OFFICIAL NBA 2017-2018 Off-Season Thread

Which Kobe was better

  • No. 8

    Votes: 29 49.2%
  • No. 24

    Votes: 30 50.8%

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I'm of the belief that he simply doesn't have the players necessary to do what he wants. They don't have anyone that can get their own bucket consistently(maybe Kuz?).

If that's the case went are you running an iso heavy offense? Seems counter intuitive to me.
If that's the case went are you running an iso heavy offense? Seems counter intuitive to me.

Hey, I'm not here to absolve Luke of his missteps. They're just going to have real issues scoring because they don't have a go to scorer. Also, this is why some of us don't like Lonzo in LA(especially without Dlo). Lakers did him a disservice by basically forcing him to be a player that he isn't. Sure the defense would suck but with both players at least they have a proven scorer that will also allow Lonzo to do what he's best at. People are impressed, rightly so I could agree, that he's putting up 11,9,9 but fail to also acknowledge he's supposed to be the franchise player and that he's shooting under 45% from every spot on the floor. You can't have that from what is supposed to be your best player and expect good things. The Wiz let them off the hook otherwise we'd be looking at 1-3 and honestly they didn't really have any business beating Phoenix. They need a scorer and playmaker fast
What's y'all thoughts on the seemingly league wide effort to switch on every single screen?

I figured with the Harden rule, players would be able to fight over screens and stay with their man.
What's y'all thoughts on the seemingly league wide effort to switch on every single screen?

I figured with the Harden rule, players would be able to fight over screens and stay with their man.
Its crazy talking to my dad about this who coaches pro overseas since teams here are also picking up on the trend .As a coach switching blows up a lot of sets but you can still run sets that get a favorable mismatch or sometimes the players have to read and react when to slip the screen etc.., switching forces you to play one on one also no one knows how to make entry passes if the guy fronts
What's y'all thoughts on the seemingly league wide effort to switch on every single screen?

I figured with the Harden rule, players would be able to fight over screens and stay with their man.

The Knicks of 3 years ago were pioneers, we just didn’t know it at the time.
My main man Kuz needs to relax. He’s looking like a microwave guy with his shot selection

He's kind of always been that player :lol:
Shows up big one day, shoots like **** the other. I think some people got a little too high on him after summer league/pre-season. Still think he will be a great role player but we'll see if he surpasses that. Hope he does for the Lakers sake :lol:
He's kind of always been that player :lol:
Shows up big one day, shoots like **** the other. I think some people got a little too high on him after summer league/pre-season. Still think he will be a great role player but we'll see if he surpasses that. Hope he does for the Lakers sake :lol:

Honestly, he was the 27th pick. If he never surpasses what he is now and is just a microwave guy, I'd be okay with it. That's still fantastic value out of the 27th pick.

Still believe he and clarkson are the two best players on the team right now
Hey, I'm not here to absolve Luke of his missteps. They're just going to have real issues scoring because they don't have a go to scorer. Also, this is why some of us don't like Lonzo in LA(especially without Dlo). Lakers did him a disservice by basically forcing him to be a player that he isn't. Sure the defense would suck but with both players at least they have a proven scorer that will also allow Lonzo to do what he's best at. People are impressed, rightly so I could agree, that he's putting up 11,9,9 but fail to also acknowledge he's supposed to be the franchise player and that he's shooting under 45% from every spot on the floor. You can't have that from what is supposed to be your best player and expect good things. The Wiz let them off the hook otherwise we'd be looking at 1-3 and honestly they didn't really have any business beating Phoenix. They need a scorer and playmaker fast

D'Lo wasn't a proven scorer though. His role with the Nets now is not what it would be with the Lakers were he still here. They are trying to force Ingram into that position we'll see how he continues to grow into that role. Could it have worked with D'Lo, possibly but KCP has been fine and is better defensively so I'm fine with the fit.

I don't think they drafted Zo as a franchise guy for his scoring prowess, he impacts the team in so many other ways, his scoring is and will be a bonus. The team has put 8 quarters of good defense together and Zo has been a big part of that which was something that was supposed to be a big weakness of his. And not making shots at this point isn't a real concern for me because the quality of shots he's getting. I don't think he's a 30% shooter they'll fall enough eventually.

They could be 1-3 or worth better execution we could be 3-1.
Why do you say they’re forcing Ingram into a scoring position? He was a scorer in college. He was drafted to be one. Because he didn’t average 16 as a rookie he’s not one now?
Why do you say they’re forcing Ingram into a scoring position? He was a scorer in college. He was drafted to be one. Because he didn’t average 16 as a rookie he’s not one now?

When you come out and say he should avg 20 a game after the rookie season he had, that's definitely forcing that title on him.

But to your last point, no he isn't one now and that's the issue. Magic and co. see it differently
Why do you say they’re forcing Ingram into a scoring position? He was a scorer in college. He was drafted to be one. Because he didn’t average 16 as a rookie he’s not one now?

Forcing him to be the go to guy.
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