Official NBA 2012-2013 Season Thread

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He does not have the touch to actually implement that into game situations. It will be amusing if he tries for the first couple weeks.
thats exactly why most players dont use it. add in most would travel trying to do a sky hook






is not that good of a line up on defense like some people make it out to be. ray was just OK in boston because of the help he had behind him and wade is on kobe level with his defense right now. how long before bosh starts crying again from playing Center?
Well there goes pre-game rituals. Smh at David stern.
90 seconds may not sound like a long time, but it's an eternity. If you can't finish your pre-game ritual in that amount of time, you're doing too much.

Look at that stupid &$^# Ellis & Maggette did--felt like they were doing that for a minute, but it was only 20 seconds.
i see derrick williams averaging around 14ppg in love's absence, then getting dealt by the all star break

that is if AK 47 doesn't slide to the 4
Celtics bench is deep as ****. Dudes are loaded with tweener guards.

Sully will help but they're still gonna get beat on the glass though.
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That's a silly *** argument.

Handshakes don't have **** to do w/ working on your game. Not even seeing a point being made there. And your justification of using the players involved is even sillier. That is literally right before tip off. Everyone else is literally standing around. Should they be watching game tape and practicing jumpers too?

Ok, you need a little help. Do you think they just did that choregraphed dance just then, off the cuff? That just happened?

No, they had to PRACTICE that, did they not? They spent actual TIME on that, didn't they? You follow me?

While the next guy is workin on his game, they practicin handshakes. Which guy would you rather back? Who you want on your team?

I don't mind regular stuff before tip, wipe your feet, baby powder your hands, dap some teammates, good to go, get out there and go play. You don't have to practice that, you don't have to focus on it, waste time, none of that. Ultimately, this is a business, we tryna win ****. It's not 7 year olds no more, have fun, be a good sport, all that crap. This is for blood. Win at all costs, etc.

Dancin around with your **** in your hand ain't exactly helpin the cause, know what I'm sayin?

That's fine you don't buy my angle, cool, no prob. But I wonder if I'll ever see those guys win anything that matters. Bron used to be takin fake pictures and **** on the sidelines, then he stopped that, and now he won somethin. Coincidence? We'll never know I guess. *shrugs*
He does not have the touch to actually implement that into game situations. It will be amusing if he tries for the first couple weeks.

thats exactly why most players dont use it. add in most would travel trying to do a sky hook


is not that good of a line up on defense like some people make it out to be. ray was just OK in boston because of the help he had behind him and wade is on kobe level with his defense right now. how long before bosh starts crying again from playing Center?

They can sub in Battier for stretches to go D heavy. Ray for Battier O for D. Whatever they need.
That's a silly *** argument.

Handshakes don't have **** to do w/ working on your game. Not even seeing a point being made there. And your justification of using the players involved is even sillier. That is literally right before tip off. Everyone else is literally standing around. Should they be watching game tape and practicing jumpers too?

Ok, you need a little help. Do you think they just did that choregraphed dance just then, off the cuff? That just happened?

No, they had to PRACTICE that, did they not? They spent actual TIME on that, didn't they? You follow me?

While the next guy is workin on his game, they practicin handshakes. Which guy would you rather back? Who you want on your team?

I don't mind regular stuff before tip, wipe your feet, baby powder your hands, dap some teammates, good to go, get out there and go play. You don't have to practice that, you don't have to focus on it, waste time, none of that. Ultimately, this is a business, we tryna win ****. It's not 7 year olds no more, have fun, be a good sport, all that crap. This is for blood. Win at all costs, etc.

Dancin around with your **** in your hand ain't exactly helpin the cause, know what I'm sayin?

That's fine you don't buy my angle, cool, no prob. But I wonder if I'll ever see those guys win anything that matters. Bron used to be takin fake pictures and **** on the sidelines, then he stopped that, and now he won somethin. Coincidence? We'll never know I guess. *shrugs*
Your argument is atrocious. 

This is for blood?  Does the team with the most blood at the end win?  I've never played that game before.  I thought they were trying to get points.

This is a business. Yes it is but it's also a game.  And it is fun.

Lastly, here are your 2012 NBA Champion Miami Heat.  (Not pictured is Lebron and Dwyane's boxing style handshake which they do before every game)

Man, I'm gonna come up with a sick pregame handshake/ritual before my intramural games
:lol: That's not even close to what he used too do. Wade hangs on the rim, always does that. Bron wipes his feet, gets some powder, same as I said is cool, a ritual that don't take time/effort, the only thing he did extra was the arm wheel, uh, then he and that guy, did something to each other, not sure what it was. Joust? :lol:

But overall, that's a FAR cry from what he used to do. I'm fairly safe in saying that's not the same as what Maggette and Monta were doin, maybe thas just me.

