OFFICIAL NBA 2017-2018 Off-Season Thread

Which Kobe was better

  • No. 8

    Votes: 29 49.2%
  • No. 24

    Votes: 30 50.8%

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Told you dudes the other day Oubre is a damn fruit cake.

Lonzo with another 9, 5 and 9 night on 3-13 shooting 1-8 on threes. That's becoming basically his average night of what to expect from him :lol:
With how effortlessly he racks up assists and creates for others jesus if he could just become a barely average standstill shooter he will be quite a player. He is getting to the rim at times even as he struggles to in others, it's kinda like 40/60 right now in terms of getting into the paint. Actually converting is another story but it's still encouraging to see him getting past a defender whether out of PnR or just straight drive

I still have belief that his shot will come around, they're going to completely change it this summer
BTW last night was a huge reason why the Ricky Rubio thing was off to me, Lonzo is a million times more athletic then Rubio & can throw the jets on in the open court, the more they ley him fly up the court the more dangerous he becomes.
BTW last night was a huge reason why the Ricky Rubio thing was off to me, Lonzo is a million times more athletic then Rubio & can throw the jets on in the open court, the more they ley him fly up the court the more dangerous he becomes.
Lonzo Ball with jets....he's got decent hops but jets? C'mon man.
??Coming out of college that was one his strengths................ he has great speed on the break, in short burst no
Wouldn’t have put jets in the same sentence with Zo either, but that coast to coast last night surprised me.
Lonzo definitely has great speed in the open court. I think his first step must be garbage or something though cause it's not there in the halfcourt setting.
??Coming out of college that was one his strengths................ he has great speed on the break, in short burst no
How can anyone look at Lonzo on the break and say he's got great speed? Just how? Dudes like Wall and Westbrook out here and we talking about Ball having great speed on the break. This is like calling a 5/10 girl a 9/10. The scale can only go so far. Lonzo has normal speed in the NBA. Apart from passing he has no exceptionally outstanding qualities.
Jason Kidd also wasn't that fast in the half court, but was crazy fast in the open court.

With that said I don't think the Rubio comparison seems that off so far. Also Rubio was a very good athlete before the ACLs.
Jason Kidd also wasn't that fast in the half court, but was crazy fast in the open court.

With that said I don't think the Rubio comparison seems that off so far. Also Rubio was a very good athlete before the ACLs.
The way Lonzo runs just looks like he's got that "feet glued to the ground" problem. If we are taking the word "great" for what it usually means, i.e. much better than average then Wall + Westbrook have great speed. Lonzo shouldn't sniff either of those players.
So because Lonzo isn't as Fast as Wall, Westbrook (who are literally some of the most athletic PG's in the history of the game) he doesn't Have way more than "average" speed in the open court.... ESPECIALLY, when compared to Rubio
gotta give it up to boston, tried not to believe in ainge but he's made all the right moves. even getting rid of bradley somehow made them look better on defense.

whoever compared lebron this year to 2012 bean was on point, the wheels are falling off in cleveland.
So because Lonzo isn't as Fast as Wall, Westbrook (who are literally some of the most athletic PG's in the history of the game) he doesn't Have way more than "average" speed in the open court.... ESPECIALLY, when compared to Rubio
So where do you rank Lonzo relative to dudes like Dame, Collison, hell even Ramon Sessions? Like I said, once you say Lonzo has "great" foot speeed then the whole point of
the word great loses meaning. It's all relative. You have the elite tier, the great tier, the good tier and so on. Lonzo doesn't belong in the top two tiers.
I remember knick fans argued that melo helped zingus last year.. Nah straight held him back.

Knicks with a better record than the Thunder 9 games in :pimp:

People last year talking about about how Melo and Rose should be taking all the shots and not passing because there was no one else on the team >D

Rose still playing like straight garbage on Cleveland and Melo hasn't suddenly transformed into "Olympic Melo" on OKC :wink:
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