Official NBA 2012-2013 Season Thread

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Well, you know who is looming out there if Wade turns to mush the next 2 seasons. :nerd::lol: (half-kidding I wouldn't knock anyone for clearing things up for '14 if he's opting out again - especially with the last group of players - NY, Brooklyn, Chicago all tied up for the foreseeable future, you never know. Hell, maybe the Lakers don't get it done these 2 years, Kobe retires and LeBron arrives to save the day. :smokin)
back2back2back post....

You are so mad right now.


Also like the fact there was no comment on kobe never taking blame like a leader does.

Guess even the stans see the light
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Dude, I could care less what Kobe does, says, thinks, dreams, wishes, who the **** cares? Win me ballgames. All I care about. Taking blame, not taking blame, I don't even know what you're talking about. That's YOUR lame mind thinkin things, plenty blame Kobe for tons of stuff. Just cuz you don't see it don't mean it don't happen genius.

You're the soft lil dude all giddy and happy about your cuddly superstar bein a nice guy and ****, thinkin that matters somehow. :lol:

Allen, it was discussed in the Laker thread a while back, Dwight gets signed, 2014 is clear, Mitch makes some new moves. Completely ridiculous, I know. But pretty sure Mitch majors in ridiculous with a minor in really ridiculous. So ya never know. We could **** around and go Dwight, Love, Bron, Durant and D.Rose just to really get the people mad at us. We're stupid like that. :lol:
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Some things just sting people forever...

I feel you're pain bro. It's okay, take it out on me with laugh emoticons. I gotchu dawg. 8)
Cuban clowned himself. Period. That was my point. Dude runs his mouth non stop but tore down his team after finally getting what you aspire to get to. Dumb.
Allen does have a point about not taking on Melo/Amare type contracts (sorry I used the Knicks, but they whiffed on Bron, and then um, gave those 2 deals, and uh, well, you already know) so yes, Cuban wiffed on his 2 prizes, but didn't do the big contract thing, so yes, I will give him that. However, Dirk won't help in 2014, so you're talkin COMPLETE rebuild at that point. As in like 12 guys.
Is Cube gonna have the balls to move Dirk and start the process with big time picks? :nerd:
That's what we're talkin here, unless he's going to try another round of free agent spending sprees in 2014. Not a single player on the roster to build around 2 years from now, so it is a legit question, would he move Dirk? Would Dallas accept that? JA?
As for the sucker comin thru with Zo like jokes, names, back to back and all that, I wonder how he even know what back to back means? Ain't never seen his squad do it. The Lakers tho, the team he is so desperately jealous of, done it multiple times the past decade. While stompin their foot up the ***** of the spurs the whole time too. So yeah, stay with them female names and gettin ages wrong on players, players like a year older than Duncan bright guy. :lol:

You listen to Cuban? :rofl: . I don't know why you would. When he's talking anything other than Mavericks, I tune him out. All I know is that he's passionate about trying to make his team better, whichever way he can. You can say it's dumb to tear down that team, but they are nothing without Dirk healthy. Say worse case scenario, Dirk turns into Sabonis and isn't anything better than a 10/5 player. And you have Tyson Chandler, JJ Barea, Jason Kidd, and Jason Terry eating up all your cap space. That's horrendous.

Cuban wanted to stay flexible. I said it just last post, I'll say it again. Cuban was the owner who was most impacted by the new CBA. He's terrified of those repeat offender taxes. :lol:

Don't hate on the Carmelo deal. He's worth every penny. Amare? Eh. But Melo is still worth it. That's just a team that is one bad contract too many.

Dirk will retire a Maverick. He's the only guy that has been with the franchise for so long. He will retire before playing for another team, I'm pretty confident in that. He got his ring. He got a little lazy after last year. He'll keep playing, he may still fight, but at the end of the day, he will look back at all the great players that don't have rings and rest easily knowing he made it to the top. Cuban loves Dirk too much to trade him. Back in 07? Maybe. Not anymore.

Until Dirk retires? Cuban will continue to play his cards the same he has. Wait. He'll get one year deals until he finds something.