And if you think the NBA is just a game, and for fun, and not for blood, ok. Enjoy that. I don't go that way. Sue me.
How much time do you think they wasted choreographing that amazingly complex, difficult to learn and memorize ritual, that they could have spent practicing of course? Monta's a career 30% 3pt shooter, think he would be a 40% if he had instead spent that amount of time shooting jumpers?
No idea. But it's wasted time/energy on ********. When I see greats out there jumpin around like some idiots before Finals games and takin the trophy home after, then I'll relax my stance.

Til then, naw.

Wipe your feet, use some powder, throw it in the air, dap some teammates/coaches, pound your chest, then go play. I'm good with that.

Doin the Kid N Play, Lady Gaga video, Paula Abdul Laker girl dance routine, then play ball? No thanks. That person ain't worth **** imo.
Those boxing, mini dance routines are fine & I hope the rule doesn't affect that

I hope it prevents things like that outrageous dumb Cavs picture/bowling ******* from happening ever again. WWE type stuff there.
The league getting soft by the wonder if the league really knew the meaning behind those ritual handshakes n all
Start at 2:00

I have no problem with a pre-game ritual. Having played college ball before, these things can kill nerves and/or get you more hyped. Taking time to work on a routine is usually a bonding experience with teammates, type of thing we did after practice.
:lol: Guys, damn. That was a huddle and bounce for 3 seconds in a circle. Pretty sure that is not what I am talkin about.

Watch the vid JD posted again, THAT is what I am talkin about. Fake pictures and bowling players like the 08 Cavs, that is what I am talkin about.

Dudes givin each other a high five is not what I am getting at. Try to understand that. :lol: :lol: :lol:
Guys, damn. That was a huddle and bounce for 3 seconds in a circle. Pretty sure that is not what I am talkin about.

Watch the vid JD posted again, THAT is what I am talkin about. Fake pictures and bowling players like the 08 Cavs, that is what I am talkin about.

Dudes givin each other a high five is not what I am getting at. Try to understand that.
Cool dude we get it, the Lakers are awesome
:lol: :lol:

Good God. Those are handshakes, daps, he tied his shoe........ :lol:

The closest he got to what I am talkin about what with Nate, and it was 5 seconds long.
Ok, well here's KD. About 90 seconds in total.

"I personally don't like it," Kevin Durant told The Oklahoman. "Every player in this league has routines they do with their teammates, rituals they do before the game and before they walk on the floor. The fans enjoy it. You see the fans mimicking the guys who do their stuff before the game. To cut that down really don't make no sense."

Read more:

Really KD? :stoneface: hypocrite
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:lol: :lol:
Good God. Those are handshakes, daps, he tied his shoe........ :lol:
The closest he got to what I am talkin about what with Nate, and it was 5 seconds long.

It's still a routine, there are a ton of articles on his pre-game ritual.

What’s your pregame ritual?
Before every game I gotta dunk, reverse, and dunk left handed. I tie my shoes on the table every game. And I gotta dance. And I gotta pray.

Ever wonder what exactly Kevin Durant is doing with all those hand gestures just before taking the court to start every game?

The guy has an extensive routine, and he has it down pat.

After the team handshake line, Durant is paying homage to his people, past and present. Here’s how Durant explained his thorough pre-game ritual to me recently.

I tie my shoes. I point to the sky for all my fallen soldiers. I tap my chest for my grandma and my mom. I tap my back for Maryland. And I point in the crowd to my brother.

However, at least one player, Oklahoma City Thunder All-Star forward Kevin Durant, is riled up by it.

"I personally don't like it," Durant told The Oklahoman. "Every player in this league has routines they do with their teammates, rituals they do before the game and before they walk on the floor. The fans like it. The fans enjoy it. You see the fans mimicking the guys who do their stuff before the game.

"To cut that down really don't make no sense. Why would you do it? I really don't agree with it, but I don't make the rules.

"Maybe I've got to go a little quicker," Durant went on. "I've got to make sure I acknowledge all my teammates before I walk out on the floor. That's just how I am. That's how we are as a team. Guys do their thing, their handshakes. I do the tying (of) the shoes, the praying. I've just got to speed it up."

His routine in the same vein as the dancing & the picture taking, don't see how it affects his game in either way. I dunno man, maybe D Rose has it right...:lol:

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