Official NBA 2012-2013 Season Thread

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Lol at Kobe hate being because of his stans as if he did nothing to gain those stans/hasn't been hated on for over a decade. Oooooooook
The decision was a bad move on his part.

But I think people would still be upset cause he signed with Wade / Bosh.
Now I honestly don't see why Kobe is hated. I could turn anyone into a Kobe fan just from showing them '09-'10 buzzer beater highlights alone!
It's not hard to figure it out. The 3 biggest markets in the US + 2nd most storied NBA franchise have valid reasons to hate LeBron. LA = paranoid. NY = scorned. Chicago and Boston = his annual playoff dumpster.
I hate Kobe because he dimed out shaq, he got everything he wanted from the Lakers and wanted a trade because his team wasn't winning back after the whole shaq fiasco. But he is one of the best closers and players hands down. Boy has talent second to none. And its amazing he played at such a high level at his age
why can't Pop just answer the questions with a little bit of enthusiasm? 
I expect a good game tonight. Splitter has to play better just less mistakes.

If Wade shows up again it's over tho. Unless Manu shows up. And I don't see that happening right now.
I hate Kobe because he dimed out shaq, he got everything he wanted from the Lakers and wanted a trade because his team wasn't winning back after the whole shaq fiasco. But he is one of the best closers and players hands down. Boy has talent second to none. And its amazing he played at such a high level at his age

Valid point.

The thing I always find interesting in regards to kobe and his fans is that people seem to forget that kobe broke up him and shaq cause of his ego. And when the going got tough he wanted a trade.

Interesting none the less.
I hate Kobe because he dimed out shaq, he got everything he wanted from the Lakers and wanted a trade because his team wasn't winning back after the whole shaq fiasco. But he is one of the best closers and players hands down. Boy has talent second to none. And its amazing he played at such a high level at his age

Valid point.

The thing I always find interesting in regards to kobe and his fans is that people seem to forget that kobe broke up him and shaq cause of his ego. And when the going got tough he wanted a trade.

Interesting none the less.

Shaq and Kobe broke up their duo. Kobe had an ego. Shaq had an ego. They hated each other and couldn't co-exist anymore. Kobe was a free agent in the upcoming year, and Lakers chose to keep the younger player and dealt Shaq. Had Shaq been younger, Shaq would have been the one LA kept and Kobe would have been traded.
I find all that "quitter" stuff hilarious. I can respect players more for taking their careers into their own hands and taking a risk at something they feel will lead them to success/winning than continuing to show "loyalty" and languishing your great/prime years, then 5-6 years later when you're nearly broken down, the organization itself puts you out to pasture and moves on. Players have to know that when it all comes down to it, whether you're a star or the 15th guy just brought up from the D-League, you are 1 cog in a massive machine. And when people feel you're not useful and they don't need you anymore, they'll smile in your face and cut you loose like nothing. Just ask Peyton.
I don't like Kobe because during his sexual assault case he dry snitched on shaq, he dry snitched on pau recently, he was instrumental in getting shaq traded, then after when the team blew he was demanding trades
I find all that "quitter" stuff hilarious. I can respect players more for taking their careers into their own hands and taking a risk at something they feel will lead them to success/winning than continuing to show "loyalty" and languishing your great/prime years, then 5-6 years later when you're nearly broken down, the organization itself puts you out to pasture and moves on. Players have to know that when it all comes down to it, whether you're a star or the 15th guy just brought up from the D-League, you are 1 cog in a massive machine. And when people feel you're not useful and they don't need you anymore, they'll smile in your face and cut you loose like nothing. Just ask Peyton.

You're talking about manning right? The guy who ALREADY brought his team a ship? And he was still pretty useful with another team.

If you're talking about GP then :stoneface:
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Why do people claim that Kobe dimed Shaq out? Didn't he just mutter it to himself during the police interrogation and the transcript leaked out? People acting like Kobe went on national TV and said something...:lol:
Why do people claim that Kobe dimed Shaq out? Didn't he just mutter it to himself during the police interrogation and the transcript leaked out? People acting like Kobe went on national TV and said something...
No he didn't. He said asked DIRECTLY to one of the cops if can he pay the girl off like Shaq does.

Either way it's ratting.
Why do people claim that Kobe dimed Shaq out? Didn't he just mutter it to himself during the police interrogation and the transcript leaked out? People acting like Kobe went on national TV and said something...:lol:

No he didn't. He said asked DIRECTLY to one of the cops if can he pay the girl off like Shaq does.

Either way it's ratting.

nah, he muttered he shouldve done what shaq does and pay these girls off. no reason to even drag shaq's name. then the cop followed up.
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I find all that "quitter" stuff hilarious. I can respect players more for taking their careers into their own hands and taking a risk at something they feel will lead them to success/winning than continuing to show "loyalty" and languishing your great/prime years, then 5-6 years later when you're nearly broken down, the organization itself puts you out to pasture and moves on. Players have to know that when it all comes down to it, whether you're a star or the 15th guy just brought up from the D-League, you are 1 cog in a massive machine. And when people feel you're not useful and they don't need you anymore, they'll smile in your face and cut you loose like nothing. Just ask Peyton.

