Official NBA 2012-2013 Season Thread

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It was between Gasol and Noah pretty much all year. Then Noah got hurt and that sealed it for Marc. Still well-deserved though.
Thought for sure DPOY was going to Ibaka or Hibbert. But congrats to Marc. Dont watch many Grizz games. He hasnt impressed me much against the Clippers in that series. But he musta been doing something good out there this season.

And before anyone comes back at me. I know hes a great player. But I havent seen anything overwhelming on the defensive end that series to make me think he should have got it over the other 2. At the same time. No1 really stood out. So it was pretty much a toss up for the award this year.
Was Hibbert that good defensively this year? I'm not questioning you, but I really don't know....
He was good. 2.6 blocks per game (4th behind Ibaka, Sanders, Duncan) on arguably the best defensive team in the league. If not def top 5. I think that is more what gave Marc the award honestly is that since it was a toss up they gave it to him because Memphis could be regarded as the better all around defense team/better record

But like you didnt watch may Pacers games. I didnt watch many Grizz games like I said. So Marc could have been out there changing every shot that went up in the paint IDK. Just cant say Ive seen much from him so far in the Playoffs.
Why would ibaka get dpoy isn't he just a shot blocker
Honestly, thats kind of what DPOY has come to many years. If you block shots and make players coming into the paint adjust your shot just because you are in the vicinity you are regarded as one of the best Defensive players in the league.

How else are you ranking DPOY? I know your not watching how well every guy stays infront of their man on every play.
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Screw the Cavaliers for making a move that will surely lead to another one of those unbearable stories (with absolutely no credibility/sanity) that ESPN will shove down our collective throats for too long of a time.

First it was the Melodrama, then it was the Dwightmare, now? LeBron to Cleveland in the Summer of 2014.

Quick Timeline Check: The Melodrama and the Dwightmare only lasted for about 6 months. The Summer of 2014 is 1 year and 3 months away...
It was between Gasol and Noah pretty much all year. Then Noah got hurt and that sealed it for Marc. Still well-deserved though.

if noah didnt miss 20 games (while that happened we didnt slip in the standings) he wouldve won....
You guys are acting like injuries aren't a part of the game. Noah got hurt, plain and simple.

If Melo didn't miss 16 games, and the Heat didn't go on that 27 game winning streak, Maybe Melo would've won MVP.

See, I can do it too :lol:

So how many awards are still left to be announced?
MVP, All NBA/Defensive Teams still to be determined
The award was Joakim's before he got hurt imo
It was between Gasol and Noah pretty much all year. Then Noah got hurt and that sealed it for Marc. Still well-deserved though.
if noah didnt miss 20 games (while that happened we didnt slip in the standings) he wouldve won....
Noah was definitely in contention. 
Screw the Cavaliers for making a move that will surely lead to another one of those unbearable stories (with absolutely no credibility/sanity) that ESPN will shove down our collective throats for too long of a time.

First it was the Melodrama, then it was the Dwightmare, now? LeBron to Cleveland in the Summer of 2014.

Quick Timeline Check: The Melodrama and the Dwightmare only lasted for about 6 months. The Summer of 2014 is 1 year and 3 months away...
I'm not even sure why they would hire Mike Brown if the ultimate goal is bringing Lebron back, considering they fired him before to keep Lebron happy.

Apparently the FO isn't seriously considering the idea.
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"God's accident of a city"
now I know exactly which NTer you are; hiding behind this Victor Page moniker.

Keep it up playboy
 I don't know who you think I am but I think everybody else knows who I am. I'm certainly not "hiding behind a moniker". All of my screennames have something to do with DC or Georgetown.

**** outta here.
Durant will be second till Bron is in his 30's
KD winning a title has more to do with Russ and Ibaka's development more than his own.
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