Official NBA 2012-2013 Season Thread

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Yea And Everytime He Loses By 10+ Points, He Gets Stoned. If He Has Any Hope Of Being Known To Be Any Type Of Anything(GOAT) He'll Stay Put And Work Out Any Type Of Problem He Has. Why Would He Scorn One City To Go Back Around And Do It To An Even Bigger One !!! At That I Wouldnt Even Accept Him Back If I Was An Angered Cleveland Fan, Jus Don't Make No Sense.

As a player I hate this loyal correlates to legacy stuff teams have no loyalty why do players have to be loyal if you play bad teams will not hesitate to cut you, teams will not hesitate to trade you for cash and a worst player, they will fire the coach of the year
Like my main girl say these ****** aint loyal
Because jumping ship shows you're a quitter. It's not like the Cavs treated Bron wrong. They tried to put talent around him, it just didn't work with whoever they paired up with him. Bosh, CP3, Carmelo, and Dwight Howard are in the same boat so this isn't meant just as a shot at LBJ.
Because jumping ship shows you're a quitter. It's not like the Cavs treated Bron wrong. They tried to put talent around him, it just didn't work with whoever they paired up with him. Bosh, CP3, Carmelo, and Dwight Howard are in the same boat so this isn't meant just as a shot at LBJ.

does a washed up Shaq and Ben Wallace
the forever trash Antawm Jamison
white supremacist Sasha Pavlovic
Boobie or Mo really equate to talent?
or am I missing something?
...I'm seriously asking
even Melo had AI when he was still giving you 20+
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1 ring in cleveland>2 in miami
If dudes dips again I really can't see how people can praise him still. Stay in miami n let the front office handle business
does a washed up Shaq and Ben Wallace
the forever trash Antawm Jamison
white supremacist Sasha Pavlovic
Boobie or Mo really equate to talent?
or am I missing something?
...I'm seriously asking
even Melo had AI when he was still giving you 20+
the only thing good about Iverson to Denver was that it netted Billups.

With Iverson: Swept in first round by Lakers
With Billups: WCF appearance

Because jumping ship show you're realistic

3 final appearances

1 championship
LeBron wasn't the only free agent that year, remember? They could've done this super friends gig in Cleveland.
1 ring in cleveland>2 in miami
If dudes dips again I really can't see how people can praise him still. Stay in miami n let the front office handle business

Quotes like this make no sense, this is a business. Teams make smart business moves and get praised yet if a player does he's "unloyal" "not respectable" ***** be real. If Lebron has a career ending injury you bet the NBA is moving on without him, he should do what's best for him. Jumping teams has nothing to do with skill level or being able to "respect" a player, it's business.
No I'm saying that.. I'm saying that being in LA
Charles Barkley was one of the most endorsed players and the biggest market he played in was Philly. It doesn't always matter where you are located.
also cost of living in LA is so much more in LA and NY than houston from housing to gas everything costs more

took you 2 minutes? dam im sorry

I knew someone was going to say something about that it was an approximation

damn, firing shots at jfgmoney and our educational system all at once 
It is not my fault I am in the second worst school system in america DC

i was joking. no shots fired. ur gucci. :smile:
Cleveland didnt have the money to do the super friends thing though.

Miami cleared house to do it, and the big 3 still took a pay cut.
Plus LeBron had already failed in convincing Bosh and Paul (separately) to come. Nobody wanted to go there. Ariza said he was open to it but his FA yr with the year before and he didn't want to with the uncertainty of whether or not LeBron would stay
^^^The cost of living in LA/NY is not that much higher that it's going to make a difference to guys getting paid as much as Dwight and CP. I make literally a minor fraction of what those guys make and still live a comfortable life on the Westside of LA. Dwight and CP aren't going to care that they could save 50 cents a gallon on gas by moving to Houston.
As a player I hate this loyal correlates to legacy stuff teams have no loyalty why do players have to be loyal if you play bad teams will not hesitate to cut you, teams will not hesitate to trade you for cash and a worst player, they will fire the coach of the year
Like my main girl say these ****** aint loyal
Thats Jus The Way It Is ; Cops And Robbers-When The Players And Coaches Start Thinkin For Themselves Its A Problem, But When The Team Sells/Trades You For Change(e.g. AI/George Karl), Its Business *Kanye Shrug
Pop Is The Worse Interviewer Ever, If I Was A Reporter And He Tried That Stunt With Me Id Hit Em With A Bus-Driver Uppercut
Pop Is The Worse Interviewer Ever, If I Was A Reporter And He Tried That Stunt With Me Id Hit Em With A Bus-Driver Uppercut


Such a troll
i'm saying.
good coach and all but he has no reason to be that uncooperative with the media.
these lame announcers never call him out on it, just praise him for his "stoic nature"
dude is a loser in that regard and i don't respect him for it.

No reason to be that uncooperative? This guy knows 10x more than everyone in that room combined, and these dudes are asking him questions he hears 10x a day that he could care less about. The guy gives a short and efficient response, you want him to actually care what the media thinks/says about his team?
I'm saying I'm waiting for one of these reporters one day to ask him pop why are you such a *******.
Because that reporter would lose his career. What player or coach would ever want to talk to him knowing that kind of insulting question is going to be asked? None, I would assume.

Plus LeBron had already failed in convincing Bosh and Paul (separately) to come. Nobody wanted to go there. Ariza said he was open to it but his FA yr with the year before and he didn't want to with the uncertainty of whether or not LeBron would stay
LeBron's issues with recruiting were because of his pending free agency of 2010. Nobody was signing there until he signed an extension, which of course he did not. Wasn't it LeBron that said the reason he didn't go to Chicago was because Derrick Rose didn't recruit him? Barkley said it best, you're the best player in the world, you should be getting others to join you not the other way around.
Pop's antics are hilarious and I laugh at them 95% of the time... the other 5% I find myself saying "Okay... we get it.. but play along for a few minutes"

I appreciate that he wants to cut the BS and ideally he would just get to coach the game then disappear, I would probably feel the same way if I were him.
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