You're talking about manning right? The guy who ALREADY brought his team a ship? And he was still pretty useful with another team.

If you're talking about GP then :stoneface:

Seems like you selected a fraction of the entire post to speak on, thus missing the entire point. Yes, I was talking about Peyton Manning. Him already winning a ring is irrelevant towards every single thing I mentioned. Peyton is a star, yet his organization presumed him useless, dumped him and moved on. That can happen to anybody.
Why do people claim that Kobe dimed Shaq out? Didn't he just mutter it to himself during the police interrogation and the transcript leaked out? People acting like Kobe went on national TV and said something...:lol:

No he didn't. He said asked DIRECTLY to one of the cops if can he pay the girl off like Shaq does.

Either way it's ratting.

nah, he muttered he shouldve done what shaq does and pay these girls off. no reason to even drag shaq's name. then the cop followed up.

Exactly, what I mean. Shaq paying chicks off isn't a crime so who exactly did he rat out? I'm pretty sure he didn't say it with the intention of the cops running to Shaq's wife with that info :lol:
Why do people claim that Kobe dimed Shaq out? Didn't he just mutter it to himself during the police interrogation and the transcript leaked out? People acting like Kobe went on national TV and said something...:lol:

No he didn't. He said asked DIRECTLY to one of the cops if can he pay the girl off like Shaq does.

Either way it's ratting.

nah, he muttered he shouldve done what shaq does and pay these girls off. no reason to even drag shaq's name. then the cop followed up.

Exactly, what I mean. Shaq paying chicks off isn't a crime so who exactly did he rat out? I'm pretty sure he didn't say it with the intention of the cops running to Shaq's wife with that info :lol:

that interrogation was gonna be made public, so kobe had no reason to bring up shaq. no intentions but why bring up shaq?
they didnt tho? they tried to do what they could

they put decent pieces around him, its not like they could exactly go out and get a superstar. rarely happens these days. he still manager to get 60+ wins with those teams.

Rarely happens?? Umm, he was seeing his peers get super stars every year. From the big three in boston, melo getting ai,to kobe getting pau and eventually dwight. Cleveland are the only idiots who couldn't manage to bring him ANY real talent in SEVEN years!! Of course you bron haters didn't want him to leave so he could be stuck being ringless and you could've fronted on how he isn't good enough. Be real
I find all that "quitter" stuff hilarious. I can respect players more for taking their careers into their own hands and taking a risk at something they feel will lead them to success/winning than continuing to show "loyalty" and languishing your great/prime years, then 5-6 years later when you're nearly broken down, the organization itself puts you out to pasture and moves on. Players have to know that when it all comes down to it, whether you're a star or the 15th guy just brought up from the D-League, you are 1 cog in a massive machine. And when people feel you're not useful and they don't need you anymore, they'll smile in your face and cut you loose like nothing. Just ask Peyton.

You're talking about manning right? The guy who ALREADY brought his team a ship? And he was still pretty useful with another team.

If you're talking about GP then :stoneface:

Seems like you selected a fraction of the entire post to speak on, thus missing the entire point. Yes, I was talking about Peyton Manning. Him already winning a ring is irrelevant towards every single thing I mentioned. Peyton is a star, yet his organization presumed him useless, dumped him and moved on. That can happen to anybody.

His organization didnt "presume him useless" They just found a replacement. If there was no Andrew luck or rg3 Manning would still be in a colt uniform, aint like they left him out to dry. He was the biggest free agent of the last 10 years in any sport minus lebron
Why do people claim that Kobe dimed Shaq out? Didn't he just mutter it to himself during the police interrogation and the transcript leaked out? People acting like Kobe went on national TV and said something...:lol:

No he didn't. He said asked DIRECTLY to one of the cops if can he pay the girl off like Shaq does.

Either way it's ratting.

nah, he muttered he shouldve done what shaq does and pay these girls off. no reason to even drag shaq's name. then the cop followed up.

Exactly, what I mean. Shaq paying chicks off isn't a crime so who exactly did he rat out? I'm pretty sure he didn't say it with the intention of the cops running to Shaq's wife with that info :lol:

that interrogation was gonna be made public, so kobe had no reason to bring up shaq. no intentions but why bring up shaq?

So you honestly believe that Kobe, a guy who was never in trouble a day in his life prior to that point, knew that the interrogation was going to be made public? I guess he couldn't have honestly felt that he really wished he just paid her off to avoid that situation? I'm pretty sure he didn't think that convo would ever leave that room. All I'm saying is that's a very petty reason to hate a dude...
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