Official NBA 2012-2013 Season Thread

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saw the pics on spurs talk right after Halloween it was lulz. iI expected fines back then but now iI know it will become a thing and more fines will be levied against San Antonio which will be fair, but the fact that it's an obvious joke should be taken into consideration. no suspensions
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^It's funny too how he can go and label other teams as 'pretenders'. Like, where have you been man? Did the clippers achieve anything the past 5 years? :smh:
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i knew this would happen with nash.

we have no point guard and nothing to trade for one either. why these guys dont get delonte?
I know its different expectations, but the Pacers have been absolutely disgusting this season. George Hill is a pretty good scorer, but can not run an offense. DJ Augustine looks incompetent in this system.

Paul George is definitely a do it all type of player who can fill up the stat sheet, but he needs to be used sort of like Richard Jefferson in New Jersey, instead of making him your go to scorer.

Lance Stephenson has been a really pleasant surprise, he can score, handle the ball and create, but with Paul George and George Hill taking so many shots, he never really gets to ball out

Roy Hibbert :stoneface:

David West has been the only one playing well with any consistency, but at his age I hope he can sustain it around playoff teams.......if they make the playoffs.

The East is going to be much more tight this year because alot of teams that people expected to suck, are actually pretty good.

The Knicks (maybe not suck, but not huge expectations)
The Bobcats :wow: (even if they dont make the playoffs, they will definitely beat some good playoff teams)
The Magic (same as above. Who thought they would be a pretty effective team right now?)
I know its different expectations, but the Pacers have been absolutely disgusting this season. George Hill is a pretty good scorer, but can not run an offense. DJ Augustine looks incompetent in this system.

Paul George is definitely a do it all type of player who can fill up the stat sheet, but he needs to be used sort of like Richard Jefferson in New Jersey, instead of making him your go to scorer.

Lance Stephenson has been a really pleasant surprise, he can score, handle the ball and create, but with Paul George and George Hill taking so many shots, he never really gets to ball out

Roy Hibbert :stoneface:

David West has been the only one playing well with any consistency, but at his age I hope he can sustain it around playoff teams.......if they make the playoffs.

The East is going to be much more tight this year because alot of teams that people expected to suck, are actually pretty good.

The Knicks (maybe not suck, but not huge expectations)
The Bobcats :wow: (even if they dont make the playoffs, they will definitely beat some good playoff teams)
The Magic (same as above. Who thought they would be a pretty effective team right now?)

they caught a break with dwight not playing for orl last yr, and chris bosh basically being out in the second rd.
don't throw stones if you live in a glass house, Lakers aree inn "worsee shape than we. No one's scared for the record, iI don't ever bet on the Spurs never have never will. We

Point out where I threw stones? Exactly. Your little sidekick is the one who's trolling so I challenged his confidence in ya'll favorite team. Judging by the response...I'm not sure you can even call it "confidence."
I also expected way more from indy thus year. I've only seen one of their games in its entirety but it was very disappointing, along with the highlights. Roy Hibbert in particular
Bulls' Derrick Rose is running sprints, should return to practice relatively soon

Bulls fans, start getting excited.

That video is Derrick Rose running sprints at the Chicago Bulls' practice facility. Rose's well-documented progress in his ACL injury rehab (holding onto his knee ... holding onto his knee and down!) is getting closer and closer to him returning to action. As the video from CSNChicago and the words from the Chicago Sun-Times show us, Rose could be practicing in a couple of weeks. Via SLAM Online:

According to an NBA source, while ‘‘The Return'' to the court for NBA games is still up in the air for Rose, the all-everything point guard could be just weeks away from practicing with the Bulls again after surgery on his left anterior cruciate ligament last May.

‘‘That's the belief that a couple of [the Bulls'] players are under,'' the source said.

Rose has been cutting on the knee for at least two weeks and was seen running sprinting drills at the Berto Center after the Monday practice, with one sprint leaving teammate Kirk Hinrich yelling out in encouragement.

Just as a rudimentary timetable, Ricky Rubio of the Minnesota Timberwolves (who tore his ACL on March 9) was seen running sprints back on Oct. 3 during training camp. This past Sunday, he returned to practice with the Wolves and is expected to be back within the next week or two.

Not every ACL is the same, so you can't just go directly off that timetable and apply it to Rose -- especially with the news that he has been cutting on the knee for about two weeks. Rubio didn't start doing that until a few weeks after he was seen doing sprints. Considering their injuries were about a month and a half apart from each other, Rose being back to practice in the next few weeks puts him a little ahead of schedule but also right about where you'd expect him to be.

If Rubio is returning to action in the next week or two, could that put Rose back in about five to six weeks? Maybe a little longer than that? Regardless, we're close to seeing the return of both Ricky Rubio and Derrick Rose. Not a bad way to begin the new year for basketball fans.
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Man, I hope Rose can make a full recovery. You hate to see something like that happen to anybody, but definitely hate to see it happen to a player that actually takes the game seriously and leaves it all out on the floor.
I remember that i HATED whoever was the best player in the league at that particular time.

I hated MJ
Hated Duncan
Hated Kobe and Shaq
Now i hate Lebron.

Its funny when you think about it like that, i guess its fun to root for the underdog.
I guess i like to see those guys lose because its like seeing David beat Goliath.

Idk im high
Graphing the NBA

A few weeks ago, I organized NBA teams graphically to take a look at how they were playing early in the season. I've decided to make this a regular feature and something I consider on a monthly basis until the ratings settle down. Here's this month's update, through Sunday's games.


The X axis has Offensive Rating and the Y axis has Defensive Rating. There are four quadrants, separated by league average (105.9). The upper left is the league's worst teams, those that are below average in both categories. The upper right has high-scoring teams with better offenses than defenses. The bottom right is the league's best teams, those with above-average performances in both categories. And the bottom left has defensive-minded teams. You can also track overall team performance based on the distance from the diagonal line, which represents identical play on both ends of the floor.

One interesting observation is that there is much more spread in terms of Offensive Rating thus far. Three teams--the Miami Heat, New York Knicks and Oklahoma City Thunder--have separated themselves from the pack. At the opposite end of the spectrum, the Washington Wizards have been far worse at scoring than anyone else in the league. By contrast, there is not nearly as much separation in terms of Defensive Rating. I'm not sure how much of this is a product of the early season. Surely the Wizards will get better with Nene healthy and John Wall due back to the lineup at some point. In general, the standard deviation for Offensive Rating is slightly higher than for Defensive Rating, though this tends to vary from season to season.

Thirteen teams--nearly half the league--have changed quadrants from the last time we looked at this chart. These changes almost exclusively involve teams average or worse. Just one team--the Brooklyn Nets--has moved into Quadrant III (good offense, good defense), and no team has left this group. The most common changes are teams slipping from above average to below average on offense while staying below average on defense (Charlotte, Dallas and Portland), slipping on defense while staying bad on offense (New Orleans, Sacramento and Washington) going from defensive-minded to offensive-minded (Denver, Houston and Utah).
i thought he said Indy was an elite team


Who me? I mean they were last year. But with the combination of injuries, and just terrible play by some of our key players, they have been GARBAGE. I love em though, but it is what it is. They are playing lottery caliber basketball
Tony Parker has a GREAT sense of humor for wearing that eyepatch :rofl: . He almost lost his career cause of Drake & CB
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