Official NBA 2012-2013 Season Thread

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i like how they let paul/allen play at the end of the lac/mem gm. but zbo was getting the raw end of the calls
3 pushoffs and a moving screen though. Ironic how much the floppingest team in the league does both of those things
I didnt even want to say anything but yes. He's the king of pushoffs so I'm not really surprised by it, and you simply cant make that kind of a call on a game winning play so you just have to ignore it.
I guess. We've lost games on dubious moving screen calls before so depends on the ref. Tony Brothers hating *** loves making those types of unpopular calls. Then we've beat teams on ****** late game calls like that too, especially the 4th quarter of WCG game 6 last yr.
Its all fun & games/ignore til its your team.
So, now you guys know what I was saying about ZBo being bad for us and why I still would've kept Rudy over him? Memphis could've made the same offensive changes with Rudy as they did with ZBo in the lineup. Better yet, they could have put Rudy in the post more, where he is the most effective. BETTER YET, Rudy would actually give us the matchup advantage at the SF position unlike Prince. The main problem was Rudy shooting too much and not letting some of those shots go to Conley and Marc. Now, ZBO's shots have took a deep and those shots are going to Conley, Marc and Bayless. The same **** could have been done with the younger, more athletic player (which this team desperately needs on the perimeter).

ZBO being an all star this year over Gasol was BS. If we lose this series and can't get nothing of value for Zach in the offseason, all hell going to break loose for this team because we are going to be stuck with an aging, overpaid, injury prone player.
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BHZ you flip-flop too much. Didn't you just post an "I-Told-You-So" type post about how the grizzlies were playing better without Rudy Gay?

-EDIT- Nevermind, I just read the post i was thinking of and you were just talking about the NTer's overreaction :lol:

Anyway...Grizzlies fans have every right in the world to be mad at the no-call on Blake grabbing Arthur. However, you guys need to stop playing the victim card and thinking the refs are giving us all the calls because they favor us lol. Like do you really believe that? Refs make bad calls both ways it's just that you guys don't throw tantrums when it benefits your team.
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So, now you guys know what I was saying about ZBo being bad for us and why I still would've kept Rudy over him? Memphis could've made the same offensive changes with Rudy as they did with ZBo in the lineup. Better yet, they could have put Rudy in the post more, where he is the most effective. BETTER YET, Rudy would actually give us the matchup advantage at the SF position unlike Prince. The main problem was Rudy shooting too much and not letting some of those shots go to Conley and Marc. Now, ZBO's shots have took a deep and those shots are going to Conley, Marc and Bayless. The same **** could have been done with the younger, more athletic player (which this team desperately needs on the perimeter).

ZBO being an all star this year over Gasol was BS. If we lose this series and can't get nothing of value for Zach in the offseason, all hell going to break loose for this team because we are going to be stuck with an aging, overpaid, injury prone player.
Lol aren't you the same dude who raved about every decent game Gay had after he was traded? Get over it man. 

I'd wager a majority of orgs would rather have ZBO than Gay.. contracts in mind as well.
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NO anti ...derrick will NOT be booed... he will come back when hes ready point blank

People are straight up lames. Yes, i thought Derrick would've returned by now, but he doesn't feel quite right yet, and it is what it is. I dont question is character or his motives. I've watched him play too many times to think he's sitting out intentionally. I had surgery on my foot a month ago, nothing like tearing an ACL, but ive been cleared to do whatever I want now. However, its at my my discretion. Doctor said ive healed well and everything looks good. I dont feel pain in my foot anymore, but im still leary of running or playin yea, its a little mental.
Lol aren't you the same dude who raved about every decent game Gay had after he was traded? Get over it man. 

I suggest you read again like erupt did. NT'ers always want to go to the extreme about things, when I never said anything about ZBo being the guy I wanted to keep. Nor did I say I was happy about the initial trade, but you guys did overreact as usual. And regardless of what people think about Rudy and/or Zach, I just know the team played very well last season without Zach and with Rudy and Marc being the focal points. But, people seem to just skip over that season and look at how the team played in 2011 when Rudy went down.

When people realize Conley and Marc are the two best players on the team and that it was a "pick and choose" thing with Rudy and Zach, then you will understand the way this team is set up. I will always think and still do that Rudy would've brought more to the table than Zach. Its gotten to the point now where Zach can't eem give you a double-double anymore. He can barely score in the post, he struggles with athleticism, his midrange jumper is gone and he can't play defense.

And erupt, I'm not complaining about the refs. A lot of the fans are, but they are just doing that because they don't have a scapegoat outside of Hollins to blame for the loss. Rudy use to be that guy, but since he's gone, those "true homers" are too scared to admit that Zach isn't good anymore and that the team could have controlled their own destiny by making their FT's. You guys out worked us in Game 1 and we simply could not make FT's in Game 2. This is the reason why I still have hope, but I'm kinda just rolling with it right now.

If we lose this series in less than 7 games, then it means we got worst and the Clippers got better.

Man, you guys think I'm bad? You should try reading some of the Grizz fan boards. :lol: Just be lucky you got me instead of the typical Grizz fan who's in love wiht ZBo for what he did two years ago and don't play favorites with players on the team.
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NO anti ...derrick will NOT be booed... he will come back when hes ready point blank

People are straight up lames. Yes, i thought Derrick would've returned by now, but he doesn't feel quite right yet, and it is what it is. I dont question is character or his motives. I've watched him play too many times to think he's sitting out intentionally. I had surgery on my foot a month ago, nothing like tearing an ACL, but ive been cleared to do whatever I want now. However, its at my my discretion. Doctor said ive healed well and everything looks good. I dont feel pain in my foot anymore, but im still leary of running or playin yea, its a little mental.


but i was funny as **** when someone said that suit was breakaway & he was itching to get in the game
some people have to much time on there hands ; one the guy who made this and second me for watching this in its entirety 
3 pushoffs and a moving screen though. Ironic how much the floppingest team in the league does both of those things
It's called creating space, EVERY player does it when they're driving, sometimes it gets called, sometimes it doesn't. Stop crying.
The Clips have to commit resources to defending Zach Randolph, hard double teams, sending 2nd guy to trap on the baseline, plus you have to conscious of him on the glass.