If you want my honest opinion, I think Cuban, Carlisle, and Nelson all see a little of Steve Nash/DIrk Nowitzki in Darren Collison and OJ Mayo. Both guys are unproven, haven't lived up to their potential, but know that the foundation is there to be a great player. They want to give DC and OJ a chance to try to develop some chemistry in the way that Dirk and Steve did. It's a pipedream, but there's no other option out there right now. Cuban is committed to keeping his dollars close to that luxury tax line, staying away from large contracts until someone is fruitful for the Mavericks. Before, he saw Dampier put up 10/10 for GSW, so he signed him to a fat deal. Not anymore. Bring in OJ, give him the ball, see if it works. If not? ****, another year gone, but we weren't getting Deron/Dwight, so it's not like we're that much worse off.

It's all about finding that magic formula. We found it in 2011, and it probably wouldn't have lasted in 2012. Jason Kidd was terrible last year. Tyson was gone, and even if he was there, Russell Westbrook would've still torched the Mavericks.

Maybe we are a first-round exit again this year. But there's no formula out there right now that would put us as a contender. The players aren't there. We don't have the assets. Cuban will sit on Dirk until he retires, but continue to try and tweak to find the formula like we did in 2011. 2011 was basically a fluke. Jason Kidd was old. A lot of guys were old. None of the young guys on that team are pivotal pieces for the future.

Darren Collison and OJ Mayo? Like I said, Steve Nash. Before Steve got to Dallas, he was a 9/3 guy. Collison? 10/5. I'm not saying Collison will be better, not at all. All I'm saying is that the Mavericks don't have the luxury of obtaining Pau Gasol's, Dwight Howard's, Shaq's, KG's, or Ray Allen's. They develop players, similar function to how the Spurs do. They'll give them the same opportunity that Nash and Dirk got.

At least that's what I hope, and not give Chris Kaman 15 shots a night.. :lol:
Some things just sting people forever...

I feel you're pain bro. It's okay, take it out on me with laugh emoticons. I gotchu dawg. 8)

I dont see what 0.4 has anything to do with my post on the lakers/kobe.

It's okay, take it out on me with gifs/pics. Don't post your argument as to why I could be wrong. I gotchu dawg. 8)

Also since we are speaking of cuban and that 04 season lets look back shall we.


Kobe's FG% during that finals tho

:rofl: :rofl:
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Laker fans, don't reply to doo, let him be. He'll go on all day and night thinking he's doing anything worthy. Let him troll.

JA, I'm sorry I said anything about the Mavs and ruined your afternoon. I read maybe 38% of that and went on with my life. Ok, 12%.


That's alright, because your comprehension is about as good as Sloth's from The Goonies. :lol:

In other news, Andray Blatche has been very active for the Nets. He doesn't look like he's in terrible shape either. Kinda got Paul Pierce kind of body.

And Sully has looked great.
Laker fans, don't reply to doo, let him be. He'll go on all day and night thinking he's doing anything worthy.

Maybe you should take your own advice.

All 4 of your post have something to do with me?

You love my style.

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Teletovic can shoot that ball. :x

Definitely plays that great euro-defense though. :lol:
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Damn, you can easily see Jeff Green's scar on his chest. That thing looks massive. |I

Glad to see him out there and playing well.
Perry Jones looks and moves so much like a young TMac, his rookieness really shows though. Liggins is good, hope someone picks him up though. Maynor got a HUGE ovation when he checked in. Bobcats are gonna steal some wins with this press all game philosophy
He loves to think that he gets under our skin. :lol:
No hard feelings from me, I like to joke back and have fun.

I just think its funny that even when Laker fans are quiet and mind their own business, he keeps poking us until someone comes back out of their shell.

Whatever rocks your boat tho Doo :lol:
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Perry Jones looks and moves so much like a young TMac, his rookieness really shows though. Liggins is good, hope someone picks him up though. Maynor got a HUGE ovation when he checked in. Bobcats are gonna steal some wins with this press all game philosophy
I see the Bobcats getting killed if they press for long stretches. What I am interested in is how deep Dunlap dives into advanced metrics to help the team. He's already emphasized to ditch the long twos the team shot a lot last season for threes and drives to the basket.
I have no idea what's been going on in here, but all i know is Courtney Lee will be a huge pickup for the Celtics.
The Sixers should make a move for Josh Smith. Turner and Thad Young should get that deal done. Hawks get a 24 and 23 year old on cheaper contracts with potential to grow with their team. Sixers defense with Josh Smith and Bynum would be something nasty....then you got Jrue, J-Rich, Nick Young and Dorrell Wright to kick out to for 3's. If they haven't looked into that already they need to get on that. That would be the type of team that might give Miami some problems.
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