Official NBA 2012-2013 Season Thread

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Austin rivers needed a couple more years at Duke. Dude really thought he was ready for the NBA because growing up he would play nba players :smh: . Dude is lost in the NBA right now.

word man. was too anxious to prove tot the world he can live up to being "docs son"

someone shoulda hit him w some advice and told him to stay in school
Bruh idk i cant find the remote :lol:
They have blown ever single one of those players, im convinced

clippers announcers have gotten worse over the BG / CP era. they were so bad for years they got excited when they got good as if they havent seen it before (they havent). they need to announce like theyve been there before
More talent? Yes.

More depth? No.

isn't that an oxymoron tho?

I'm sure March will be an interesting time for both LA teams.

No. It's not.

Because your depth relies on more youth.

Lakers have better players..

Lakers starters > Clippers Starters as a whole unit.
Lakers bench Clippers bench in PF & C.

Serious homerism there if you think whatever you have after Kobe, Gatsby and Superman 2.0 is superiority. Metta :lol: Paulina :lol:

Jordan Hill is nice though but Sacre c'mon son!
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I always thought more talent meant more depth guess I stand corrected my bad. Please forgive.
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I'd give the Lakers a slight edge at PF/C but only because of Jamison.

Jamison, Hill, Sacre?? 

more or less is equivalent to

Turiaf, Hollins, in shape Odom 
I'd give the Lakers a slight edge at PF/C but only because of Jamison.

Jamison, Hill, Sacre?? 

more or less is equivalent to

Turiaf, Hollins, in shape Odom 

In Shape Odom doesn't exist. LO's my dude, and as much as I want it to work there's two out of shape Odom's mentally and physically.. Dude is gone.

Turiaf and Sacre are the same guys.

Jamison alone >>> Hollins & Odom.
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Fair enough, I only threw him in there because it took some time for Jamison to come around and he's been having relatively consistent playing time while Odom hasn't had that benefit just yet
Odom is gone(physically) just like Billups :lol:

We'll see who's who soon enough.

Hope Nash get healthy.
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Odom is gone(physically) just like Billups :lol:

We'll see who's who soon enough.

Hope Nash get healthy.

But at least Billups isn't emotionally scared.. :lol:

It's all love.. No question a Clippers/Lakers series would be epic...

I respect what they've done the past couple years to not be a laughing stock anymore, but ya'll still got a ways to go :wink:
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No doubt we haven't done nothing yet. Still a long ways to go :frown: but I like the direction we're headed that's for sure. :D
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so what are the bucks going to do with all their big men? they are like hoarding them. :lol:

:x :smh:
A Moute

they need to trade some of the older players to create PT for the youngins.
so what are the bucks going to do with all their big men? they are like hoarding them. :lol:

:x :smh:
A Moute

they need to trade some of the older players to create PT for the youngins.

They'll continue to stockpile them like the Kings stockpile guards..
I could have sworn you were 
Pretty sure he's a Piston's fan. (Which would explain why it always sounds like he wants to kill himself in every post).

Could be wrong tho.
True wasn't his old sn, Mateen Cleeves a while back? And then Rex Ryan after that? 
What happens wen the Lakers dont make it either>D

Ya'll just can't keep the Lakers off your mind. We're talking about the Spurs here,'re scared?
don't throw stones if you live in a glass house, Lakers aree inn "worsee shape than we. No one's scared for the record, iI don't ever bet on the Spurs never have never will. We
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