Official NBA 2012-2013 Season Thread

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I always knew Kob was arrogant even when I was a young fan, but lately he's been on super IDGAF mode.

I mean absolutely NO DAMNS ARE GIVEN anymore, and it's hilarious. :lol:
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Exactly. That stuff can work at the college level against teams with shaky ball-handlers but NBA guards are way too skilled for this to be effective. Not only that but it's just unrealistic to press for 48 minutes a game for 82 games without running the team into the ground by the All-Star break. Rick Pitino wanted to try this in Boston and we saw how well that worked out.

whose idea is this to run full press the whole game the whole season that's insane
How did DeQuan Jones manage to be trash for 4 years of college and still somehow find his way to the NBA?

I haven't seen that since Shavlik Randolph did it in only 3 years.
How did DeQuan Jones manage to be trash for 4 years of college and still somehow find his way to the NBA?

I haven't seen that since Shavlik Randolph did it in only 3 years.

You saw the video, right? NBA Level athleticism, plus the Magic's roster is filled with 3's & stretch 4's, so they figured it was worth a shot looking at a guy who's athletic and can play some D at the 2.
Perry Jones looks and moves so much like a young TMac, his rookieness really shows though. Liggins is good, hope someone picks him up though. Maynor got a HUGE ovation when he checked in. Bobcats are gonna steal some wins with this press all game philosophy

Bobcats are pressing all game?!

They're going to get KILLED all year if that's true. I can't think of more than a handful of situations where pressing even BOTHERS the other team in the NBA. Doing it full time is crazy especially considering their team isn't particularly long and athletic.

Exactly. That stuff can work at the college level against teams with shaky ball-handlers but NBA guards are way too skilled for this to be effective. Not only that but it's just unrealistic to press for 48 minutes a game for 82 games without running the team into the ground by the All-Star break. Rick Pitino wanted to try this in Boston and we saw how well that worked out.
Well they have tons of bum *** players to rotate in and out. But yea, it lost its effectiveness quick against a smart team like the Thunder. Generally, you just want to disrupt the offensive team getting into their set, because the poijnt guard usually has to give the ball up early and either try to ge tit back then run the set, or have it run by someone possibly not accustomed to it. Lots of teams have players that will mess it up, not be in the right outlet spot, and you can get some turnovers from it. But they suck overall so yea, 19 wins for them. And Ben Gordon is hilarious to watch for me. He doesn't even pretend like passing the ball is ever an option.

Some great dunks in that game; Mullens dunked on KD, Henderson dunked on Westbrook, Perry Jones dunked on Tyrus Thomas (he had 5 or 6 dunks in total), Liggins kind of dunked on somebody; I was mad Thabeet didn't play though
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NBA wants faster start to games

NEW YORK -- The NBA is taking steps to cut down on pregame handshakes and rituals that have become popular with players in recent years. Starting this season, as soon as player introductions are finished, there will be 90 seconds put on the game clock and teams will be expected to be ready for tipoff after that time.

Players have been advised of the initiative during the annual meetings with referees in the preseason as part of the league's "points of emphasis."

"There's a 90-second countdown, it is placed on the clock," NBA spokesman Tim Frank said. "At 30 seconds, there's a warning horn and alert by the refs. At the end, teams need to be ready to tip off or face a delay-of-game warning."

Two delay of game warnings would result in a technical foul.

Players around the league are already reacting negatively to the new policy.

"I personally don't like it," Oklahoma City Thunder star Kevin Durant told The Oklahoman. "Every player in this league has routines they do with their teammates, rituals they do before the game and before they walk on the floor. The fans enjoy it. You see the fans mimicking the guys who do their stuff before the game. To cut that down really don't make no sense."

Jarrett Jack says he's been warned

The effects of the NBA's new anti-flopping program are being felt by players even before the program has been fully implemented.

Golden State Warriors guard Jarrett Jack indicated that he was among the first NBA players to receive a warning from the league for flopping, tweeting Tuesday, "So I've been warned for flopping hahaha."

Jack has made anti-flopping comments in the past, including a tweet during last year's playoffs in which he implored referees to stop falling for the flops of Los Angeles Clippers forward Blake Griffin.

League sources indicate the punishments are on hold, however, until the opening of the regular season. Players won't be fined in the preseason, nor will warnings now count toward regular-season punishments. Instead, the league is using the preseason to make players like Jack and others aware, without penalty, of the kinds of plays that can be expected to draw warnings and fines once the regular season tips off Oct. 30.
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Why was Andray Blatche playing with effort and being productive???

Sadly, there is an explanation, possibly. Is the club district in BK complete? If so, there is hope. If not, look for his effort and production to drop like an anvil once the club-hopitis starts.
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