Rudy would simply be left on a island with Caron to shoot his mid range bricks.

Rudy stinks, they are better without him, you lost a clipper home game with Tony Allen draped all over a Chris Paul 1 handed floater, relax, Rudy still stinks.
The Clips have to commit resources to defending Zach Randolph, hard double teams, sending 2nd guy to trap on the baseline, plus you have to conscious of him on the glass.

Rudy would simply be left on a island with Caron to shoot his mid range bricks.

Rudy stinks, they are better without him, you lost a clipper home game with Tony Allen draped all over a Chris Paul 1 handed floater, relax, Rudy still stinks.

When ZBO went out at 4:33 remaining with his fifth foul (on a TERRIBLE call, by the way), we were down 79-85. From that point on, we stormed back.

Rudy commands the same double teams. Trust me, I've watched both of these guys play and the team play since ZBo and Rudy played together. And let's not forget Prince is being left on an island to shoot his mid range bricks against Butler.

And it was nice to see Rudy improve during the end of the year, while Zach just kept declining.

OH, lets not talk about the fact that we won GAme 2 last year because of Rudy Gay. Let's not talk about Rudy putting us in the position to win Game 3 if only someone would have stepped up outside of him in the 4th quarter. Let's just talk about how bad Rudy was and forget about how bad Zach was... that's why its so stupid to argue how the team is so much better without Rudy than without Zbo. Zbo was even worse than Rudy in the playoffs last year and he's making a case for repeating that performance this year.

If you want to say we are better team without Rudy, then say it in spite of Zach sucking. Because, we were really good without Zach last year and had a weaker bench. I don't think the results would have changed this season if Zach was moved instead of Rudy.

We are a better team without Zach Randolph. His defense was absolutely killing us last night and we can't suffer it any longer. It is going to be very hard for us to rid ourselves of Randolph, and I've been talking about for a year now, since the last Clippers series, but we are NOT going to win this series unless Randolph sits the bench. Period. He is getting absolutely humiliated defensively and the Clippers are purposefully exploiting him on the pick and roll, over and over, to their series-sweeping delight if we don't adjust. Not to mention his repeated and horrid dribbles into double and triple teams leading to embarrassing, momentum-killing blocks and Clippers fast breaks. He's done. Done. And we HAVE to accept it. Now.

Every damn body in the area blocked ZBO's shot last night except Kevin Hart sitting courtisde.
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When ZBO went out at 4:33 remaining with his fifth foul (on a TERRIBLE call, by the way), we were down 79-85. From that point on, we stormed back.

Rudy commands the same double teams. Trust me, I've watched both of these guys play and the team play since ZBo and Rudy played together. And let's not forget Prince is being left on an island to shoot his mid range bricks against Butler.

And it was nice to see Rudy improve during the end of the year, while Zach just kept declining.

********, no double teams, all island.

watch the highlights from that series, Rudy Gay gets the 1 on 1 treatment. period. It's inarguable really. Nobody is doubling him, he's not good.

Less Rudy Gay means more Gasol, Randolph and Conley = better Memphis with 20 mill less on the cap.

It was a great trade they are better without him, and fixed their cap,
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*watches Game 2 Rudy Gay highlights*

I see double teams. All because a player does not get doubled every possession, does not mean he's not being doubled. Did I see Zach doubled every possession? No. The Clippers rarely doubled ZBo when he was in post position, they just let Blake play him straight up for the most part.

Now, when Zach attempted to put his head down and drive to the basket, that's when someone would come and swat his **** into the stands. That's just him forcing the action. The Clippers did not need to help on ZBo when he was not in deep post position.

They did on Marc, though.

But, I watch 98% of our games for nothing. Nevermind me. Let's listen to OKB and this clown Mike.

We are better with Zach. He's the reason why we are where we are now. :lol:
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I'll just wait til when we move Zach Randolph this offseason and get a more balanced team with a better scoring option on the perimeter and watch us be even better.

But, like the extremist some NT'ers are, they will say we are done because we traded Zach because they still fail to realize who the two best players on the team are and the fact that TA is our 3rd most important player when zoned in.

Look...I'm not saying we are BETTER with Rudy than we currently are. What I'm saying is that we would be the nearly the SAME team with him and without Zach.

The difference between having Rudy is that he does bring the clutch factor for us at the end of the games. Does that mean we HAVE to go to him? No. We could do exactly what we did last night and use Conley and Marc in the pick and roll. The thing is, teams respect what Rudy brings to the table with under 2 minutes left in the game. Zach isn't going to do **** in that situation because he can't create his own shot.

If all Zach is going to give us is 6 rebounds this series, what's his main purpose for being on the floor? We played better basketball with him on the bench during Game 2. So, those "double teams" wasn't that big of a factor when it counted. Teams tend to play 1 on 1 in the final quarter anyway.
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I'll tell you right now; if Mike Conley is your best player then have fuj with a decade of first round exits.

I love seeing you then on ZBO tho. Can't wait till you lose patience with Marc Gasol's and his lack of effort on the glass.

Btw, Grizzliesonline is the funniest board on the interwebs :lol:
Grizz need someone (not Rudy Gay) on the wing who can shoot the damn ball. Their collection of wings is gross.

Conley is a pretty damn good PG now. Gasol is very good as well, but it's just not enough.
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