Official NBA 2012-2013 Season Thread

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Bro Is It Difficult To Type Like This All The Time? Is That Your Thing?

Broo!!!Lmao You Won't Believe How Many M'F's Get On Me For This lol Its How I've Texted Since Highschool; I Try To Stop But Then I Start Again It's Completely Involentary.
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You press shift before every word? I had a phone that automatically capitalized every word but I'd never do it on purpose.
Game 5 tomorrow, spurs will make adjustments and take the game. Going back to Miami up 3-2 will make this very exciting.

And I don't like the idea of Paul and Howard playing together. The hawks really need a dominant big man but i think Dwight is a better fit in LA. Kobe will have him ready this season
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What insightful analysis. Care to share what adjustments you think they'll make?

hoping dwade and bosh play like ****?


realistically I would think the spurs would try and punish the heat going small by going to Duncan in the post more. Playing pick and roll with Miami going small helped Miami because anyone could run out to a shooter except for bosh because he needed to stay with Duncan
For the Clippers to get Garnett & Pierce they have to trade at least Jordan, Bledsoe, Butler (for contracts to work).. Problem is: Celtics will not accept that trade unless you are giving them 3 1st Rounders.

Also if Jordan & Bledsoe gets you KG (apparently)... Butler and a couple picks isn't getting you Paul Pierce.. They'll want Crawford added as well. That's without Doc is being included as well.. If KG & PP are traded Doc will be going there as well. Which leads to more compensation. Gives the Celtics a chance to move people for more picks.

So after the trade you'll have

Billups (He has Bird Rights. Will ask for more than minimum. Probably $3mil) / Willie Green ($1.3mil Team Option)

That's $66.336 mil. They'll have the $5mil MLE that they'll throw at a PG.

Then resign Hollins, Odom, Barnes for minimum (Hollins may actually leave and get more elsewhere). Then you're getting dangerously close to hitting the max cap room you can have for the $5mil Mid-Level Exception, so they'd have to fill the bench with end of the rotation guys.

CP3 / Jarret Jack
Billups / Green
Pierce / Barnes
Griffin / Odom
KG / Hollins

Not seeing why the Clippers would do that to themselves. Average age of that team on Opening night would be around 32 years old.
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Game 5 tomorrow, spurs will make adjustments and take the game. Going back to Miami up 3-2 will make this very exciting.

And I don't like the idea of Paul and Howard playing together. The hawks really need a dominant big man but i think Dwight is a better fit in LA. Kobe will have him ready this season

He should get himself ready first.
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Game 5 tomorrow, spurs will make adjustments and take the game. Going back to Miami up 3-2 will make this very exciting.

And I don't like the idea of Paul and Howard playing together. The hawks really need a dominant big man but i think Dwight is a better fit in LA. Kobe will have him ready this season

He should get himself ready first.

oh, Kobe will be ready :wink:
What everyone is forgetting is that w/o state income taxes Paul and Howard could take pay cuts in HOU or Dal that would still allow them to make close to what they would make staying in LA.

Heck, if they rented instead of buying a house they'd avoid the majority of Texas property taxes to.

I think HOU has a realistic shot at both of them IF they both were willing to take less money
So Kobe wants two more cracks at a title?

I remember my little sister wanted a unicorn when she was younger to.
What everyone is forgetting is that w/o state income taxes Paul and Howard could take pay cuts in HOU or Dal that would still allow them to make close to what they would make staying in LA.

Heck, if they rented instead of buying a house they'd avoid the majority of Texas property taxes to.

I think HOU has a realistic shot at both of them IF they both were willing to take less money

No player really cares about the tax aspect. It likely NEVER crosses their mind.

Their agents especially don't give a damn. Because they make same amount regardless.

Also $30mil guaranteed is all they see. Also both stand to make a lot more in LA in endorsements (Cp3 def., Dwight took a fall because he has took a dump all over his image. so he needs to repair it.)

Finally by paycut you mean half their salary. So you want them to walk away from $30mil guaranteed and take a paycut?

If either of them leave, it won't be because of state taxes.
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Dwight it definitely will. You know that.

CP3 you can make the case.. But his profile has increased a lot going to LA.
Michael Wallace @WallaceNBA_ESPN Come on, Popovich. He had no intention today of media obligations other than showing up. This was coaching equivalent of flopping.

No player really cares about the tax aspect. It likely NEVER crosses their mind.

Their agents especially don't give a damn. Because they make same amount regardless.

Also $30mil guaranteed is all they see. Also both stand to make a lot more in LA in endorsements (Cp3 def., Dwight took a fall because has took a dump all over his image)

Finally by paycut you mean half their salary. So you want them to walk away from $30mil guaranteed and take a paycut?

If either of them leave, it won't be because of state taxes.

Dude are you kidding...dwight with a amax deal would make 117,000,000 you don't think giving the state of cali 10% of that (11,000,000) as opposed to keeping something close to that money in texas never crosses his mind? ***** really think the fact that Florida has no income taxes never crossed Bron and bosh's mind. If it didn't it crossed their accountants minds who hipped them to the game.

Houston isn't LA but it certainly isn't a small market, it's the 4th largest city in the country. Endorsements won't be an issue at all.

So don't be so sure it won't be a deciding factor for CP and Dhoward...take less than max able to put a good team around them...make up part of the pay cut in taxes and contend for a title for the next 3-5 years is pretty dang attractive.
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If Celtics and Clippers can finalize a deal that includes Doc Rivers, Kevin Garnett will waive his no-trade clause, league sources tell Y!
No it doesn't cross their mind.. Their agent negotiates the deal. Agent gets money in his home state for the deal, so they push for more max money. The best agents in the world, don't negotiate based on taxes. They get every dollar they can because saving $11mil in taxes doesn't matter to them, nor will the player notice either way.. Bosh & Bron went to Miami because Wade was there, and they could add all 3. Had the Heat had space and didn't have Wade they would have probably only gotten Bosh, Bron would have stayed in Cleveland, and wherever DWade was... He would have stayed as well. They took a slight paycut because that was the only way it would work. If Bron & Bosh had to take $10mil paycuts, there would be absolutely no way they sign in Miami.

4th largest city means absolutely nothing in sports marketing. None.. In the sports world it is a dead zone. Not saying Houston is a bad city, just saying in terms of sports marketing it is.. You make endorsements by being the face. Certain players, Lebron's & KD's make money by being the best players. But It's much easier to sell CP3 as the face of an LA/NY/CHI team. Dwight as the face of an LA/NY/CHI team than part of a team in Houston. Also if Houston is so great for endorsements/exposure, how did the marketing cash cow of Jeremy Lin not even ran top 15 in jersey sales in the US, internationally, and not top 5 in China. Dwight especially, he will never regain a marketing image in Houston.

Another example: Dirk $400K in endorsements last year.. Pau $2.1mil in endorsements..

Amare still had $3.5mil in endorsements in 2013. Year before he had $8mil.

Chris Paul's last year in New Orleans was less than $2mil in endorsements (No actual number of how low he was).. He had $3.8mil in endorsements last year.

And if that was the case that hey let's take less money and surround themselves with a better team in 2014. Wade, Bosh, Bron should all opt out. Sign $10mil contracts so the Heat will have an extra $30mil + in space.
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