OFFICIAL NBA 2017-2018 Off-Season Thread

Which Kobe was better

  • No. 8

    Votes: 29 49.2%
  • No. 24

    Votes: 30 50.8%

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Jamal Murray is averaging 6ppg on 25% from the field and 14% from 3 so far.....SMALL sample size, and it's dumb early....but we need are PGs to be better.

I'm cool with Will Barton starting full time at PG. Northeast Baltimore **** :pimp:.

Mudiay been ok through 3 games (18/6/4 on 43/50 splits per 36.....11/4/3 in 22mpg). He's outplayed Murray this whole summer.....but that's here nor there.
U don't have to remind me about the Lakers incompetence. Like I've maintained for a long time, the Lakers traded the wrong #2 pick. I highly doubt BI will ever be as good as Dlo.
Who has the best hairline in the NBA, him or PG13?

Zo has a case on the low. His hairline is below his browline

Mudiay been ok through 3 games (18/6/4 on 43/50 splits per 36.....11/4/3 in 22mpg). He's outplayed Murray this whole summer.....but that's here nor there.

Post the turnovers per game. And I like how you rounded up 2.3 to 3 :lol:
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Is this going to be a game/nightly thing with saying the Lakers screwed up? His replacement in KCP looked fine in his first game and the rest won't be able to be judged until this summer.
i mean the move was made to get an expring deal in lopez which would free up cap space in 2018
if we miss out on 2...**** 1 marquee would be bust of amove and we'll end up with less than stellar FA's ...just like we did when we signed moz and deng.
i mean the move was made to get an expring deal in lopez which would free up cap space in 2018
if we miss out on 2...**** 1 marquee would be bust of amove and we'll end up with less than stellar FA's ...just like we did when we signed moz and deng.

Didn't answer my question but ok.
Now that wade has went to the bench It’s about to be funny bc like somebody said no way in hell can you play wade and rose togther.

Somebody mins bout to be slim as hell
Scott Brooks BEEN a real one.

There was an article I read a while back about how there was this perceived image of him being a California golden boy with everything handed to him based on his looks...when in actuality, he had a rough upbringing that molded him. The article was also about how Brooks and John Wall were able to bond on them coming up struggling from the mud...with similar backgrounds, while Wall was injured.

Scottie my guy :pimp:

How long he been your guy :nerd:
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