Official NBA 2012-2013 Season Thread

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Lakers sweep clippers by a margin 25+ each game?

The same Lakers that can't beat the Kings and Magic?

Oh ok.

Yet beat the darlings of NT Nuggets & GSW by 19 & 24.

Also they beat the Kings by 13 in the first matchup.

They won't sweep the Clippers. But let's continue with who beat who in the regular season.

When the Lakers are on, they're a force. When they're not they look bad.
son stop it, you crapped your pants the second you saw they got Dwight.

im sure they will get it together, just because its you i hope they play each other in the playoff and the lakers sweep the clips and blow them out every single games by 25+

ummmmmmmmmmmmm NO I saw that trainwreck coming a mile away especially with Mike Brown at the helm and now O'Antoni :D It's not like I sat there and told myself a team with a bunch of mid-to-late 30 y/o's, a 40 y/o, scrubs and Dwight Howard were seriously a threat to what we have going on here in Clipper Nation :lol: if you still think otherwise kiddo.
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son stop it, you crapped your pants the second you saw they got Dwight.

im sure they will get it together, just because its you i hope they play each other in the playoff and the lakers sweep the clips and blow them out every single games by 25+

ummmmmmmmmmmmm NO I saw that trainwreck coming a mile away especially with Mike Brown at the helm and now O'Antoni :D It's not like I sat there and told myself a team with a bunch of mid-to-late 30 y/o's, a 40 y/o, scrubs and Dwight Howard were seriously a threat to what we have going on here in Clipper Nation :lol: if you still think otherwise kiddo.

Clipper Nation though..

You can't just put Nation after everything...

It's more like Clippers Cul-de-sac
son stop it, you crapped your pants the second you saw they got Dwight.

im sure they will get it together, just because its you i hope they play each other in the playoff and the lakers sweep the clips and blow them out every single games by 25+

ummmmmmmmmmmmm NO I saw that trainwreck coming a mile away especially with Mike Brown at the helm and now O'Antoni :D It's not like I sat there and told myself a team with a bunch of mid-to-late 30 y/o's, a 40 y/o, scrubs and Dwight Howard were seriously a threat to what we have going on here in Clipper Nation :lol: if you still think otherwise kiddo.

Clipper Nation though..

You can't just put Nation after everything...

It's more like Clippers Cul-de-sac
Why would anyone want to proud of December basketball :lol:

When has anyone said.. Well we didn't win the title.. But Geez Louise we sure were good on December 4th.

What legit contender in the NBA doesn't want to have success early and often?
You never know what March/April will hold could be make or break :lol:
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What team in the NBA doesn't want to have success early? You never know what March/April will hold could be make or break for yall :lol:

Through 20 games last year the Lakers were 11-9, with far less talent. Not far off this year. With far more mishaps.

March will be make or break. :lol: In what universe do you live where you think the Lakers are even remotely worried about the Clippers.

You post as if the Clippers run LA. When that never has, never will happen.
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You think your team has more talent?? :rofl:



More talent? Yes.

More depth? No.

You want to make a clean slate, let's go on paper of who has the best team injuries aside. Just what the team is.

Lakers superiority in the starting lineup.. Far outweighs the superiority of the Clippers in backups which only resides in 1-3. Lakers have better backup bigs..
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Hopefully Billups gets fined for that obvious flop.
Also, stern should penalize teams for doing the hack a Shaq strategy. Fans don't pay to see that garbage.
Hopefully Billups gets fined for that obvious flop.
Also, stern should penalize teams for doing the hack a Shaq strategy. Fans don't pay to see that garbage.

No, stern already has messed with the game way too much, besides the strategy gives underdog teams a chance to beat the Goliath.
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