Official NBA 2k13 Thread

So far:

KD - 95
Kobe - 93
Pippen - 92
Melo - 92
Rondo - 90
Love - 89
Blake Griffin - 87
Anthony Davis - 80
Harrison Barnes - 75
Went ahead and pre-ordered on Amazon while I still have the Prime free trial. I won't have it for two days after release but saving on tax and getting the AS Weekend is a good trade-off.
im waiting for the release party in NYC to come up... last year I got to meet Scottie Pippen at the 2k12 party
has there been any news/updates on Association mode? :nerd:
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Six more players

Scottie Pippen - 92
Kevin Love - 89
Anthony Davis - 80
Monta Ellis - 86
Dion Waiters - 71
Andre Iguodala - 87
You must've typed that wrong, no way he isn't getting a 99. I'd be shocked. :lol:

97? Its gonna be straight outrage if he's not a 99 now.


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can someone give me some feedback on how previous years have been on xbox compared to ps3? ps3 has been kinda goofy on gameplay. i have heard its better on xbox but i dont wanna go buy an xbox unless its going to be better on 360.
can someone give me some feedback on how previous years have been on xbox compared to ps3? ps3 has been kinda goofy on gameplay. i have heard its better on xbox but i dont wanna go buy an xbox unless its going to be better on 360.

I went back and forth between 360 and PS3 a lot for the past few 2Ks(I have PS3 friends have 360). Truth be told, its the exact samething with a slight graphical difference. Anyone who tells you otherwise, especially on the internet, is playing the tired old xbox vs playstation game.
I went back and forth between 360 and PS3 a lot for the past few 2Ks(I have PS3 friends have 360). Truth be told, its the exact samething with a slight graphical difference. Anyone who tells you otherwise, especially on the internet, is playing the tired old xbox vs playstation game.

thanks homie. i hear people talking about gameplay being better on xbox etc. just want to know whats what
And then there were 12. Welcome, Mr. Pippen. 

they serious with these shoes bro? com'on son. everybody on there had heat. even stock ton and laettner. they looking real foo foo right now.

lol lebron will have a 98 at most. they wouldn't put lebron on the same level as mike. come on yall. be real. they love mike, not lebron. 97-98 max.
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