time to grow up.
I always wondered how Kobe could play in, what essentially are, low tops. Tough injury.
I use to be leary of hoopin in lows but once I started doing it i realized its all mental. Then at the campus rec, some doctors play late night and they only wear lows because from their research mids/highs/braces help weaken the ankle and makes it rely on the extra support instead of building its on independent strength. But I still hoop in both, to each his own.
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