OFFICIAL NBA 2017-2018 Off-Season Thread

Which Kobe was better

  • No. 8

    Votes: 29 49.2%
  • No. 24

    Votes: 30 50.8%

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1. When Chris Paul was hurt....Clint Capela was BY FAR the Rockets 2nd best player. Have you not watched basketball in 2017-2018? :lol:

2. This wasn’t a standard media and tv personalities created. Bron literally handpicked the guys he wanted....and talked it up in the preseason, regular season...all the way up until it was obvious what many of us knew would happen. Never forget the Cavs went 17-1 through like End of October to Christmas. He was flying high and loving those guys then when they ran through the easiest 18 game stretch of all time. Once the schedule tightened up and **** got real....Sulk, no effort and play time. That’s what happened. That’s what we real time.

Have you not seen what James Harden has done this year? Y’all ***** don’t undertand what 30/9/5 with a 30PER on a 65 team means? It should be unanimous....and I’m not really a fan of harden. It’s just absurd that it’s even a conversation. Bron is a distant second (if that). Even some of his real fans will tell you that.

1. Yes obviously if your ACTUAL second best player gets injured, then someone else has to step up, but your saying it like Clint Capela regardless of who's in the lineup is the second best player ALL SEASON, he's just not.

2. Hand-picked? It was a trade. So just because LeBron had expectations he should be faulted for that? If Harden expected it to work with Chris and it didn't, would you be killing Harden for hand-picking Chris Paul and it not working? And you want LeBron to shoulder all the blame and rightfully he should and personally he goes out of his way too, but then you don't blame or analyse anyone else on the team? Yeah that seems really fair, it's also not how basketball works, it's a team sport las time I checked. And according to you, LeBron going 27 PPG/9 RPG/9 APG on 52% FG% and 34% 3P% is quitting when it all got too real for him, oh wow didn't know we did that to players these days, what a quitter.

I have seen Harden this year, and he's been great, do you not understand 27/8/9 on a team that lost it's second best player, went through a roster overhaul, it was then on your shoulder for all 82 games to be the best player on the floor in your 15th NBA season, expect to get back to your 8TH NBA FINALS in consecutive years, oh and for some reason be some other worldly defender on top of that? It's not an absurd conversation at all, it's unfortunately just a conversation that people don't want to seem to have for whatever reason they'd rather just pick a guy before the season even ends and stick to it and deny all other contenders.
But anyway....all I heard this off-season is how this is the most talented roster LeBron has ever played with from top to bottom. 10 deep. 2 starting lineups. They falter....he disposes of them.

There is absolutely no way LeBron lost Kyrie and all you heard is this was the most talented roster he's ever played with. There's noo way after losing Kyrie all you heard was the upcoming Cavs team was better than the Heat teams he had.

It had to have been either one dummy saying it over and over again that makes you feel that way or a bunch of people trying to get you going. I refuse to believe this thread has THAT many dopes lol.
I have seen Harden this year, and he's been great, do you not understand 27/8/9 on a team that lost it's second best player, went through a roster overhaul, it was then on your shoulder for all 82 games to be the best player on the floor in your 15th NBA season, expect to get back to your 8TH NBA FINALS in consecutive years, oh and for some reason be some other worldly defender on top of that? It's not an absurd conversation at all, it's unfortunately just a conversation that people don't want to seem to have for whatever reason they'd rather just pick a guy before the season even ends and stick to it and deny all other contenders.

That good ole Bron marketing got to you. The man is a genius :lol:.


Hope this backfires.
That good ole Bron marketing got to you. The man is a genius :lol:.

It's called fact, not marketing. It was also a caveat to a larger point which you clearly dismissed, further proving that you've made up your mind, or had it made up for you already and refuse to even entertain another case for another player.
There is absolutely no way LeBron lost Kyrie and all you heard is this was the most talented roster he's ever played with. There's noo way after losing Kyrie all you heard was the upcoming Cavs team was better than the Heat teams he had.

It had to have been either one dummy saying it over and over again that makes you feel that way or a bunch of people trying to get you going. I refuse to believe this thread has THAT many dopes lol.

There is no way you haven’t turned on a tv, been to a barbershop, or talked to people in person :lol:.

Those were the exact sentiments. NT and “Blog Boyz” new the Cavs would struggle this year. If this is your only insulated source...go outside and talk to people.

It’s scary.

What I notice about you is that you like to exploit the fact that most people don't have a clue about advanced stats and can't be bothered to figure them out. You like to trumpet them as the be all end all without providing any context or intricacy. You know damn well stats like win shares, offensive and defensive rating are hugely flawed and largely team based, not really reflecting an individual's performance. Bron's team turns to poo when he's not on the court. Harden's just keeps on trucking.

Anyone who has ever taken a college level stats course knows the first thing they tell you: statistics can be misleading.
What I notice about you is that you like to exploit the fact that most people don't have a clue about advanced stats and can't be bothered to figure them out. You like to trumpet them as the be all end all without providing any context or intricacy. You know damn well stats like win shares, offensive and defensive rating are hugely flawed and largely team based, not really reflecting an individual's performance. Bron's team turns to poo when he's not on the court. Harden's just keeps on trucking.

Anyone who has ever taken a college level stats course knows the first thing they tell you: statistics can be misleading.

My guy he ASKED what stats Harden was better than LEBRON.

Up into last month Bron’s team was better when he was off the court.

He literally had a negative on/ off rating.

win shares has nothing to do what with team wins. Win-shares largely cares about how a player ends possessions like turnovers, steals, rebounds, etc in relation to their team.

James Harden is big reason why the Rockets defensive numbers are as good as they are. His ability to guard post men allow the Rockets to switch everything.

He’s one of the best post defenders in the league by FG%
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What I notice about you is that you like to exploit the fact that most people don't have a clue about advanced stats and can't be bothered to figure them out. You like to trumpet them as the be all end all without providing any context or intricacy. You know damn well stats like win shares, offensive and defensive rating are hugely flawed and largely team based, not really reflecting an individual's performance. Bron's team turns to poo when he's not on the court. Harden's just keeps on trucking.

Anyone who has ever taken a college level stats course knows the first thing they tell you: statistics can be misleading.
There is no way you haven’t turned on a tv, been to a barbershop, or talked to people in person :lol:.

Those were the exact sentiments. NT and “Blog Boyz” new the Cavs would struggle this year. If this is your only insulated source...go outside and talk to people.

It’s scary.

I actually don't watch anything about sports on TV other than the games. I also actually never heard anyone say that, srs. This is the only place I go to for hot takes as hot as that. Maybe it went down in here but I missed it, im not in here as much during the off-season. I still don't really believe it until I see it but would be curious as to who has said that if there's records to be found.

Either way whatever, that aint an argument holding any weight.
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